Brax Jenkins and Olivia Beaumont are the most envied couple at Winston University—but the so-called “virginity dare,” orchestrated by Brax’s old fraternity, almost tore them apart. Now, a new dare is taking shape, and it’s sure to set emotions ablaze–more than ever before.
Winston’s “It Girl” Harper Belle isn’t just president of the Deltas–she’s also a master at keeping her ugly past a secret. So, when the Kappas’ dare hits closer to home for her more than anyone realizes, she devises a competition of her own as payback. Three sorority sisters will seek out a notorious womanizer on campus and–unbeknownst their “mark”–secretly train him to be the perfect boyfriend. Always up for a challenge, Harper targets the biggest player she can find: Brax’s wickedly handsome foster brother Kane McCarthy.
But, Harper discovers there’s much more to Kane than girls, games, and partying. His easy smile belies the quiet, old soul reflected in his deep brown eyes. All it takes is one night, one secret laid bare, and one kiss from Kane to shift Harper’s world on its axis. Suddenly, the girl who’s always walked a straight and narrow path can’t think of anything else except losing control.
A Stupid Boy a Stupid in Love sorozat második kötete, de különálló könyvként is olvasható.
Véleményem a könyvről
A sorozat első kötete a Stupid Girl hatalmas meglepetést okozott nekem. A semmiből találtam rá, és olvasás közben szépen lassan a kedvencek polcáig kúszott fel nálam. Ehhez képest ez a második kötet sajnos elég nagy csalódás volt…
A történet főszereplője Harper Belle, aki kívülről tökéletesnek tűnik. Ő a Delták vezetője, tökéletes a megjelenése, tökéletesek a jegyei, mégis senki nincs hozzá igazán közel, és senki nem ismeri a titkait. Aztán egyik nap a Winston Egyetem kampuszán összefut egy fiúval, aki útbaigazítást kér tőle. Kane McCarthy, Brax bátyja (aki Stupid Girl főszereplője volt), és akivel együtt nőttek fel egy nevelőotthonban. Kane-nek elég sok zűrös ügye van és ő is az a tipikus szívtipró srác, akit jobb, ha a lányok messziről kerülnek.
Haper megelégelve a Kappa fiúk megalázó fogadásait, javasolja a Delta lányoknak, hogy ők maguk is csináljanak egy „ellenfogadást”, amelyben egy-egy „rosszfiút” kell jó útra téríteniük. Akinek elsőnek sikerül a feladat, az nyer. Haper-nek nem másra, mint Kane McCarthy-ra esik választása, hiszen ő az a fiú, akit a találkozásuk óta nem tud kiverni a fejéből.
A sorozat első része pontosan amiatt tudott megfogni, hogy minden egyes szereplő nagyon belopta magát a szívembe, a főszereplőktől kezdve a családtagokon át, a szobatársig, és bár voltak benne szomorú titkok, egyáltalán nem ezeken volt a hangsúly, és nem volt benne sok szenvedés, inkább aranyos volt és vicces. Na ehhez képest ez a kötet egy 180 fokos fordulatot vett, és visszatért a „tucat kategóriába”. Pontosan ugyanolyan lett, mint a piacon kapható összes többi ilyen könyv. Kevésbé szerethető női karakterrel, sérült lelkű főszereplőkkel, sok-sok vívódással.
Kane és a legjobb barátnő Murphy karaktere nem volt rossz, de valamiért az egész könyv kicsit kidolgozatlannak tűnt, és nem is volt benne annyi fordulat, mint az előző kötetben. Szerencsére a sorozat harmadik kötete, (amelyről október 23-án hozom az értékelésemet egy blogturné keretében) ismét tudta hozni az első rész színvonalát, így Cindy Miles és én újra barátok lettünk. :))
My Review In English
Stupid Boy is the second book in Stupid in Love series by Cindy Miles. It’s the companion novel to Stupid Girl and each book can be read as a standalone.
The first part of the series Stupid Girl was a huge surprise for me. I found it accidentally and slowly it fought itself up to my favorite shelf. But this second part… unfortunately it was a huge disappointment for me.
The main character of the book is Harper Belle, who seems to be perfect. She is the leader of the Deltas, she always has a perfect appearance, she has perfect grades but no one knows her truly and no one knows her secrets. One day she meets with a boy on the Winston University’s campus when while he asks for direction. It turns out that he is Kane McCarthy, the baseball star Brax Jenkins’s brother (Brax was the main character in the first book) and he and Kane were together in foster care. Kane has a lot of messy business and he is the typical hot, heartbreaker guy who is better to stay away from.
Harper is really mad for the boys of Kappa, because of their dares which are humiliating the girls, so she decides that the Delta girls will do a revenge-dare for them. The task is that the girls has to chose a Kappa connected “bad-guy” and “reform” them. Harper’s choice is Kane McCarty because he is the boy who she just can’t get out of her mind.
The first part of the series grabbed me from the very beginning maybe because every one of the characters found their way to my heart. I really loved the main characters, the family members, even the roommate. Although there were secrets and pain, it was absolutely not the most important part of the book. There was not so much misery, it was more sweet and funny. But this book was like it made a 180° turn and it returned to the dozen categories. It was like every other book what you can buy in the market nowadays with a less likeable heroine, traumatized main characters, and really-really lot struggle and agony.
Actually I found the character of Kane and the best friend, Murphy pretty great but the whole book seemed a little undeveloped and there wasn’t so much plot twist like the first part of the series, either. Luckily the author could made the level of Stupid Girl with the third book again (I will bring my review of Stupid Love on November 23th within a Blog Tour) so after the disappointment of this book, I became besties with Cindy Miles once again. :))
Quotes From The Book
“We were alike, she and I. We shared demons. We shared fears. We’d share the healing, too.”
“I feel that there’s something hiding inside of you,” he said gently. “And that someone else put it there.”
I could do nothing but look at him, breathless. His alabaster skin, void of all blemishes—just those long, long eyelashes and coffee colored eyes.
“I aim to set it free, Harper,” he said, then kissed me again. I exhaled, and he swallowed it in, drew me into him, and for once in my life I wished to God he really, truly could.
Rescue me.”
“I hadn’t counted on you, Harper Belle,” he said quietly. “You came out of nowhere.”
“No. I just recognize myself in you…Fear is our common factor, Harper…Broken recognizes broken. It’s also what sets us apart.”
3.5- I wish I could give more – Stars
About the Author
National bestselling author Cindy Miles writes edgy romance, ranging from contemporary love stories to sexy paranormals. A native of southern coastal Georgia, she loves reading (naturally), baking swoon-worthy desserts, traveling abroad, yoga, and classic rock. The cover for her debut New Adult romance, STUPID GIRL, was featured on USA Today’s Happily Ever After blog. In the novel, a volatile mix of bad boys, sassy smart girls, dark secrets, and red-hot romance add up to one wild ride through college. The second book in her Stupid in Love series, STUPID BOY, features a wickedly handsome law-breaker who falls for a beautiful, straight-A college student with an ugly past of her own.
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