Colleen Hoover-Tarryn Fisher- Never Never #3

Őszintén szólva, nem akartam feltenni a blogra ezt a bejegyzést, mert ez nem is egy igazi értékelés, inkább csak egy kis “széljegyzet”. 🙂 Viszont láttam, hogy mennyi mindenki lehúzta ezt a kötetet és láttam Colleen elszomorító posztját a Facebookon, ezért úgy döntöttem néhány sorban azért leírom, hogy nekem igenis tetszett és, hogy újabb kedvencet avattam ezzel a különleges sorozattal.


To tell the truth, I didn’t want to post this on my blog, because this is not a real review, rather just a “side note” from me. 🙂 But then I saw how many bad and disappointed reviews have been posted all over the internet and I saw Colleen’s post about this on Facebook, so I decided that I will tell you how much I loved this book and that this series became a favorite for me.


New York Times bestselling authors Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher are back with the much-anticipated final installment in the Never Never novella series.

Together, Silas Nash and Charlize Wynwood must look deeper into the past to find out who they were and who they want to be. With time ticking down, the couple are in a race to find the answers they need before they lose everything. Can they regain what they once had? And will it restore who they once were?


Véleményem a könyvről

„Veronika says… read this.” :DD Lol ezt nem hagyhattam ki. :)) (Aki majd olvassa, megérti. ;))

Nos, egy éve várok erre. Hogy végre kiderüljön, hogy mi a csudát olvastam egyáltalán. :)) Colleen és Tarryn kis cselesek, mert sok olyan szálat indítottak el, ami félrevezette az olvasókat. Néhány szál vezetett valahova, néhány szál teljesen más irányt vett, mint amit gondoltunk, és néhány szál egyszerűen feledésbe merült az úton. Nem mondom, hogy teljesen megértettem ezt a könyvet, de egy biztos, hogy nagyon-nagyon különleges élményben volt részem, nagyon jól szórakoztam, és igazából még ha picit cheesy is, de volt mondanivalója ennek a történetnek. Nem biztos, hogy mindenkinek tetszeni fog mi is volt a háttérben, de azt kell hogy mondjam, én személy szerint örülök, hogy egy ilyen különleges történet különleges rejtélye, ilyen egyedi megoldást kapott. 🙂

Ebben a részben nőttek igazán a szívemhez a karakterek, még Charlie is, no meg Silas Baby… kár hogy már férjnél vagyok. 😉 Ez a 48 óra végre fényt derített arra, hogy mi történt Charlie-val és Silas-al és úgy gondolom, hogy ez a kötet igazán jó és kivételes lezárása volt ennek a felettébb példátlan utazásnak.

My Review in English

„Veronika says… read this.” :DD Sorry I couldn’t miss this out (if you read this book, you will understand. :))

Well, I waited to find out what the heck I read for a year. :)) Colleen and Tarry was a little tricky because they started a lot of treads what misled the readers. Some threads leaded somewhere, some threads took a different turn than what we thought, and some threads fell into oblivion at the end. I don’t say that I completely understand this book, but one thing is sure, it was a really special experience, I really enjoyed it and this book even had some messages even if it was a little cheesy. 🙂 I’m not sure if everybody will like what unfolded from this book at the end, but to tell the truth I really am happy about that this kind of unique book has this kind of extraordinary explanation. 🙂

The characters grew to my heart permanently in this part of the series, even Charlie and Silas Baby… damn, I am already married… 😉 This 48 hours finally revealed what happened with Charlie and Silas and I think this book really was a great and exceptional closure of this unusual journey.

My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“What if this keeps happening to us? This endless loop of forgetting. What will we do?”
“I don’t know,” he says. “Find each other over and over. It’s not that bad, right?”
I glance over at him to see if he’s joking.
It isn’t that bad. But the situation is. “Who wants to spend their life not knowing who they are?”
“I could spend every day getting to know you all over again, Charlie, and I don’t think I’d get sick of it.”

“Silas says come here.”
I’m not able to turn away when he looks at me like that. I walk toward him, and when I’m near enough, he reaches for me. He puts his hand behind my head and threads his fingers through my hair.
“Silas says—”
“Shut up, Silas,” I interrupt. “Just kiss me.”

“How do you know we aren’t lying to you?” she asks him. “Why would you even humor us unless you have something to do with what’s happened to us?” She’s more suspicious of him than she is of me.
Landon grips the steering wheel and glances at me in the rearview mirror. “I don’t know that you both aren’t lying. For all I know, you’re getting a kick out of this. Ninety percent of me thinks you two are full of shit and have nothing better to do. Five percent of me thinks maybe you’re telling the truth.”
“That’s only ninety-five percent,” I pipe in from the backseat.
“That’s because the other five percent of me thinks I’m the one who has gone crazy,” he says.”

“I never want to be that girl. For the rest of my life, I want to be the girl dancing with Silas in the street.
Because he’s crazy. That’s why I love him.”

“Trust your gut,” I say out loud.
“What are you talking about?” Silas asks. He’s digging around in a box he found in his closet, but he leans back on his haunches to look at me.
“Trust your gut. Not your heart, because it’s a people pleaser, and not your brain, because it relies too heavily on logic.”
He nods slowly, never taking his eyes off of me. “Charlize, it’s really sexy when you get deep and say stuff like that. So unless you want to play another round of Silas Says, you might want to lay off the deep thinking.”

“Okay, it’s late. I’m about to call you and tell you goodnight, but true to form, I had to get all my thoughts out to you in a letter first. I know I’ve said it before, but I love that we still write letters to each other. Texts get deleted and conversations fade, but I swear I’ll have every single letter you’ve ever written me until the day I die.
I love you. Enough to camouflage you into my skin.
Never stop. Never forget.

“Well. Here we go, Silas Baby. Let’s get to know each other.” She opens the letter and begins to read.
I open a letter I’ve yet to read and settle into my seat as well. “Here we go, Charlie Baby.

“I’m still a little shocked we both went through with it. I was half-kidding when I said we should do it, but when you seemed excited, I realized how serious I was. I know people say to never get a tattoo in honor of someone you’re in a relationship with, and I know we’re only sixteen, but I just don’t see anything ever happening in this life that could make me not want you all over my skin.”

“The only thing I have room for in this head of mine right now is the firm belief that fate absolutely exists. Fate…soul mates…time travel…you name it. It all exists. Because that’s what her kiss feels like. Existence.”

5 – Existence- Stars

5 stars



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My review of Part 1 and 2

About Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover is the author of ten New York Times bestselling novels. She self-published her first novel, SLAMMED, in 2012. Five months later it debuted on The New York Times. Colleen has since signed with Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster. Her next novel, November 9, is scheduled to release in November, 2015.

Ugly Love, a novel she released in August, 2014, is currently in pre-production with Hackybox Pictures and is slated to release in 2016.

You can follow Colleen on Instagram and Twitter @colleenhoover. You can also find her on her blog at or on her very active Facebook page at

About Tarryn Fisher

New York Times & USA Today Tarryn Fisherbestselling author Tarryn Fisher is cooler than you, but not one to rub it in your face. She graduated first in her class at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is a lover of human nature, and a real life villain (House of Slytherin). Her heart is dark, but she loves you with it anyway. Currently she lives in Washington with her son and daughter, and is working on her eighth novel, F*** Love, which will be available this fall.

If you would like to order signed books or check for a book signing near you, visit her website at:

You can also find Tarryn on Facebook:



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