Emma Scott – Beautiful Hearts Duet – ARC Review

Bring ​Down the Stars & Long ​Live the Beautiful Hearts is LIVE!


I ​fell for Connor Drake. I didn’t want to; I fought against it, but I fell in love with him anyway. With his words. With his poetry. With him. The gentleness and beauty of his soul that speaks directly to mine. He writes as if he can feel my heart, hear its cadence and compose the exact right lyrics to accompany every beat and flow.

I’m in love with Connor…so why do I feel an inexplicable pull to his best friend, Weston? Grouchy, sullen, brooding Weston Turner, who could cut you down with a look. Fiercely intelligent with a razor sharp wit and acid tongue, he’s the exact opposite of Connor in every way, and yet there’s electricity in the air between us. The thorny barbs Weston wraps around himself can’t keep me away.

But the more time I spend with these men, the more tangled and confused my emotions become. When they both sign up for the Army Reserves during a time of increasing strife in the Middle East, I fear I’ll never unravel my own heart that sometimes feels as if it will tear straight down the middle…for both of them.

Bring Down the Stars is an emotional, angst-filled novel of unrequited love by bestselling author, Emma Scott, and is inspired by the classic tale, Cyrano de Bergerac. (Roxanne) It is Book I in the Beautiful Hearts Duet, coming this summer. Book II, Long Live the Beautiful Hearts, to be released a few weeks later. THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL LOVE TRIANGLE #confusedhearts #notamenage

Véleményem a történetről

*ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*

Néhány héttel ezelőtt könyvajánlást kértem az egyik könyves csoportban. Egy olyan történetet szerettem volna olvasni, ami hatására hevesebben ver a szívem, ami teljessé teszi a lelkemet, ami minden érzést megmozgat bennem. Végül úgy alakult, hogy Emma Scott volt az, aki képes volt megadni számomra ezt az élményt Beautiful Hearts sorozatával.

Ez egy semmihez sem fogható szerelmi történet volt, de valójában még annál is sokkal több. Barátság, testvériség, család, fájdalom, gyász, háború, lelki társak, írott és íratlan érzelmek elevenedtek meg a lapokon. Ez a történet az “előttről” és az “utánról” szól.

Az írónő eleinte feladta a leckét ezzel a könyvvel. Leginkább, mert nem titok, hogy szerelmi háromszöges történetről van szó, és egy kezemen meg tudom számolni, hogy hány olyan könyv volt eddig, aminek ez adta az alapját, és mégis tetszett. De ez a könyv valahogy más volt.  Annyi érzelem volt benne! Gyönyörű versekkel és szívet tépő pillanatokkal volt tele, és az első kötet olyan függővéggel ért véget, hogy alig vártam már, hogy kezembe vehessem a második részt.

A szívem majd megszakadt a szereplőkért, és nem egyszer fakasztott könnyekre ez a regény. SPOILER> {A fiú, aki egész életében fáradhatatlanul futott egy olyan autót hajszolva a múltjában, amit soha nem érhet utol, most kénytelen örökre megállni. Ez az igazi tragédia! De a mód, ahogy a szerző Wes karakterét és az ő érzéseit a mozgáskorlátozottsággal kapcsolatban formálta, kiemelkedő volt.} A könyvben szereplő versek gyönyörűek voltak, akárcsak a fiú lelke, aki írta őket a történetben. A szereplőket nagyon megszerettem, és igazán valóságosnak tűntek. Wes, Autumn és Connor is nagyon a szívemhez nőttek, bár számomra egyértelműen Wes karaktere volt a legerősebb mind a két kötetben. Connor és Wes olyanok voltak, mint a testvérek, és bár nagyon különböztek egymástól, de igazából ketten alkottak egy egészet.

A cím egyszerűen tökéletes, mert ez a duett gyönyörű és tele van szívvel, és a szépséges borító még annál is szebb belsőt rejt. Tényleg csodálatos volt ez a történet, amit teljes szívemből ajánlok!   

My Review in English

A few weeks ago I asked for book recommendations in a book group. I wanted to read something that makes my heart race and my soul full, a book that gives me all the feels. At the end Emma Scott was the one who was able to give me the story that completely consumed my heart and I can’t thank her enough for this.

This duet was everything. If I would like to describe it with only one word, I would say it was powerful. It’s an epic and truly unique love story but it’s also so much more than that. It’s about friendship, brotherhood, family, pain, grief, war, soulmates, written and unwritten feelings. It’s about “befores” and “afters”. It’s about life.

At first I had mixed feelings about this story mostly because it’s not a secret that it deals with a love triangle which I’m not fond of. But this story was different! There was so much emotion in it! It was filled with beautiful poems and heart-breaking moments, and the first part ended with a so epic cliffhanger that I couldn’t wait to pick up the second part.

My heart bled for the characters and the story made me cry so hard several times! SPOILER> {The boy who won running races in his entire life has to stand still for the rest of his life. What a tragedy! But the way the Author touched the subject of disability and how she formed Wes’s character development was truly outstanding!} The poems in the novel were absolutely beautiful, just like the soul of the boy who wrote them in the novel. The characters were so amazing and felt so real! I loved Wes, Autumn and Connor so much, although for me Wes’s character was definitely the strongest one in both volumes. Connor and Wes were like brothers and though they were very different, the two of them made up a whole.

The title is simply perfect because this duet is beautiful and it’s full of heart. Emma Scott created something outstanding again and the stunning cover hides an even more beautiful story inside that I would recommend with all my heart!

My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“Beauty and pain,” she said, almost to herself. “I don’t think you can separate the two.” 
“Maybe pain exists to make us appreciate the beauty,” I said.”

“I might fail, but I’m not a failure. When we stumble and fall, we pour so much energy and attention into the fact that we fell, and less on how we get back up again.”

“If there is love, there is hope for forgiveness.”

“I’ve been looking for you my entire life.”

“You’re the Halley’s Comet of girls. The kind that doesn’t come around but maybe once in a life. I don’t want to spend the rest of mine wondering what might’ve been if I hadn’t tried, one last time, to take you someplace where every man will stare at you, and wish they were me.”

“Then he shot me a grin and the connection between us sang out. A love that ran deeper than friendship, deeper than family. A combat-tested bond that transcended blood and bone. Soul mates.”

“I wondered if Autumn ever saw a sky like this in Nebraska. I hoped she had. I hoped someday she’d see something like this. I wished I could give it to her. I would bring down the stars for her…” 

“Don’t go, I thought, staring after. Please don’t go. Please turn around. Please let me look at you one last time…”

Purchase links

Book #1: https://amzn.to/2nSoTjA 
Book #2: https://amzn.to/2Cg642c 

Autumn’s Journal

There is a special additional to go along with the completion of the duet. The journal that Autumn receives (from someone, not saying who 😉 ) in LLBH is now LIVE! And 100% of the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior Project that assists our military veterans.

You can purchase here: https://amzn.to/2ylLoTE
Amazon universal: http://mybook.to/AutumnsJournal


Upcoming book

 Una Bella Anima, a Beautiful Hearts Duet novella will be arriving on December 13th!

Add to your Goodreads TBR here.


Spotify Link: http://bit.ly/LLTBH_ES

Author Bio

Emma Scott writes romances with flawed characters, characters with artistic hearts: builders, poets, and writers of various makes and models. And love always wins. Always. 

Where to Find Emma

Website: www.emmascott.net

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaScottwrites
Twitter: @EmmaS_writes
Instagram: @EmmaScottWrites
Amazon: http://bit.ly/EmmaScott

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