Suanne Laqueur – Tales from Cushman Row (Venery #2.5) – Quick Review


“Come here, you moron.”

For fans of the Venery series, author Suanne Laqueur offers a compendium of love scenes—unpublished chapters, character sketches and assorted reflections about Javier Landes and Steffen Finch. A treat to skim through, skip around and linger over at leisure. Like caviar.

For people who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they will like. Contains adults in adult situations using adult language and a f**k-ton of gratuitous boning. No socks required. Batteries sold separately.

*ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*

A Charm of Finches 2017 egyik kedvence volt számomra. Feledhetetlen és brilliáns volt, de ugyanakkor szívet összetörő is. Azonban a sötétség és a fájdalom mellett ott volt fény is Stef és Jav személyében, és az ő bimbózó kapcsolatukban. A Tales of Cushman Row-ban ez a fény visszatér az oldalakra. Részleteket olvashatunk az közös életükről, a kapcsolatuk alakulásról, és nem mellesleg a hálószoba ajtó mögé is bepillantást nyerhetünk, ami igazán forró hangulatot adott a könyvnek. A kötet nagyrészt az ő jeleneteikből áll, azonban néhány “fejezet” erejéig más szereplők is szerepet kapnak. Ez a kis könyv részben kivágott jelenetekből, részben olyan részletekből lett összekomponálva, amelyek nem történtek meg az eredeti történetben, miután az idő közben más irányt vett. Egy picit random, de őszintén nagyon tetszett. Suanne Laqueur karaktereinek örök helye van a szívemben, így nem is kérdés, hogy imádtam minden pillanatot, amit velük tölthettem. Annyira jó volt látni, ahogy lassan kinyitották a szívüket, a lelküket, az elméjüket, és engedték magukat átadni egy olyan nagyszerű dolognak, amely talán életen át tartó lesz. Ha olvastad A Charm of Finches-t, semmiképpen ne hagyd ki ezt a könyvet! Valóban visszahozza a napfényt a szívedbe. <3 

My Review in English 

A Charm of Finches was one of my favorite reads of 2017. It was EPIC but it was also heartbreaking. But besides all the darkness and pain there was also light and this light was Stef and Jav and their blooming relationship. In Tales from Cushman Row this light returns to the pages. We can read little snippets of their life together, about their relationship and about what happens behind their bedroom door. (Yeah, it’s pretty hot. ;)) Mostly their scenes rule the book but there are a few “chapters” about other characters, too. This little gem partly composed of cut scenes or scenes that never would happen in the original story line. It’s a little random but I truly LOVED it! These characters found a permanent place in my heart forever, so it’s no question that I loved every moment I could spend with them. I truly loved to watch how both of them slowly opened their hearts, their souls, their minds and allowed themselves to be part of something great and amazing. If you read A Charm of Finches make sure to not miss out this little novel! It brings sunshine into your heart.<3
 5- ‘Of course it’s 5 stars’- Stars
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An Exaltation of Larks

An Exaltation of Larks (Venery#1) and A Charm o Finches (Venery#2) are two of my most favorite books ever! Both of them is brilliant and perfect. #mustread

An Exaltation of Larks (Venery#1)

*My review*

Google Play:

A Charm o Finches (Venery#2)

*My review*


Author Bio

A former professional dancer and teacher, Suanne Laqueur went from choreographing music to choreographing words. Her goal is to create a new kind of emotionally-intelligent romance that appeals to the passions of all readers, crossing gender, age and genre.

Laqueur’s An Exaltation of Larks won the Grand Prize in the 2017 Writer’s Digest Book Awards. Her debut novel The Man I Love won a gold medal in the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards and was named Best Debut in the Feathered Quill Book Awards. Her follow-up novel, Give Me Your Answer True, was also a gold medal winner at the 2016 RFBA.

Laqueur graduated from Alfred University with a double major in dance and theater. She taught at the Carol Bierman School of Ballet Arts in Croton-on-Hudson for ten years. An avid reader, cook and gardener, she started her blog EatsReadsThinks in 2010. Suanne lives in Westchester County, New York with her husband and two children.


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