Brittainy C. Cherry – Disgrace


Each day I prayed for my husband to love me again.

After fifteen years together, he walked away from me, and into the arms of another.

I didn’t know how to cope. I didn’t know my worth. I didn’t know how to exist without him by my side.

All I wanted was for him to come back to me.

Then, Jackson Emery appeared.

He was supposed to be a distraction for my mind. A summer fling. A confidence boost to my bruised heart.

We were perfect for one another, because we both knew we wouldn’t last. Jackson didn’t believe in commitment, and I no longer believed in love. He was too closed-off for me, and I was too damaged for him.

Everything was fine, until one night my heart skipped a beat.

I didn’t expect him to make me laugh. To make me think. To make my sadness somewhat disappear.

When our time was up, my heart didn’t know how to walk away.

Each day I prayed for my husband to love me again, yet slowly my prayers began to shift toward the man who wasn’t right for me.

I prayed for one more smile, one more kiss, one more laugh, one more touch…

I prayed for him to be mine.

Even though I knew his heart wasn’t destined to love.

*This book was previously known as Between the Notes.*

*ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.*

Véleményem a könyvről

Brittainy C. Cherry ismét bebizonyította, hogy a szavaknak ereje van. Az írónő ezen könyve is csodálatos és megindító volt. Két nagyon különböző világ találkozott az oldalakon, de az ellentétek mégis képesek voltak megtalálni a közös harmóniát, és a szívem ismét teljesebb lett egy gyönyörű történettel.  

Grace Harris 15 évnyi házasság után, fájdalommal és magánnyal a szívében tér haza a nyárra szülővárosába, a Georgia állambeli Chesterbe. A pletykás kis városkában a lelkész lányaként és a város leggazdagabb családjának leszármazójaként mindig is elvárás volt, hogy tökéletesen nézzen ki, tökéletes viselkedjen, tökéletesen beszéljen, de ha az ember belül darabokra van törve a tökéletesség látszatának fenntartása közel sem olyan könnyű feladat, és nem is tűnik már fontosnak.

Jackson Emery és annak alkoholista apja Chester városának kitaszítottjai. Jackson külső szemlélőként tipikus rosszfiúnak tűnik, aki nem jár templomba, mindenkit kerül a városban, és csak annyit akar, hogy hagyják békén. Jackson és Grace első találkozása sem alakul túl zökkenőmentesen, de Grace furcsa módon életének széthullott darabkáit mégis Chester fekete báránya mellett képes elkezdeni újra összerakni. 

Nagyon érdekes volt a kontraszt, amit csupán a szereplők személyiségével képes volt létrehozni az írónő. Ők ketten nagyon más világból érkeztek. Fekete és a fehér, disgrace és grace.  De ahogy haladtunk a történettel, a szerző szép lassan rétegről rétegre felfejtve megmutatta, hogy ahogy Grace-ben is van egy kis lázadás, úgy Jacksonnak is van egy sebezhető oldala. Azt hiszem azt már el sem kell mondanom, hogy az írónő gyönyörűen ír, és nem is véletlen, hogy a kedvenc szerzőim egyike.

Összességében ez egy különösen szép történet volt, amely olykor igencsak szívfájdító témákat érintett. Nem egyszer csordult ki a könnyem olvasás közben, ugyanakkor számos alkalommal csalt mosolyt az arcomra ez a történet. A legőszintébben ajánlom! 

My Review in English

Brittainy C. Cherry proved again that words have power. This story was so beautiful and moving! Two very different worlds met on the pages but they were still able to find the common harmony, and my heart was filled with an amazing story once again. 

After 15 years marriage, Grace Harris returns home to her little birth town in Georgia with pain and loneliness in her heart.  In the gossipy little town as a pastor’s daughter and one of the descendant of the richest family of the town, she always had the expectation of behave perfectly, to speak perfectly, to just being perfect. But if someone is broken into little pieces, maintaining the semblance of perfection is not an easy task, and it doesn’t seem important anymore.

Jackson Emery and his alcoholic father are the outcasts of Chester. From the outside Jackson is the typical bad boy, who doesn’t go to church, who avoids everyone in town and who just wants to everyone leave him alone. The first encounter between Jackson and Grace doesn’t go too smoothly either, but strangely the place where Grace is able to start putting back together the shattered pieces of her life is beside the black sheep of Chester.

The contrast that the author was able to create with only the personality of the characters was absolutely amazing. They came from two very different worlds. Black and white, disgrace and grace. But as the story progressed, the Author slowly revealed from layer to layer how Grace had a little rebellion in her, and how Jackson also had a vulnerable side. I can’t say enough times that Brittainy C. Cherry’s writing style is incredibly beautiful, and it’s no coincidence that she is one of my top favorite authors.

Overall, this was a particularly beautiful story that touched some very heartbreaking topics. There were several times when I couldn’t stop my tears, but at the same time, this story brought smile on my face many times. I recommend it with all my heart!

My Favorite Quotes From the Book


“Love was a messy emotion that didn’t walk a straight line. It worked in waves and loops of ups and downs. It was a screwy emotion that could somehow still exist amidst the ultimate heartbreak and betrayal.”

“She was beautiful, that was a given, but she was also broken. Just like me. My broken pieces stayed shattered, and hers intermixed with them all. We were just two broken people, uninterested in being fixed.”

“Our mutual sadness was the only thing keeping us afloat. It was odd— how two sad people could make one another breathe.” 

“When my Prince Charming is the rest of the world’s Beast.”

“Those times you feel lost and afraid and weak- those are your moments for a breakthrough. Hidden beneath those dark moments is your power. Take those weak moments and make them powerful.”

“We’ll learn to walk alone, and then we’ll walk together.”

“ He wasn’t mine and I wasn’t his but that night, we were something.”

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About the Author

Hi! I’m Brittainy! Join me as we travel through my mind as a Romance Author. This includes such things as my random thoughts, tricks, tips, things I’m learning, things I’m re-learning, things I’m forgetting, and my weird ways of crafting stories.

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