Linda Kage – The Girl’s Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7) – Release Blitz + ARC Review


Title: The Girl’s Got Secrets
Series: Forbidden Men – Book 7
Author: Linda Kage
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Day Blitz: November 28
Hosted by: S.B.B. Promotions


Here’s the same old “girl posing as a boy” story but with a rock-n-roll twist.

Remy Curran dreams of one day being in a band, except the group she wants to join refuses to hire a girl drummer. So, she auditions as a guy…and makes the cut.

Becoming “Sticks,” a member of Non-Castrato, isn’t quite what she dreamed it would be, though. She spends most of her time keeping up the subterfuge and learning how to walk, talk, act, and drink like a man.

But what’s even harder to deal with is acting oblivious when the band’s heartthrob lead singer, Asher Hart, treats her like one of the guys and not a woman. She never imagined he’d be so much more than a pretty face with a nice voice. But he’s better than perfect. He’s perfect for her.

When love and lies combine, Remy must keep up the act or lose everything. But who knew lying to reach one dream could prevent you from attaining an even bigger dream?

*ARC was kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*

Véleményem a könyvről

A hetedik Forbidden Men kötet határozottan könnyedebbre sikerült, mint a korábbiak. Nem fogok hazudni, az alapsztori kicsit olyan volt, mint azok a gagyi „RTL Klub vasárnap délután” romcom-ok. 😀 Viszont imádtam a szereplőket, humoros volt, Asher Hart elrabolta a szívemet, és félig megtanultam spanyolul, így végül is jól szórakoztam rajta. 🙂

Remy Curran legnagyobb álma az, hogy dobos lehessen az egyik kedvenc bandájában, a Non-Castrato-ban, amelynek a frontembere nem más, mint Asher Hart. Sajnos a meghallgatás nem sikerül túl jól, hiszen meg sem hallgatják őt, azon egyszerű oknál fogva, hogy lány, pedig tudja magáról, hogy igenis nagyon jól dobol.  Remy úgy felpaprikázza magát a történteken, hogy elhatározza, hogy elégtételt vesz a srácokon, és megkéri a lakótársát, hogy segítsen neki férfivé változnia egy újabb meghallgatás erejéig. A lakótárs Jodi, pontosan ilyesmit tanul a főiskolán, így profi módon tudja megalkotni Remy férfi alteregóját, Sticks-et.

Remy elmegy a meghallgatásra és lesöpri a fiúkat a lábukról, azonban mikor közlik vele, hogy bent van a bandában, a terv miszerint „lekapja a maszkot és az arcukba mondja, hogy Ha!” a sutba dobódik, hiszen hirtelen rádöbben, hogy egész életében ez volt az álma, és most itt a nagy lehetőség.

Egy hónap telik el úgy, hogy Remy Sticks bőrébe bújva a banda dobosa és ez alatt az egy hónap alatt, a banda karrierje is szépen elkezd felfele ívelni. A lány Sticks-ként szépen lassan Asher legjobb meleg barátjává válik, viszont titokban egyre inkább beleesik Asher-be.

A történetbe még több színt visz az Incubus pólós lány rejtélye. Az előző kötetben Asher lát egy lányt Incubus-os felsőben az egyik karaoke esten énekelni, és azóta csak rá tud gondolni. A következő héten elő is ad egy dalt a titokzatos lányról, viszont ez kicsit visszafelé sült el, ugyanis ezután rengeteg lány jelenik meg jelentkezve, hogy ő a rejtélyes lány akit Asher keres. 😀 Mint kiderül, bizony Remy az a bizonyos karaoke-s lány, csak ő nem is tudott Asher daláról. 🙂

Remy egy nagyon erős, ugyanakkor vicces lány, akinek latin vér folyik az ereiben. Nagyon jól eltalált karakter és igazán nagyon megkedveltem, bár ez a folytonos hazudozás és a rengeteg félresikerült szituáció nekem már kicsit a „gagyi” határát súrolta. Asher egy imádnivaló karakter, aki igazán belopta magát a szívembe, a házi mókusával, Mozart-al együtt. 😀 A legjobb barátnő Jodi, pedig egy haláli szereplő, aki kicsit túl harsány, de sokat nevettem rajta.  Nagyon tetszett, hogy ennyi zene volt ebben a könyvben és tetszett, hogy sokszor megmosolyogtatott.

Összességében tetszett és egy kis könnyed kikapcsolódásnak tökéletes olvasmány. 🙂


The seventh part of the Forbidden Men series was definitely so much lighter than the previous parts. I will not lie, the plotline of the story was like that lame rom-coms what you see on TV on Sunday afternoons. 😀 But I loved the characters, it was really humorous, Asher Hart absolutely stole my heart and I learned a lot of Spanish phrases, so at the end I really enjoyed this book. 🙂

Remy Curran’s biggest dream is to become a drummer in her favorite band, Non-Castrato where the lead singer is not anybody, but Asher Hart. Unfortunately the audition doesn’t goes well… They don’t listen to her at all because she is a woman. She knows that she is a pretty good drummer so she becomes beyond pissed about the audition. She decides that she will take a revenge on them, so she asks her roommate’s help to disguise her as a man for one more audition. This is exactly what her roommate, Jodi is going to college for, to make masks and special effects for movies, so she can create her perfect male alter ego, Sticks.

