Once upon a time, I fell in love with a boy.
A beautiful, broken boy who had his own world of struggles.
People warned me against our love, but I didn’t listen.
We looked weak, young, and foolish.
Dangerously in love.
We didn’t care.
In order to keep our hearts protected from the opinions of others, we became each other’s secret.
We shared stolen moments. Tender touches. Secretive embraces.
It was our twisted love story, and it worked for us up until our lives changed forever.
The boy I loved became Hollywood’s newest golden boy.
His career blossomed as mine stalled.
He found massive success as I discovered multiple failures.
He made something of himself, while my dreams never came true.
We moved into different realms where our pieces no longer fit together.
In the fairy tales, love conquered all.
In reality, love was the main reason empires began to fall.
I always knew Landon belonged in my story.
He was my beginning, middle, and end.
The only problem? I wasn’t certain I still belonged in his.
*Book Two of the Landon & Shay Duet.*
Véleményem a könyvről
Brittainy C. Cherry minden könyvét nagyon szeretem és a Landon & Shay duett első részét is imádtam, de sajnos valamiért ezzel kötettel mégis megküzdöttem. Egyszerűen nem kötötte le a figyelmemet, folyamatosan azon kaptam magam, hogy más dolgokat csinálok olvasás helyett, és egyáltalán nem éreztem mélyebb kötődést a történethez.
Az első könyvben nagyon közel kerültek a szívemhez a szereplők, de sajnos a második kötetben sok olyan dolgot csináltak, amivel nem értettem egyet. Shay-nek sokkal hamarabb ki kellett volna állnia magáért, Landon-nak pedig kellett volna egy jó nagy fejbekólintás. Rossz érzés volt látni, hogy Landon álmai beteljesülnek, míg Shay mindig csak az árnyékban bukdácsol, pedig nem ezt érdemelné.
Nem igazán tetszett az irány, amit a történet egy pont után vett. Tudtam, hogy valószínűleg nem alakul majd egyszerűen a szereplők kapcsolata, hiszen akkor eleve nem lett volna második könyv, de sajnáltam, hogy annyi évet elvesztegettek, és bár a ’második esély’ történetek a legnagyobb kedvenceim, ez alkalommal az sem nyerte el a tetszésemet, ahogyan a karakterek útja újra kapcsolódott egymáshoz.
Amit viszont kiemelnék, hogy tetszett, hogy a mentális betegségek ez alkalommal is fókuszba kerültek, és hogy Grey és Karla a szerző Eleanor & Grey című könyvéből egészen hangsúlyos szerepet kapott a könyvben.
Landon és Shay története komplex és tele van szívfájdalommal, ugyanakkor számos szép pillanatot tartalmaz. Összességében ez a kötet sem volt rossz, és Brittainy C. Cherry-t továbbra is az egyik legkiemelkedőbb kortárs szerzőnek tartom, de úgy érzem, hogy az első rész színvonala fényévekkel megelőzi a másodikét, és ez alkalommal talán jobb lett volna, ha csupán egy kötetes maradt volna a történet.
My Review in English
I love all the books by Brittainy C. Cherry and I loved-loved-loved the first part of this duet, but unfortunately I don’t know why but I struggled with this one. It didn’t hold my attention, I always found myself doing other thighs rather than reading and I just didn’t feel connected to this book.
I didn’t particularly like how the story went by after a point. I knew that the relationship between Landon and Shay probably won’t be simple because there wouldn’t be a second book but I didn’t like the lost years and although ‘second chance’ stories are my absolute favorites, I didn’t really like the way the characters connected again.
During the first book the characters grew close to my heart, but unfortunately in the second part of the duet they made some things that I really didn’t like. Shay should have stand up to herself way sooner and Landon just deserved a big smack on the head. It felt so bad to see how Landon’s dreams came true while Shay was just struggling in the shadows while she would have deserved the opposite.
I loved how the subject of mental illnesses came into focus once again and how Grey and Karla from Eleanor & Grey got a bigger role in the story.
Landon and Shay’s story is really complex and it’s full of heartache but it also contains many beautiful moments. Overall, I loved this story and I still consider Brittainy C. Cherry one of the most outstanding contemporary authors, but I loved the first part of the duet much more and I feel like maybe this time it might have been better if this story had just stayed a standalone book.
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“If you’re ever given the chance to choose between being afraid or being brave, be brave.”
“You are my poison,” I whispered, pain in my breaths as my body pressed against his. His lips rolled against my collar bone as he unbuckled my jeans. “You’re my remedy,” he swore, as his mouth pressed against mine.”
“There’s never going to be anything or anyone else for you. You’re my story. You’re my final page. You’re my final word.”
“There’s never going to be anything or anyone else for you. You’re my story. You’re my final page. You’re my final word.”
“He called me his remedy, his safe haven, his freedom, but he was the opposite of that to me. He was my weakness, my kryptonite, my gated cage. While I lifted him up, he weighed me down. It confused me how love could feel so much like a war. While Landon was becoming victorious, I was dying on the battlefield. This isn’t love, I thought to myself.”
“Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness for a while before you’re able to reach the light.”
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Part 1…
Part 2…
About Brittainy C. Cherry
Author Brittainy C. Cherry is an Amazon #1 bestselling author.
She has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelor Degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Creative Writing.
Her novels have been published in 18+ countries around the world. Brittainy lives in Brookfield, Wisconsin with her fur babies.
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