Brittainy C. Cherry – The Silent Waters (Elements #3) – Release Blitz + ARC Review + TODAY ONLY EPIC SALE


Title: The Silent Waters
Series: Romance Elements #3
Author: Brittainy C. Cherry
Genre: Romance
 Release Date: September 22, 2016

Moments.Our lives are a collection of moments. Some utterly painful and full of yesterday’s hurts. Some beautifully hopeful and full of tomorrow’s promises.

I’ve had many moments in my lifetime, moments that changed me, challenged me. Moments that scared me and engulfed me. However, the biggest ones—the most heartbreaking and breathtaking ones—all included him.

I was ten years old when I lost my voice. A piece of me was stolen away, and the only person who could truly hear my silence was Brooks Griffin. He was the light during my dark days, the promise of tomorrow, until tragedy found him. Tragedy that eventually drowned him in a sea of memories.

This is the story of a boy and girl who loved each other, but didn’t love themselves. A story of life and death. Of love and broken promises.

Of moments.

(Book Three in the Elements Series. Complete Standalone.)


ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

Ez a könyv a legszebb példa arra, hogy néha azok a kötetek válnak a legnagyobb kedvenccé, amelyek első pillanatban szavak nélkül hagynak. Olykor azok a történetek hagyják a legmélyebb nyomot, amelyeknél több napba telik, hogy összeszedd a gondolataidat. Hogy van, hogy újra és újra át kell gondolnod és újraélned egy történet pillanatait, ahhoz hogy érezd, hogy micsoda mélysége is volt annak, amit olvastál.

Ahogy a fülszöveg is mondja, ez a könyv a pillanatokról szól. Boldog és fájdalmas pillanatokról, elszalasztott és más által megélt pillanatokról, tragikus és soha el nem feledhetőekről. Egyetlen pillanat megváltoztathatja a világodat. Egyetlen pillanat és életed következő napjai már soha nem lesznek ugyanazok. Egyetlen pillanat, és a hangod, amely addig hangos vidám zenével töltötte meg a házat, eltűnik és nem lesz többé. Egyetlen pillanat alatt az álmod valóra válhat, de egyetlen pillanat alatt el is veszítheted azt.

Maggie May csupán tíz éves volt, amikor az addigi vidámsággal, boldogsággal és hangoskodással megtöltött élete elveszett. Amikor egy sötét végzetes estén, valami olyannak lett szemtanúja, ami miatt elvesztette a gyermeki ártatlanságát, a szabadságát, a hangját. Maggie innentől kezdve nem tud megszólalni, és nem tudja elhagyni a házat. Az egyetlen, aki a legnagyobb csendben is meghallja a hangját, Brooks a szomszéd fiú. Ő Maggie horgonya a viharban, ő a hangja a csendben, ő a fény hozója a sötétségben.

Brittainy C. Cherry ismét egy csodálatos történetet hozott el nekünk. Vannak olyan könyvek, amelyeknek egy-egy részlete örök nyomot hagy a szíveden. Egy-egy momentum, amely mindig eszedbe jut a könyv kapcsán, és soha nem tudod elfelejteni. A The Silent Waters kivételes könyv volt, mert számtalan ilyen apró pillanatból tevődik össze. Apró pici darabkák, amelyek teljessé teszik a szívedet, és amelyek egésszé teszik a történetet. Ott volt az a rengeteg csodálatos könyv a kis apró post it-ekkel, a horgony nyaklánc, az apuka rossz viccei, az “5 percek”, a tánc, az üzenetek, a zene, ami mindig gyógyír volt számukra, és persze a feledhetetlen karakterek akiket örökre a szívembe zártam. Brooks az egyik kedvenc eddigi book boyfriend-em, mégis minél több nap telik el, annál jobban érzem azt, hogy Maggie mennyire hihetetlenül komplex karakter volt. Rengeteget gondolkoztam a csenden, ami Maggie életét jelentette, és azon a sok-sok éven amelyek elszaladtak mellette ebben a szavak nélküli világban, ugyanakkor ezzel kontrasztban mindig ott volt vele a zene is.

Rengeteg érzelem volt ebben a könyvben, voltak részek, amelyeknél alig láttam a könnyeimtől. Nagyon szerettem ezt a történetet, minden mélységével, minden mondanivalójával, minden kimondatlan szavával, és ez a történet képes volt megmutatni, hogy a csöndnek olykor legalább akkora hangja van, mint a kiáltásnak.

Az – Az vagy nekem – Elements sorozatról

1. A The Silent Waters, akárcsak a hazánkban múlthéten megjelent Lebegés, és a majd érkező Tűzeső teljes, befejezett, önálló kötetek.

