Never never part 1
Best friends since they could walk. In love by the age of fourteen. Dating for over four years.
She’ll do everything she can to never forget.
He’ll do everything he can to never remember.
Too bad it’s not up to them.
WTF!? Ez egyszerre volt állati klassz és teljesen érthetetlen.. 🙂 Ehhez még csak hasonló könyvet sem olvastam soha, és el sem tudom képzelni mi fog kisülni a végén, mert ebből a részből aztán végképp nem tudtunk meg semmit… 😛
Charlie és Silas egyszer csak egy tanóra kellős közepén arra eszmélnek, hogy hirtelen elveszítették az összes emléküket. Nem tudják, hogy kik ők, hol vannak, és mi történik velük, nem ismernek fel senkit és semmit a környezetükben Egyetlen dolgot tudnak, hogy bármilyen misztikus oka is legyen, ugyanabban a pillanatban veszítették el az emlékeiket.
Ez a kötet 48 órát ölel fel, ez alatt próbálják meg kideríteni, hogy mi is történt velük, mindezt úgy, hogy senki ne vegyen észre rajtuk semmi változást, nehogy az egyenes úton a pszichiátrián kössenek ki.
Nagyon tetszett az egész történet, és az in medias res kezdésnél én is csak kapkodtam a fejem, sűrű „What the hell just happend?” kérdésekkel. Habár teljesen összezavart, azért nagyon tetszett az alaptörténet, maga a rejtély és a karakterek, persze főleg Silas (anélkül, hogy utánanéznék is üvölt róla, hogy ő Colleen karaktere, mert nála folyamatosan megcsillan a tipikus CoHo humor :)). Nagyon rövidke a könyv (csupán 120 oldal), úgyhogy számomra – azon kívül, hogy a brutális cliffhanger-rel őrületbe akarják kergetni az olvasókat – nem volt értelme három részre bontani ezt a könyvet. Még szerencse, hogy amikor az utolsó oldalhoz értem, volt a közelemben egy nyugodt szívvel földhöz vágható párna, mert különben a táblagépem bánta volna. 🙂
My review in English
WTF!? This was mind-blowingly awesome and totally incomprehensible at the same time. I have never-ever read a book like this and I have really no clue what will turn out from this story at the end. When I finished this book I just felt that it’s like a total blur and I don’t know anything at all about this story. ;P
Charlie and Silas suddenly lose all of their memories in middle of a class at school. They don’t know who they are, where they are, what happened with them and they don’t recognize anything or anyone in their environment. They only know one thing: whatever mystical reasons caused it, they forgot everything at the same time. This book tells 48 hours of their investigation. During this time, they try to find out what happened with them, without telling anybody about their amnesia which way they easily could end up in a madhouse.
I loved the whole story and I just gasped at the in medias res start, and I absolutely cannot stop asking that “What the hell just happened?”. I really liked the characters, especially Silas (of course…:P). I can say without a doubt that he is Colleen’s character because he has got the typical CoHo humor. :)) This book was sooo short (only 120 pages), and I really don’t like that it has been divided in three ridiculously short parts (beside that they really want to drive the readers crazy! :)). This book ends with a cliffhanger! I was lucky that when I reached the last page I had a pillow beside me that I could throw away, in other case my e-reader would have regret it. 🙂
My Favorite Quotes From Never Never 1
“You think you can make me like you again?”
I look over at her and give my head the slightest shake. “No. I’m gonna make you fall in love with me again.”
“If I were dead like Snow White and he kissed me like that, surely my heart would kick back to life. That I’d be the one to slay dragons for that kiss.”
“I want to feel that again. I want to remember what it feels like to love someone like that. And not just anyone. I want to know what it feels like to love Charlie.”
5 – Never stop. Never forget. -Stars!
Never never part 2
“Never forget that I was your first real kiss. Never forget that you’ll be my last.
And never stop loving me between all of them.
Never stop, Charlie.
Never forget.”
Silas races against time as more truths unravel, while others twist tighter together. And now, the stakes are higher as Silas’ control slips and others begin to point fingers. Charlie is in trouble and he must be the one to bridge the chasm between their past and their present. Because somewhere between I love yous and Never Nevers and Never Agains, a truth they can’t imagine, beckons to be found.
“Where are you, Charlie?”
