Series: Full Tilt Duet, Book II
Author: Emma Scott
Release Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Tagline: Love has no limits
You can read my review of Full Tilt (Full Tilt, #1) here.
Reeling from her loss, Kacey Dawson is grieving and heartbroken, her addictive demons hauling her back into the alcohol-soaked abyss she worked so hard to crawl out of. She teeters on the edge of oblivion, and must fight her way through the pain, to build a new life for herself with her music, and somehow fulfill the promise she made to Jonah…one she feels is impossible to keep.
Theo Fletcher has a secret burning in his heart, one that he holds close, while he struggles to keep strong for his family that is falling apart. His mother’s health is fragile and his father’s disapproval is breaking him down. Theo is afraid if he follows his heart, he’ll fail, and not just himself, but his brother who believed in him when no one else did.
Drawn together by their pain, Theo and Kacey slowly build a friendship, re-forge old ties, help each other to heal, and give one another the courage to reach for their dreams. Together, from the depths of grief and guilt, they learn to laugh again, to trust again, and quite possibly find something beautiful and lasting amid the shattered pieces of their broken hearts.
*ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*
*Figyelem: a bejegyzés spoilereket tartalmaz a Full Tilt #1-re nézve!! Az All In a Full Tilt duológia második része és különállóan nem olvasható!*
Azt mondják, nincs gyógyulás fájdalom nélkül. Én úgy gondolom, hogy sok igazság rejlik ebben a mondatban. Ez a könyv újra felszaggatta a tátongó sebhelyet a szívemen, amelyet a Full Tilt hagyott maga után, de aztán szép lassan képes volt be is gyógyítani azt.
Az előző kötet végén minden szereplő elvesztette maga alól a talajt, mégis Kacey volt az, aki a legmélyebb gödör mélyén találta magát. A fájdalom elől menekülve, az alkohol nyújtotta feledés válik a mindennapjaivá. Ebben a nehéz időszakban Theo az, aki saját fájdalmát félretéve igyekszik mások számára kemény sziklaként helytállni, és ő az aki rátalál Kacey-re, és segít neki a talpra állásban. A fent említett mondás igazságára, mégis a lánynak magának kell rájönnie, hiszen amíg a zsibbadtság tart, ugyan képes arra, hogy kizárja a valóságot, de előbb-utóbb szembe kell néznie a fájdalommal, hogy a gyógyulás útjára léphessen.
Habár a Full Tilt olvasásakor eleinte nem volt felhőtlen az örömöm azzal kapcsolatban, hogy merrefelé tart a romantikus szál, el kell ismernem hogy csodálatos és tökéletes volt ez a könyv, és ez csakis Theo-nak köszönhető. ♥ Theo. Annyi, de annyi minden volt ebben a karakterben! Önzetlenség, odaadás es tehetség rejtőzik a nyers felszín alatt. Tetszett, hogy a kötet sok időt ölelt fel, és így a Kacey es Theo (aka Teddy) közötti kapcsolat szépen lassan bontakozott ki, és hosszú volt az az utazás is, amely során elkezdtek begyógyulni a fájdalom sebei.
Hogy őszinte legyek, kötet végefelé történt tragikus esemény számomra már sok volt, és feleslegesnek éreztem. Ez valahogy picit megtörte számomra a történet ívét, és nem is volt eléggé kifejtve ahhoz, hogy elég mélységet adjon a kötetnek. Mégis ennek ellenére is tökéletes volt ez a könyv. Imádtam a régi és az új karaktereket is, főleg Yvonne-t, és nagyon tetszett New Orleans, mint helyszín is, egyszer nagyon szeretnék eljutni oda. De talán a legjobban az tetszett, hogy Jonah végig ott volt a karakterekkel az úton, és egészen az utolsó oldalaikig kísérte őket.
Emma Scott gyönyörű írásmóddal es tehetséggel megírt kötetet hozott el nekünk gyászról, újrakezdésről és továbblépésről, amely igazán méltó folytatása volt a Full Tilt-nek.
My Review in English
**Warning: This review contains spoilers for Full Tilt #1.
No spoiler for Book 2.
PLEASE NOTE, this novel is NOT a standalone. It is highly recommended to read Full Tilt first to get the entire arc of the story and to avoid spoilers. **
As they say, there is no healing without pain. And I think there is so many truth behind this sentence. This book torn up the gaping scar on my heart again, what Full Tilt had left on it, but it was also able to slowly heal it.
