The Gravity of Us (Elements #4) by Brittainy C. Cherry
Release Date: April 13th, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Quirkybird Designs
Graham Russell and I weren’t made for one another.
I was driven by emotion; he was apathetic. I dreamed while he lived in nightmares. I cried when he had no tears to shed.
Despite his frozen heart and my readiness to run, we sometimes shared seconds. Seconds when our eyes locked and we saw each other’s secrets. Seconds when his lips tasted my fears, and I breathed in his pains. Seconds when we both imagined what it would be like to love one another.
Those seconds left us floating, but when reality knocked us sideways, gravity forced us to descend.
Graham Russell wasn’t a man who knew how to love, and I wasn’t a woman who knew how to either. Yet if I had the chance to fall again, I’d fall with him forever.
Even if we were destined to crash against solid ground.
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*ARC was kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*
Brittainy C. Cherry igazán tud játszani a szavakkal és a szívem húrjaival. Minden alkalommal újabb és újabb módot talál arra, hogy fájdítsa a szívemet, és érzelmektől fűtött, szenvedélyes táncba hívja azt.
Lucille Palmer egy igazi szabad szellem, hatalmas szívvel, erővel, és természet iránti szeretettel. Miután elveszítik édesanyjukat, hárman maradnak két nővérével, azonban igazán csak az egyik testvéréhez, Mari-hez érzi magát közel, miután harmadik testvérül Lyric végleg eltávolodik tőlük. A két lány azonban olyan, mint a borsó meg a héja. Ketten együtt megvalósítják az álmukat, és egy saját virágüzletet nyitnak.
Lucy-nak egy nem mindennapi eseményre kell virágokat szállítania, amikor a véletlen keresztezi az útját Graham Russell-el. Graham egy híres író, akiért Lucy rajong, de sajnos a való életben Graham sokkal ridegebb, sötétebb, megkeseredettebb és távolságtartóbb, mint ahogy azt a lány elképzelte. Azonban a sors egy mesteri bábjátékos, és mikor Graham és Lucy útjai végérvényesen egy irányba kezdenek tartani, Graham sötét személyisége kénytelen hozzászokni a szabad, furcsa, színes hippi lány természetéhez. 🙂
A vadvirágok még a legkeményebb talajban is képesek gyökeret ereszteni és a sivár pusztaságot színessé varázsolni – és Lucy egy ilyen vadvirág. Graham kemény kérge alatt egy aprócska maggal utat tör magának, és áttörve azt, gyönyörű szívfoltjává válik a férfi addigi szürke napjainak.
Brittainy C. Cherry ismét egy gyönyörű történetet hozott el nekünk. És bár eleinte talán egy kicsit kevésbé tetszett a hatalmas kontraszt a két karakter között, a végére pontosan ez vált a legszebb dologgá a szememben a könyvvel kapcsolatban. Ez egy történet egy lányról, aki mindent érez, és egy férfiról, aki nem érez semmit. Egy lányról, akit szabadon visz a szél, és egy férfiról, akit a múlt gyökerei láncolnak a földhöz. Két teljesen különböző ember egyetlen úton, ahonnan nem lehet, és nem is akarnak visszafordulni.
Összességében nagyon szép zárása volt ez a kötet ennek a csodálatos, feledhetetlen sorozatnak, és Brittainy C. Cherry méltán került fel a kedvenc írónőim közé.
My Review in English
Brittainy C. Cherry is definitely very good at playing with words and the strings of my heart, as well. Every time she can find a new way to make my heart hurt, and invite it to an emotional, passionate dance.
Lucille Palmer is a real free spirit, full with hearth, strength, and love for nature. After her mother passing away, she is left with her two older sister, but she is only really close with one of them, Mari since their oldest sister, Lyric grows apart from them permanently. But Lucy and Mari are just like two peas in a pod, and the two of them are finally able to achieve their dreams, and open their own flower shop.
Lucy has to deliver flowers to an extraordinary event, when fate crosses her path with Graham Russell. Graham is a famous author, whom Lucy adores, but sadly in real life Graham is much more rigid, dark, sour and distant as Lucy imagined. But fate is just like a puppet master, and when the paths of Graham and Lucy ultimately start to align, Graham’s dark personality has to get used to the free spirited, weird and colorful hippy girl. 🙂
Wildflowers are able to take root in the hardest soil, and are able to paint the bleakest desert with unimaginable colors, too – and Lucy is such a wildflower. She’s able to force her way through Graham’s hard crust with only a small seed, and breaking through, she becomes a beautiful dash of color in Graham’s grey life.
This was a truly beautiful story and had very much to say. Although I liked a little less at the begging the huge contrast between the two characters, at the end it became the most beautiful thing about the book. This is a story about a girl, who feels everything, and a man, who feels nothing at all. A girl, who flies freely with the wind, and a man, who is chained to the ground by his roots. Two entirely different people going on the same road, from where they are not able and do not want to turn back. This story was a perfect closure of this amazing and unforgettable series, and Brittainy C. Cherry has a well-earned place along my favorite authors.
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
The emotion that made people both soar and crash. The feeling that lit humans up and burned their hearts. The beginning and ending of every journey.”
“She was the girl who felt everything, and I was the man who felt nothing at all.”
“She wore her heart on her sleeve, and I kept my heart wrapped in steel chains deep within my soul.”
“She was my freedom, yet I was her cage.”
“Thank you, Graham.”
“For what?”
“Catching me before I hit the ground.”
“We weren’t supposed to feel this way.
We weren’t supposed to fall for one another, she and I. Yet it seemed gravity had a way of pulling us closer.”
“Within seconds, my heart filled with more love than I had thought possible.
Because that was the thing about hearts—when you thought they were completely full, you somehow found room to add a little more love.
Loving Lucy Hope Palmer wasn’t a choice; it was my destiny.”
“I felt her entire being wrapping around my soul, soaking me in, changing me into a better man than I’d ever thought I could be.
I’d died a million deaths before I gave living a chance, and my first breath of life was taken from her lips.”
“Her heart resided on her sleeve, and she allowed everyone to listen to its beautiful heartbeats— even those who were undeserving of hearing the sounds. She prayed they loved her heart’s sounds, too.”
“He kissed like heaven and made love like sin.”
“(…) he promised her all of him, even the cracks— they were, after all, where the light shined through.”
5 – ‘All the feels’ – Stars
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About the Author
Hi! I’m Brittainy! Join me as we travel through my mind as a Romance Author. This includes such things as my random thoughts, tricks, tips, things I’m learning, things I’m re-learning, things I’m forgetting, and my weird ways of crafting stories.
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Én is nagyon várom, hogy a többi is érkezzen. 🙂 Annyira örülök, hogy neked is ennyire tetszenek az írónő könyvei. ❤