Na jó, most már tényleg elegem van a cliffhanger-ekből. Újabb 48 óra, újabb rengeteg megválaszolatlan kérdés, és még mindig nem sok nyom arról, hogy WTF is going on!? Ez a rész is izgalmas volt, de nekem hiányzott belőle a tipikus Colleen-humor. Jó, komolyabbak voltak az események, mint az előző részben, de hogy egy nyamvadt poént sem tudtak beleerőltetni, az kicsit kiábrándító volt. A levelek viszont ismét nagyon tetszettek. Mikor néhány héttel ezelőtt megláttam, hogy lesz harmadik rész, folyamatosan azt kérdezgettem: „Miért, miért, miért kell ez?”. Sokkal jobb lett volna, ha nem három kis nyúlfarknyi novellára szedik szét ezt a történetet, hanem maximum kettőre. Itt gyakorlatilag a végén majdnem ugyanazt a poént lőtték el a cliffhanger-nél, amivel csak annyit értek el, hogy ismét legalább annyira felhúztam magam. 🙂 Azért jó volt, de kicsit olyan érzésem van, hogy olvastam is valamit, meg nem is, és már nagyon szeretném tudni, hogy mi a fene fog ebből kisülni.
My Review in English
Okay, I had enough for a lifetime of cliffhangers. Another 48 hours, other tons of unanswered questions, and I still have no clue about WTF is going on!? This part was still exciting but I really missed the typical Colleen-humor. I understand that the story has more serious incidents but it was really disappointing that they couldn’t put a single decent joke in this book. I not really liked Charlie’s thread this time, although I loved the letters so much!
When I first saw that there will be a third part, I couldn’t stop asking: “Why? Why? Whyyy?”. It would be so much better if they put this story in only maximum two books. In this way they ended this book with almost the same cliffhanger, and I just hit the roof at the same way. Despite all of that it was really good, and I liked it, but I have a feeling that I didn’t read anything at all, and I really-really want to know what the heck will turn out from this story.
My Favorite Quotes From Never Never 2
“Never forget that I was your first real kiss. Never forget that you’ll be my last.
And never stop loving me between all of them.
Never stop, Charlie.
Never forget.”
„So what’s the deal with us?” she asks. „Are we like… in love and shit?”
I laugh out loud for the first time since yesterday morning? „Yeah,” I say, still laughing. „Apparently I’ve been in love and shit with you for eighteen years now.”
„I can imagine it’s hard enough searching for a missing person, but trying to search for them when you have no idea who you are, who they are, or who anyone else is kind of feels like shooting for the impossible.”
“If it were possible to hear a smile, hers would be a love song.”
“Until then, never lose hope. Never stop loving me. Never forget. Never Never.”
„How is it possible to miss someone you can’t remember?”
4,5 – Still clueless – Stars
Never never part 3
A sorozat harmadik kötete előreláthatólag 2016-ban fog megjelenni, de sajnos a pontos dátumról egyelőre még nincs információ. El kell, hogy mondjam, hogy az egész sorozat borítóját imádom! Alig várom, hogy megjelenjen a következő rész borítóterve, bízom benne, hogy legalább az fog majd valamilyen nyommal szolgálni afelől, hogy mire is számíthatunk a befejező kötetnél. 🙂
UPDATE: 2016. január 26-án érkezik a harmadik kötet! Már alig várom! 🙂
It will be published in 2016 but we have no information about the exact release date yet, and the cover of the book also hasn’t been released yet. I have to tell you, that I really liked the cover design for the whole series and I really excited to see the cover of the third book, too. I hope it will give us some clues, but maybe it will just confuse us even more. 🙂
UPDATE: Never Never Part 3 is coming January 26th 2016! I can’t wait! 🙂
About Colleen Hoover
Colleen Hoover is the author of ten New York Times bestselling novels. She self-published her first novel, SLAMMED, in 2012. Five months later it debuted on The New York Times. Colleen has since signed with Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster. Her next novel, November 9, is scheduled to release in November, 2015.
Ugly Love, a novel she released in August, 2014, is currently in pre-production with Hackybox Pictures and is slated to release in 2016.
You can follow Colleen on Instagram and Twitter @colleenhoover. You can also find her on her blog at or on her very active Facebook page at
About Tarryn Fisher
New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Tarryn Fisher is cooler than you, but not one to rub it in your face. She graduated first in her class at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is a lover of human nature, and a real life villain (House of Slytherin). Her heart is dark, but she loves you with it anyway. Currently she lives in Washington with her son and daughter, and is working on her eighth novel, F*** Love, which will be available this fall.
If you would like to order signed books or check for a book signing near you, visit her website at:
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4 thoughts on “Colleen Hoover · Tarryn Fisher – Never Never (Never Never 1- 2.)”