Colleen Hoover – Too Late


Sloan will go through hell and back for her little brother. And she does, every single night.

Forced to remain in a relationship with the dangerous and corrupt Asa Jackson, Sloan will do whatever it takes to make sure her brother has what he needs.

Nothing will get in her way.

Nothing except Carter.

Sloan is the only good thing to ever happen to Asa. He knows this and he never plans on letting her go; even if she doesn’t approve of his lifestyle. But despite Sloan’s disapproval, Asa knows what it takes to get what he wants. He knows what he needs to do to remain on top.

Nothing will get in his way.

Nothing except Carter.


Véleményem a könyvről

Hűha. Le vagyok nyűgözve. Ez a könyv sok-sok “leget” tartogatott. Azt azért nem merném kijelenteni, hogy ez lenne Colleen Hoover legjobb könyve, de hogy a legizgalmasabb, legnyersebb és legsötétebb az már biztos. Csak úgy pörgettem az oldalakat, mert egyszerűen hihetetlenül addiktív volt, és tudni akartam, hogy mi lesz a vége. És egészen véletlen, de még az Autism Awerness Month-os bejegyzés sorozatomhoz is kapcsolható a kötet, hiszen még ezt a témát is érinti egy röpke pillanatig.

A történet főszereplője Sloan, aki egy nagyon kiszolgáltatott kapcsolatban éli az életét, immár két éve. A srác akivel lakik, Asa a főiskola drogdílere és közel sem bánik vele jól, de sajnos a lánynak nincs hova mennie és nincs is más választása, mint vele maradni, hiszen Asa fizeti a lány autista öccsének ellátási költségeit egy otthonban. A lány boldogtalan és csapdában érzi magát, míg nem egy napon egy jóképű aranyos srác, Carter le nem ül mellé spanyol órán, és hosszú évek óta először megnevetteti és segít neki elfelejteni, hogy milyen is az élete …egészen addig, amíg később fel nem bukkan benne, egészen pontosan a házukban….

Carter-t és Sloan-t is nagyon megkedveltem, de bármilyen meglepő is, mégis Asa fejezetei voltak a kedvenceim. Kirázott a hideg tőle, de nagyon különleges volt belelátni az elborult gondolataiba. Nagyon örülök, hogy Colleen Hoover ki mert lépni a megszokott  műfajából ezzel a könyvvel, és adott egy kis dark-os árnyalást a történetnek, amely számomra igazi meglepetést jelentett. A kötet olyan igencsak nehéz témákat érint, mint a bántalmazás, mentális betegségek, drogok és szexuális erőszak. Ezen okok miatt azonban csak 17 éven felülieknek ajánlanám ezt a könyvet. Colleen Hoover ismét nagyon jó stílussal és tehetséggel adta át nekünk Carter és Sloan hihetetlenül izgalmas és fordulatos történetét. Mindenképpen ajánlom ezt a történetet, amely ingyenesen elérhető a Wattpadon!


My Review in English

Wow! I am absolutely impressed! This book contained a lot of “most”. I wouldn’t say that it was the most amazing book by Colleen Hoover, but it was surely the most thrilling, the rawest and the darkest. I just flipped the pages because it was so addicted and I desperately wanted to know what the heck will turn out at the end of the book. And it is really a coincidence, but this book also fits in the Autism Awerness Month post series, because this story also touched the subject of autism for a brief moment.

The main character of the story is Sloan, who lives in a really bad relationship for two years. The guy who she lives with, Asa is the drug dealer on the campus, and he treats her badly many times using physical and emotional aggression. She can’t leave and she really depends on him because she has nowhere else to go and Asa is the person who pays the bills of his brother’s care, who has autism. Sloan is really unhappy, vulnerable and she feels herself trapped until one day a cute guy, Carter sits down next to her at Spanish class, and after two years misery he makes her laugh again, and he makes her forget her life… until later he shows up in it, at their house.

I loved Carter and Sloan but surprisingly my most favorites were Asa’s chapters. His POV gave me goose-bumps, but it was also very special experience to take a glimpse in his twisted mind. I was really glad that Colleen Hoover dared to step out of her usual genre with this book, giving a little darkness into the story, which was really surprising for me. It touches some really hard subjects, like violence, mental illness, drugs and sexual abuse. And this is the reason why I would recommend this book strictly above 17 years. The writing style of the author was perfect as always, and the story contained so many twists and turns! I highly recommend this book which can be read for free on Wattpad!


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“I guess that’s the difference in being loved the right way and the wrong way. You either feel tethered to an anchor…or you feel like you’re flying.”

“Love is not found, love finds.”

“…this kiss is just the beginning of a whole new book. A book where miracles aren’t that far-fetched”

“Love shouldn’t feel like added weight.
It should make you feel light as air.
Asa made everything in my life heavy.
Luke makes me feel like I’m floating. “

“I didn’t know hell had so much sparkle.”  

” You’re all i see, Sloan. Beyond the job, beyond right and wrong. You’re all i see”

“Love finds you in the forgiveness at the tail end of a fight. Love finds you in the empathy you feel for someone else. Love finds you in the embrace that follows a tragedy. Love finds you in the celebration after the conquering of an illness. Love finds you in the devastation after the surrender to an illness.”

4,5- Addictive- Stars

4,5 stars

too late


 About the Author

Colleen Hoover is the author of ten New York Times bestselling novels. She self-published her first novel, SLAMMED, in 2012. Five months later it debuted on The New York Times. Colleen has since signed with Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster.

Ugly Love, a novel she released in August, 2014, is currently in pre-production with Hackybox Pictures.

You can follow Colleen on Instagram and Twitter @colleenhoover. You can also find her on her blog at or on her very active Facebook page at

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