Colleen Hoover – Maybe Someday (Maybe 1.)


From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance.At twenty-two years old, Sydney has a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers Hunter’s cheating on her—and she is left trying to decide what to do next.

Sydney becomes captivated by Ridge, her mysterious neighbor. She can’t take her eyes off him or stop listening to his playing his guitar every day out on his balcony. And there’s something about Sydney that Ridge can’t ignore, either. When their inevitable encounter happens, they soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one…

From the author of the New York Times bestsellers Slammed, Point of Retreat, Hopeless, This Girl, and Losing Hope, Maybe Someday is destined to another bestseller and long-lasting fan favorite.


Véleményem a könyvről

Te jó ég! Most már egyértelműen rátaláltam a kedvenc írónőmre. Hihetetlen mit tud tenni az ember érzelmeivel. Annyira szép volt ez a történet. Azzal, hogy Ridge lelkén keresztül láthattam, hogy milyen a zene, milyenek a hangok, milyen az élet, valami hihetetlen világot tárt elém az írónő… Csodálatos volt.

Sydney minden este kint ül az erkélyen, hogy a szemben lévő lakásban elő fiú gitárjátékát hallgassa. Miután a barátja megcsalja őt a legjobb barátnőjével két év után, hirtelen az utcán találja magát a szakadó esőben. A gitározó szomszéd srác, Ridge megsajnálja a lányt, és felajánlja az üres szobát a lakásában, ahol két másik lakótárással, Warren-nel és Bridgette-el lakik együtt. Sydney végül beköltözik a lakásba és fizetségképpen segít Ridge-nek a zeneírásban. Ridge az öccse bandájának szokott zenéket írni, de az utóbbi időben teljes alkotói válságban volt a dalszövegeket illetően. Sydney egyébként is zeneszakos a főiskolán, így örömmel segít a fiúnak szöveget írni a dalaihoz. Sydney és Ridge hamar megtalálják a közös hangot és a zenén keresztül hamar kötelék alakul ki közöttük.

Annak ellenére, hogy nem szeretem a szerelmi háromszögeket és nem hiszek abban hogy egyszerre két embert is szerethetünk, ez valahogy mégis más volt. Más volt, mert Maggie karakterét egyszerűen nem lehet nem szeretni, éppen ezért az olvasó teljesen meg tudja érteni Ridge vívódását. Nem tudtam, hogy mi lesz a történet vége és haragudtam is a szereplőkre, de az utolsó oldalak mindenért kárpótoltak… Tetszettek az ugratások, a fő-, és mellékszereplők, a dalszövegek, de leginkább a könyvhöz írt zenék. Griffin Peterson tökéletes munkát végzett velük, és egytől egyig imádom őket.

P.S: Ha tetszett a könyv olvasd el Maggie epilógusát is az alábbi oldalon (a jelszó az utolsó fejezet utolsó szava:)) :


My Review in English

OMG! I definitely found my favorite author! Unbelievable what she can do with my feelings. It was an amazingly beautiful story and Colleen Hoover could show me an incredible world where I could see trough the soul of Ridge what is music, the sounds and life for him. It was an amazing journey!

Sydney sits every night in her balcony to listen the boy who lives in the apartment across playing guitar. When she finds out that her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend after two years, she finds herself at the street in the rain. The boy next door with the guitar, Ridge, feels sorry for her, so he offers her the empty bedroom in his apartment which he shares with two other roommates, Warren and Bridgette. Finally Sidney moves in with them, and in exchange she helps Ridge to writing music. Ridge writes music for his brother’s band, but lately he had a writer’s block with the lyrics. Sydney is a music mayor after all, so she gladly helps him writing lyrics for his songs. Sydney and Ridge soon become connected over music and they work well together.

Despite the fact that I hate love triangles and I can’t believe that someone could love more than one person at the same time, this was something different. Because I loved Maggie and I loved Sydney and I couldn’t decide between them, so I absolutely could understand Ridge. I didn’t know how will this story end and I was angry with the characters but the last pages made it up for everything.  I loved the pranks, the main and minor characters, the love that flooded from the pages, but I loved the music and songs the most. I thing Griffin Peterson made a perfect job with them and I love them so much!

P.S.: If you liked this book, you should read Maggie’s Epilogue on the site below (the password is the last chapter’s last word 🙂 :


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“Hey, heart. Are you listening? You and I are officially at war.”

“There are only twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. You would think there would only be so much you could do with twenty-six letters. You would think there were only so many ways those letters could make you feel when mixed up and shoved together to make words.
However, there are infinite ways those twenty-six letters can make a person feel, and this song is living proof. I’ll never understand how a few simple words strung together can change a person, but this song, these words, are completely changing me. I feel like my maybe someday just became my right now.”

 “One of these days, I’ll play it for you, along with all the other songs I plan to write for you while we’re apart. Until then, I’ll be waiting patiently. Just say when.”

 “I want to be your end, but you gotta let it begin.”

“It’s not so easy when you’re trying to win a war against the heart.”

“However, I’ve learned that the heart can’t be told when and who and how it should love. The heart does whatever the hell it wants to do. The only thing we can control is whether we give our lives and our minds the chance to catch up to our hearts.”

“Words can sometimes have a far greater effect on a heart than a kiss.”

„Sometimes in life, we need a few bad days in order to keep the good ones in perspective.”

“Nothing in my life has ever felt so good, yet hurt so achingly bad.” 

“Our souls aren’t just compatible–they’re perfectly attuned. I feel everything she feels. I understand everything she never even has to say. I know that what she needs is exactly what I could give her, and what she’s wishing she could give me is something I never even knew I needed.

“I failed miserably at trying not to fall in love with you.”
“I failed first.”

 Six -Colleen Hoover is the Best – Stars

6 stars


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About the Author

Colleen Hoover is the author of ten New York Times bestselling novels. She self-published her first novel, SLAMMED, in 2012. Five months later it debuted on The New York Times. Colleen has since signed with Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster. Her next novel, November 9, is scheduled to release in November, 2015.

Ugly Love, a novel she released in August, 2014, is currently in pre-production with Hackybox Pictures and is slated to release in 2016.

You can follow Colleen on Instagram and Twitter @colleenhoover. You can also find her on her blog at or on her very active Facebook page at

Maybe Series

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