Brittainy C. Cherry – The Air He Breathes – RELEASE BLITZ + ARC REVIEW

Title: The Air He Breathes
Author: Romance Elements #1
Cover Design: Brittainy C. Cherry
Genre: Romance
Release Date: September 25, 2015


I was warned about Tristan Cole.“Stay away from him,” people said.
“He’s cruel.”
“He’s cold.”
“He’s damaged.”It’s easy to judge a man because of his past. To look at Tristan and see a monster.But I couldn’t do that. I had to accept the wreckage that lived inside of him because it also lived inside of me.

We were both empty.
We were both looking for something else. Something more.
We both wanted to put together the shattered pieces of our yesterdays.

Then perhaps we could finally remember how to breathe.


*ARC provided by the author for an honest review*

Véleményem a könyvről

Ó. Te. Jó. Ég! Annyira csodálatos volt ez a történet! Magával ragadó volt, fájdalmas volt, szomorú volt, ugyanakkor  folyamatosan mosolyt tudott csalni az arcomra. Már a kezdeteknél megragadott, és nem is engedett el az utolsó oldalig. Imádtam a szereplőket, velük sírtam, velük nevettem, velük együtt vettem részt ezen a csodálatos utazáson, ami alatt újra összeillesztették összetört lelkük darabkáit. Ez egy történet két megtört lélek egymásra találásáról, és arról, hogyan próbálják meggyógyítani egymás szívét.

Miután Elisabeth egy autóbalesetben elveszíti a férjét, úgy dönt, hogy édesanyjához költözik egy időre. Amikor egy év elteltével éppen hazafelé tart öt éves kislányával, Emmával, az autójával véletlenül elüt egy kutyát. Kiderül, hogy a kutya gazdája a város páriája, akit mindenki messziről kerül, és nemhogy megköszönné a lánynak, hogy segített neki a sérült kutyájával az állatorvosnál, inkább faragatlanul kioktatja. Amikor Elisabeth végül megérkezik egykori otthonához, mindenütt csak a szomorúságot és a gyászt látja.  Aztán kiderül, hogy amíg ő elhagyta a várost, új szomszédja lett, aki nem más, mint a modortalan férfi a kutyával. Tristan és Elisabeth határozottam nem kedvelik egymást, mégis Elisabeth meglát valamit a férfi viharos tekintetében. Ugyanazt a fájdalmat látja, amelyet ő maga is minden nap lát a tükörben, ezért elhatározza, hogy megfejti a férfit, és kideríti, mi rejlik a nagy szakáll és a távolságtartó viselkedés álcája mögött.

Vannak a könyvben igencsak felkavaró és fájdalmas pillanatok, de azt hiszem ez tette az egészet valódivá és hitelessé, mert úgy gondolom, hogy a fájó és kiábrándító részek ugyanúgy hozzátartoznak a veszteséghez. Ugyanakkor voltak részek, amelyeknél hangos nevetésben törtem ki, legtöbbször, ha Liz legjobb barátnője, Faye kinyitotta a száját. 🙂 Ő tényleg egy felejthetetlen karakter volt és nagyon megszerettem, ahogy Liz-t, Tristan-t és Emma-t is. Nagyon tetszett a tollpihe metafora és nagyon aranyosak voltak a sticky note-os üzenetek. 🙂 Mindennek a tetejébe a történet ráadásul nagyon fordulatos is.  Ez a kötet is – ahogy eddig minden általam olvasott Brittainy C. Cherry könyv – egyértelműen felkerült a kedvencek polcára.  Ez egy szívbemarkoló, gyönyörű és mindent elsöprő történet volt, gyászról és az újrakezdésről.

Érdekességek a Romance Elements sorozatról

1. The Air He Breathes egy teljes, befejezett, önálló kötet.

2. Egy sorozat része, de minden könyv különállóan olvasható, és a sorozat mindegyik kötete más szereplőkről fog szólni.

3. A kapcsolat a kötetek között az, hogy a sorozat mindegyik részét egy-egy alapelem inspirálja: levegő, víz, tűz és föld.



My Review in English

Oh my God! After reading this book, my emotions were all over the place. This story was such pure beauty. It was stunning, painful, sad and funny at the same time. I loved it so much. I fell in love with the characters, I cried with them, I mourned with them, I laughed with them, and I put together the shattered pieces of their soul with them. It was such a journey! This book is about two broken souls finding each other, and try to heal each other. This book is about loss, and grief and rebuild.