After the tragic event that happened at the end of the first book, every character lost the solid ground from under their feet, but Kacey was who found herself in the deepest hole. Escaping from the pain, the oblivion what the alcohol promised became her everyday. In these hard times Theo is the one who tries to be the solid rock for everyone, and he is the one who finds Kacey and helps her back on her feet. But she has to realize herself that although she can close out reality during the numbness hours, sooner or later she has to face her pain to be able to start healing.
Although I wasn’t exactly happy at first how the romance thread of the story started to unfold, at the end of Full Tilt I have to tell you that this book was wonderful, and mostly thanks to Theo. ♥ There was so much in this character! Selflessness, devotion and talent was hidden beneath the rough surface.
I loved how the story covered a plenty of time, so the relationship between Kacey and Theo (aka Teddy) could bloom slowly and I loved that their journey on the road of healing was long.
To tell the truth, I felt that the tragic event at the end of the book was a little too much and a little unnecessary. It somehow broke the arc of the story for me, and it felt that it just scratched the surface of the plot and this subject and it wasn’t deep enough for me.
But despite all of this, the book felt still perfect. I equally loved the old and the new characters, especially Yvonne, and I loved how one part of the story took place in New Orleans. I wish that maybe someday I will be able to visit it myself. But what I loved the most is that Jonah has always been there with the charters on this journey, and he accompanied them until the very last pages.
Emma Scott delivered a beautifully written story about grief and moving forward and this book was absolutely a worthy continuation of Full Tilt.
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“That despite our losses, we would keep going. Never give in or give up.
Because love always wins. Always.”
Love had no boundaries, no rules, no favorites.
And no limits.”

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All In Excerpt
I concentrated on the music, pretending to listen and resolutely not looking at Theo. But the damn music was bluesy, sexy… A slow burn of want and longing. It dialed into my already aching body, filling me with a need to be touched.
A shadow fell over me, and I looked up to see Theo standing, his hand outstretched.
“Dance with me.”
It wasn’t a request, and my traitorous body was already rising to its feet before I could think.
Theo took my hand in his and led me to the small dance floor, where a dozen other couples were swaying to the music. Some, driven by the sultry tones of the song and the singer’s smoky voice, were grinding their hips together, thighs intertwined.
Theo slung my arms around his neck, then put his hands on my hips, and began to move.
I’d never stood this close to Theo before. Our bodies pressed tight. Our faces so close, I could smell the sweet heat of his food, the bitterness of beer, the salt of his sweat. His heart beat thick against mine. The ragged exhale of his breath.
“You told me at the wedding you didn’t dance,” I said, every part of my body conscious of touching every part of his.
His mouth shaped the words, “I lied,” but no sound reached me over the music.
I could barely breathe. I was losing myself in him. Our eyes locked. I couldn’t look anywhere but at him. The light brown of his eyes fiery, like a shot of whiskey backlit by a white-hot flame. His hips ground a slow circle against mine, his thigh inching between my legs. One arm slid around my waist, the other came up the middle of my back, holding me close. My arms wound around his neck, my fingers burrowed into his damp hair.
“I like this,” he murmured. His whole body was flush against mine. I could feel its power, the strength of his muscles holding and moving me with the music. The hollow of his neck glistened. I felt my own sweat slide over my collarbone and between my breasts. My blood was on fire in a way that was entirely separate from the Louisiana summer. A heat Theo was building in me with every roll of his pelvis against mine. I felt the stiffness of his jeans against my skin as his hand slipped down to my ass, pressing me tighter against him. Grinding in a dance that felt more like…
Author Bio
Emma Scott is a writer, marathon runner, and caffeine addict, who lives and writes in the California Bay Area. She has two smart, feisty little girls, a super-supportive husband, and is a demonstrated fan of the Oxford comma. She is also an unabashed Star Wars geek and comic book enthusiast who fell into romance novels when a writing contest prompt turned a 1000-word romantic story into a full-blown novel. She also writes epic fantasy that suffers an epic word count.
She hopes you enjoy her work, encourages readers to leave feedback, and thinks it’s amusing to write about herself in the third person. And if she has a driving force the fuels her work, it’s that love always wins.
Where to find Emma
Twitter: @EmmaS_writes
Instagram: @EmmaScottWrites
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