Nem titok, hogy Amy Harmon a kedvenc szerzőim egyike, sőt talán a legnagyobb kedvencem. Éppen ezért hihetetlen izgalommal tölt el az a meglepetés, amit az írónő a mai napon tartogat számunkra. Az USA Today Bestseller Making Faces kiadásának 2 éves évfordulója alakalmából, ez a csodálatos könyv egy teljesen új, különleges és gyönyörű “Ünnepi Kiadással” is megjelenik! Az új borítós papírkötés már elérhető az Amazonon! Sőt ezen esemény alkalmából október 19. és október 23. között az e-könyv formátum csupán $2.99 a $4.95 dollár helyett!
Teljes szívemből ajánlom ezt a könyvet, hiszen életem egyik legmeghatározóbb könyvélménye volt. Én annyira izgatott vagyok, azt hiszem megvan mit hozzon a Jézuska a fa alá, mert szerintem tényleg gyönyörű ez a borító! 🙂 (A Jézuska azt hiszem januárban nem fog ebédelni és vacsorázni, sőt lehet, hogy reggelizni sem. :P)
Sőt még egy hatalmas meglepi, ugyanis most egy nemzetközi giveaway keretein belül 5 dedikált példány kerül kisorsolásra, amelyre a lap alján jelentkezhettek. Te jó ég, mit nem adnék érte!!! 🙂 Mindenkinek sok szerencsét!
A Making Faces-ről írt értékelésemet, itt olvashatjátok el.
P.S: Azt tudtátok, hogy van lehetőség névre szóló dedikált példányt rendelni az összes Amy Harmon kötetből? Annyira gyönyörűek! Nagy álmom, hogy egyszer ha nagyon-nagyon gazdag leszek majd mind a polcomon sorakozik majd. 🙂
Amy Harmon is one of my all time-favorite authors, maybe my most favorite! I love all of her books, so I couldn’t be more excited about the surprise what she revealed today! To celebrate the 2 year publication anniversary of USA Today Bestseller Making Faces, the book has been given a whole new look with a special “Anniversary Edition” cover! This newly-covered paperback is now available to order at Amazon as a 2nd Edition. To spotlight and celebrate this new cover, the ebook is on sale for only $2.99 instead of $4.95. The ebook promo is available from Monday October 19th until Friday October 23rd 2015.
I wholeheartedly recommend this book! This was one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read! I’m so excited! I think I found out what I would like to get from Santa for this Christmas, because I think this cover is breathtakingly beautiful! 🙂 (I think Santa will not eat lunch or dinner or breakfeast -for that matter- in January at all. :D)
Furthermore there is one more huge surprise from the author! You can enter to a Special Rafflecopter giveaway for five (5) signed copies of Making Faces – new cover – open internationally! Oh My God! I would really-really-really love it!!! Good luck for you, too! 🙂
P.S: Did you know that you can order signed and personalized copies of every books of Amy Harmon? All of them are so beautiful! My biggest dream is if I will really-really rich one day, every one of her signed books will be on my bookself! 🙂
Ambrose Young was beautiful. He was tall and muscular, with hair that touched his shoulders and eyes that burned right through you. The kind of beautiful that graced the covers of romance novels, and Fern Taylor would know. She’d been reading them since she was thirteen. But maybe because he was so beautiful he was never someone Fern thought she could have . . . until he wasn’t beautiful anymore.
Making Faces is the story of a small town where five young men go off to war, and only one comes back. It is the story of loss. Collective loss, individual loss, loss of beauty, loss of life, loss of identity. It is the tale of one girl’s love for a broken boy, and a wounded warrior’s love for an unremarkable girl. This is a story of friendship that overcomes heartache, heroism that defies the common definitions, and a modern tale of Beauty and the Beast, where we discover that there is a little beauty and a little beast in all of us.
You Can read my review of Making Faces, here.
Purchase links:
Amazon US – Kindle:
Amazon US – Paperback (Old cover):
Amazon US – Paperback (New cover):
Amazon UK – Kindle:
Amazon UK – Paperback:
Barnes & Noble:
About the Author
Amy Harmon has written eight novels – the USA Today Bestsellers, Making Faces and Running Barefoot, as well as The Law of Moses, Infinity + One, Slow Dance in Purgatory, Prom Night in Purgatory, and the New York Times Bestseller, A Different Blue. Her latest novel, The Song of David, was released on June 13, 2015.
Find Amy online:
There is a giveaway for five (5) signed copies of Making Faces – new cover – open internationally!
Like me on Facebook. Not for the entering, just for fun! 🙂
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