2. Egy sorozat része, de minden könyv különállóan olvasható, és a sorozat mindegyik kötete más szereplőkről fog szólni.

3. A kapcsolat a kötetek között az, hogy a sorozat mindegyik részét egy-egy alapelem inspirálja: levegő, víz, tűz és föld.


My Review in English

This book is the most beautiful example that sometimes those books that leave you speechless first, become the biggest favorites later. Sometimes it takes several days to collect your thoughts, yet these stories leave the deepest imprint on your soul. And sometimes you have to rethink and relive the moments of the story again and again to feel how enormous depths the book you read held.

Like the synopsis said, this book is about moments. Happy and painful moments, tragic and unforgettable moments, missed moments and ones that have been experienced by others. One moment can change your life. One moment, and your following days will never be the same. One moment, and your voice that filled the house with laud voices and music, suddenly disappears. One moment and your dreams can come true, but in one moment you can also lose that dream. 

Maggie May was only ten years old, when her former life – which was filled with cheerfulness, happiness and noises – was lost. A night she witnessed something so dark that she lost her childlike innocence, her freedom, her voice. From this point, Maggie couldn’t speak and she was not able to leave her house. The only person who hears her voice – even in the deepest silence – is Brooks, the boy next door. He is Maggie’s anchor in the storm, he is her voice in the silence, he is the bringer of light in the darkness.

Brittainy C. Cherry delivered a breathtakingly beautiful story again . There are books that leave a permanent mark on your heart and there are details and moments about the book that always come to your mind when you pick it up and you can never forget them. The Silent Waters was truly special, because it was composed of many of these small moments. Tiny little pieces, which make your heart full and which make the story complete. Like those wonderful books with the small little post-its, the anchor necklace, the really bad jokes of Maggie’s dad, the “5 minutes”, the dance, the letters, the music, which has always been their remedy, and of course, the unforgettable characters who will have a place in my heart forever. Brooks is one of my favorite book boyfriends so far, but the more days goes by since my read, the more I feel how incredibly complex character Maggie was. I can’t stop thinking about the silence of Maggie’s life and the years that ran past her in her world without words, but as a contrast, music was still always there.

There were parts of the book where I couldn’t see through my tears, and I loved this book with all my heart. I loved all of its depths, the emotions, the beautiful message it carried, and all of its unspoken words. This story was able to show that silence is sometimes launder than any noise. 

About the Elements series

1. The Silent Waters, just like The Air He Breathes and The Fire Between High & Lo is a complete standalone novel.

2. It is part of a four book series, but all four books are all complete standalone novels with new characters in each book.

3. The connecting factor with the novels is each book is based on one of the four elements: air, water, fire, and earth.


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“She didn’t have to offer me any words.
Sometimes words were more empty than silence.”

“Not all broken things need to be fixed. Sometimes they just need to be loved.
It would be a shame if only people who were whole were deserving of love.”

Do you promise me the same type of love I’ve read about in my books? 
He shook his head, yawning. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer as I became engulfed by his warmth. “No, Maggie May. I promise you so much more.”

“I loved that about him. I loved how he could see me when the rest of the world forgot I existed.”

“We were two souls praying to be rescued, yet with each kiss we delivered, the waters grew higher.”

“Sometimes the rain was more pleasing than the sun. Sometimes the hurt was more fulfilling than the healing. And sometimes the pieces of a puzzle were more beautiful when scattered apart.”

“He reminded me that night that I had a voice, even though no words ever left my mouth. 
I still had a voice.”

“You can’t just read these books and think that means you’re living. It’s their story, not yours, and it’s heartbreaking to watch someone so young toss away their chance at writing their own story.”

A person never reads an outstanding book twice and walks away with the same beliefs. An outstanding book always surprises you and awakens you to new ideas, new ways of looking at the world, no matter how many times the words have been read.”

“There’s this magnetic pull of friendship between us, Maggie May. You’re my magnet.”

“Love didn’t come with guidelines. It flowed into a person with only hope as its current. There wasn’t a list of rules to follow, making sure you cared for it correctly. It didn’t give you instructions to keep it pure. It simply showed up quietly, praying you wouldn’t let it slip away.”

“Maggie May, you’re my favorite song.”

“The world keeps spinning because your heartbeats exist.”

Five- Moments-Stars

5 stars




Purchase Links

99c for release day only!!!

Also Available
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→ My review ←
MEGJELENT! A sorozat első része már Lebegés a boltokban magyarul!!!!


☆Értékelésem a könyvről:

Az -Az vagy nekem- sorozat második része Tűzeső címmel Hazánkba is érkezik majd! 
Author Bio
Brittainy Cherry has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelors Degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Creative Writing. She loves to take part in writing screenplays, acting, and dancing–poorly of course. Coffee, chai tea, and wine are three things that she thinks every person should partake in! Brittainy lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her family. When she’s not running a million errands and crafting stories, she’s probably playing with her adorable pets.
Author Links 

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