Remy goes to the audition once again and she nails it, but when they announce that she got in the band, her plan that she “pulls down her mask and laughs into their faces” is thrown away because she suddenly realizes that this is exactly her big dream coming true.

One month goes by, and Remy is still hiding behind Sticks as the drummer of Non-Castrato, and during this month the band starts to become pretty successful. The girl becomes Asher’s “gay” best friend, but at the same time she secretly starts to fall for Asher.

The mystery of the Incubus shirt girl gives the story another hue. In the previous book, Asher saw a beautiful girl singing on a karaoke night in an Incubus shirt and ever since he can’t get her out of his mind. On the next week, he sings a song about her but it backfires soon, because a lot of girls show up in an Incubus shirt and try to convince him that they are the mysterious girl. Finally, it turns out that Remy is the original Incubus shirt girl. 🙂

Remy is a really tough and funny latino girl and I really loved her despite that the series of lies and failed situations brushed the “lame” category limit for me. Asher was also a truly loveable guy and he definitely found his way to my heart alongside with his squirrel, Mozart. 😀 I really loved Remy’s best friend, Jodi, too. She was pretty great and hilarious and a little uproarious and she made me laugh a lot. 😀

Overall I thinks this book is perfect for a sweet and funny relaxation. 🙂


“The rest of that night kind of passed in a blur. I couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything except the fact that te amo meant I love you.”

“Except I didn’t feel at all safe when my eyes were on him. I felt…I don’t know…challenged, a little breathless, exhilarated, as if I were standing on the edge of a cliff and could already feel the rush burn through my blood before I even jumped.”
“His voice hit me hard, and seemed to vibrate through my bones, echoing along my spine and shivering out the ends my toes.
It was pure nirvana. My heaven.”

“You don’t know this yet,” he told me, his voice full of sleep. “But I’m going to keep you.”

“Holy…shit,” she whispered. “Asher Hart is standing right there.”
“Oh, my God,” I whispered back. “You see him too?”
Asher chuckled. “Hey,” he said, holding out his hand to Jodi. “You must be Remy’s friend.”
Jodi whimpered as she shook with him. When she continued to stare and pump his hand up and down without saying anything, I rolled my eyes.
“This is Jodi,” I said. “She’s my friend who…typically has better communication skills than I do.”
“Quiero sentarme en tu cara,” Jodi blurted.
Though Asher blinked in confusion, obviously not understanding, I screeched,
“Jodi!” Unable to believe she’d just asked to sit on his face, or that she actually”
remembered how to pronounce the phrase right, I gaped at her in horror.”

“He sighed as he watched me. “I learned what te amo really meant,”
Shit! Okay, I didn’t want the subject turned to that, though. I squeezed my hands around the steering wheel and said nothing. Why had I ever said that to him? I knew it wouldn’t take anything for him to ask anyone who knew Spanish to translate it for him.
“No one’s ever said that to me before,” he said, his voice going hoarse. “In any language.”

“When my gaze connected with his curious green one, a tickle in my stomach made all my girly parts tweak to life. “Um…yeah.”
Wow, look at me, with my awesome extensive vocabulary around the pretty boy. If I didn’t check myself soon, I’d be drooling on him next.”

“Oh hell, I didn’t want to get the shit kicked out of me the first week I was a dude.”

“The eleven-year-old took a big drink and sighed out his satisfaction. “Thanks.”
Then he eyed Knox a second before tipping up his chin. “Hey, are you the one dating Felicity?”
Knox paused and cocked him a curious glance. “Yeah. Why?”
“You ask her to marry you yet?”
Eyebrows furrowing, Knox narrowed his eyes. “No.”
“Well…” Colton puffed up his chest. “She’s kind of the woman of my dreams, so…” He sighed as if refreshed by the thought of Felicity Bainbridge. “If she’s not married by the time I’m sixteen, I’m making her mine. Just thought I’d warn you, you know, man to man.”
“So…you’re saying I’ve got five years to put a ring on it or I’m going to find myself some healthy competition, huh?”
Colton merely shrugged, and Knox broke out grinning. “You’re on, little man.” He held out a fist and the two bumped knuckles.”

“His green eyes were freaking hypnotizing and the dark lashes framing them made them pop even more. It didn’t seem fair that a guy should have such gorgeous eyes to go with such a gorgeous face and gorgeous lean body. But hell, put him on a stamp, and I’d write a letter to everyone I knew just for the chance to lick him.
Did they even make lickable stamps anymore? They totally should. Asher Hart
lickable stamps.
I blinked, clearing my jumbled brain from all the lust, and what he’d just said
finally made an impression in my head.”

4  – Te Amo – Estrellas

4 stars


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Plus there were a lot of great bands and musicians mentioned in his book like Metallica, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, The Stones, Incubus, Rush, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Joan Jett, Heart, The Bangles, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, One Direction, Nirvana, Five Finger Death Punch.

About the Author

I grew up on a dairy farm in the Midwest as the youngest of eight children. Now I live in Kansas with my husband, two daughters, and our nine cuckoo clocks. My life’s been blessed with lots of people to learn from and love. Writing’s always been a major part my world, and I’m so happy to finally share some of my stories with other romance lovers.


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