After Elisabeth loses his husband she chooses to live with her mother for a while. The day when Elisabeth moves back into town after a year, she accidently hits a dog with her car. It turns out that the owner of the dog is the outcast of the town, who is acting like a jerk, despite that she helps him with his injured dog. When Elizabeth finally arrives to her old house with her five year old daughter, Emma, she just sees the past and the sadness what his dead husband left behind. Then it turns out that during her time out of town, she had a new neighbor who happens to be the unmannerly guy with the dog. They are definitely don’t like each other but Elisabeth sees something in his stormy eyes and tries to see through his mask. She sees the same pain in those eyes what she feels. She decides that she wants to crack Tristan’s shell and find out what is behind his big breard and his distance.

There were disturbing and upsetting parts of the book, but I think this is what made it so real and authentic. Because the ugly parts are belong to the pain and loss, too. But there were parts where I laughed so hard, mostly when Faye opened her mouth. She is a really unforgettable character and I loved her so much. 🙂 But I loved Liz and Tristan and Emma, too. They were so lovable characters. I loved the feather metaphor and I loved the sticky notes. 🙂 This book has also a really twisting story line. This book – like the other Brittainy C. Cherry story I have read – definitely became my favorite. It grabbed me at the very beginning, and didn’t let me go, until the very last page. It was brilliant, heart-wrenching, and beautiful.

About the Romance Elements series

1. The Air He Breathes is a complete standalone novel.

2. It is part of a four book series, but all four books are all complete standalone novels with new characters in each book.

3. The connecting factor with the novels is each book is based on one of the four elements: air, water, fire, and earth.


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“He was thunder, I was lightning, and we were seconds away from creating the perfect storm.”

“Do you think Daddy will know that we moved? Do you think he’ll know where to leave the feathers?”
When Steven passed away and we moved to stay with Mama, there were white bird feathers scattered around the front yard. When Emma asked about them, Mama said they were small signs from
the angels, letting us know they were always close by, watching over us. Emma had loved the idea, and whenever she would find a feather, she would look up to the sky, smile, and whisper, “I love you too, Daddy.” Then she would take a picture with the feather to add to her collection of ‘Daddy and Me’ photos.”

“Sometimes the hardest part of existing without your loved ones was remembering how to breathe.”

“Jesus, Liz. Only you would fall for an asshole dude who ends up looking like Brad Pitt circa Legends of the Fall. Get it?” She smiled. “Legends of the Fall—character’s name was Tristan?”
“Well, aren’t you clever?”
“It’s almost ridiculous.”
I laughed. “Almost.”

“The heartbreak is worth those few moments of happiness, and the pieces of the shattered heart can be put back together. I mean, there will be cracks and scars, and sometimes this burning memory of the past, but that burn? It’s just a reminder that you survived. That burning is your rebirth.”

“Maybe the truest form of love grew from the deepest kinds of pain.”

“Mommy?” Emma asked.
“Yes, baby?”
“What’s a dick?”

Parenting fail number five-hundred-and-eighty-two of today.
“Nothing, babe. I said tick. A tick is a bug.”
“So you called that person a bug?”
“Yup. A big bug.”

“How did two people so broken find each other’s shattered pieces?”

“Then Elizabeth came and resurrected me. She breathed life into my lungs, making the dark shadows flood with light. A light so bright that I slowly began to believe in happily ever todays. No more pains of yesterdays, no more fears of tomorrow. In that moment, I stopped replaying the past and didn’t choose to reach for the future. Instead, I chose us as we were. I chose today.”

“Her eyes were still heavily drunk. “Your house is boring. And dirty. And dark.”
“I’m glad you like what I’ve done with the place.”
“You know, you could use my lawnmower for your yard,” she offered. “Unless you were going for the whole beast’s-palace-before-he-met-beauty thing.”

“You know that place in between nightmares and dreams? The place where tomorrows never come and yesterdays don’t hurt anymore? The place where your heart beats in sync with mine? The place where time doesn’t exist, and it’s easy to breathe? I want to live there with you. –TC”

“Missing people, missing the ones who knew you better than you knew yourself left emptiness inside of you. I tried to fill that emptiness, but maybe it was supposed to be left hollow inside my heart.”

“She was simply the air I breathed.”

Six- Breathing- Stars

6 stars


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 Author Bio

Brittainy Cherry has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelors Degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Creative Writing. She loves to take part in writing screenplays, acting, and dancing–poorly of course. Coffee, chai tea, and wine are three things that she thinks every person should partake in! Brittainy lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her family. When she’s not running a million errands and crafting stories, she’s probably playing with her adorable pets.

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