These Royals will ruin you.
Easton Royal has it all: looks, money, intelligence. His goal in life is to have as much fun as possible. He never thinks about the consequences because he doesn’t have to.
Until Hartley Wright appears, shaking up his easy life. She’s the one girl who’s said no, despite being attracted to him. Easton can’t figure her out and that makes her all the more irresistible.
Hartley doesn’t want him. She says he needs to grow up.
She might be right.
Rivals. Rules. Regrets. For the first time in Easton’s life, wearing a Royal crown isn’t enough. He’s about to learn that the higher you start, the harder you fall.
*ARC kindly provided by the Authors in exchange for an honest review*
Még mindig tartom magam ahhoz a kijelentésemhez, hogy ez a sorozat egyszerűen zseniális. Tele van drámával és intrikákkal, de egyszerűen letehetetlen. A Twisted Palace olvasása közben már érezni lehetett, hogy Easton valószínűleg kap majd egy saját könyvet, és alig vártam már, hogy a kezembe vehessem. Nem is kellett csalódnom, mert East könyve számomra elérte az első kötet szintjét,ami nagy szó!
Easton Royalnak valószínűleg “bajkeverő” a második neve, és határozottan ő a legmeggondolatlanabb a Royal fiúk közül. Nem tud hosszú ideig egy helyben maradni, szereti az alkoholt, a bulikat és a lányokat… Határozottan szereti a lányokat, és többnyire az előbb felsorolt dolgok valamelyike sodorja bajba. 🙂
Amikor Hartley Wright megkezdi az első napját az új iskolában, és pont rajtakapja East-et az egyik felelőtlenhúzása közben, azonnal nyilvánvalóvá válik számára, hogy távol kell tartani magát ettől a sráctól. De ha egy ötlet befurakodja magát Easton Royal fejébe, akkor attól nem képes szabadulni, és East most Hartley-t akarja.
Hartley egy rejtélyes lány lány, akiről senki sem tud semmit. Távol tartja magát a fiúktól, és nincs barátja sem, így először mindet megtesz, hogy lerázza magáról East-et, de ez természetesen nem sikerül neki… mert hát ő East. 😀 A srác végül elkezdi mindenhová követni Hartley-t, a “legjobb barátja lesz” (Lol. :D), és lassan (és kissé idegesítő módszerrel) a “kifárasztásos technikát” bevetve sikerül a lány bőre alá férkőzni. De ami félig viccként indul, lassan valami sokkal komolyabbá alakul…
Ez most már hivatalos: Easton a kedvenc Royal fiúm. Vicces karakter és bár olykor hibákat vét, figyelmes és hatalmas szíve van. Tetszett, hogy ez a kötetet Easton szemszögéből íródott, mert így kaphattunk egy kis bepillantást a gondolataiba.
Imádtam a szereplőket (naná hogy! :)), és bár az East és Harley közötti kapcsolat talán egy kicsit túl lassú volt számomra, ez egy nagyon jó alapot adott a következő könyvhöz. És Te Jó Ég! Mi volt ez a függővég? Hol van a következő kötet?
Összességében legalább annyira tetszett ez a kötet, mint az első részek, és őszintén ajánlom! Viszont vegyétek figyelembe, hogy ez a kötet nem olvasható önálló könyvként, mert spoilereket tartalmaz az előző részekre nézve!
My Review in English
I still hold myself to my statement that this series is brilliant. It’s full of drama and intrigue but it has something so addictive in it that makes you sit on the edge of your seat and doesn’t let you put it down. During my read of Twisted Palace, I already suspected that East will get his own book and I knew that I want his book right away. At the end, it didn’t disappoint me, and I loved as much as the first book which is huge!
Easton Royal’s second name is trouble since he is the most reckless of the Royal boys. He can’t stay put in one place for a long time, he loves alcohol and parties and he loves girls, he definitely loves them, and he always gets into trouble because of one of these things. 🙂
When Hartley Wright starts her first day at her new school and catches East doing one of his thoughtless things, she immediately knows that she has to keep herself away from this guy. But if an idea gets stuck into Easton’s thoughts it can’t go away, and East now wants Hartley.
Hartley is a mysterious enigma and nobody knows anything about her. She doesn’t want hookups of boyfriends so at first, she tries to get rid off East, but of course it doesn’t work, because… East is East. 😀 He slowly wears her off, follows her everywhere and becomes her “best friend”. Lol. 😀 But what starts as a half-joke, it turns out to be something much more meaningful…
It’s official: Easton is my favorite Royal. He is funny, and although sometimes he makes mistakes but he is caring and his heart is good. I loved that this book was written from East’s POV because it was so good to get a glimpse of his thoughts.
I loved the characters (of course), and although the relationship between East and Hartley was a little too slow-burn for me, it gave a great foundation for the next book. And OMG! Where is the next part? Epic cliffhanger alert! I can’t wait to put my hands on it! <3
Overall it was really great and as brilliant as the first book. I highly recommend it, although please note that it can’t be read as a standalone, because it contains huge spoilers for the previous books in The Royals series.
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“Funny how the quiet can be deafening. What’d she say before? In the quiet, you can hear the heart beat? You can also hear it break.”
“It was that kind of moment. The kind you want to etch in permanent ink so you can relive it again and again.”
“I’m the design flaw in the Royal family, the one who isn’t quite like the others, the one who crashes and burns more often than not.”
“I’m not affected by the way her fingers fly over the strings. I don’t notice the light sheen of sweat that breaks across her forehead. I don’t care that all the features I previously marked as plain make her look like some sort of goddess when she’s in this musical trance.”
“Nah, man,” I answer with a grin. “My body’s a playground. No, wait. It’s an amusement park. Eastonland. Chicks come from far and wide to experience those wild Eastonland rides.”
Mathis hoots. “You always such a cocky bastard, Royal?”
“Always!” Pash confirms from the other side of the weight room.
“Seriously, it’s fucking annoying,” another teammate, Preston, chimes in.
“They’re just jealous,” I explain to Mathis. “Especially Preston.” In a stage whisper I add, “Poor guy’s still a virgin. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone.”
5 – I got ruined again- Stars
About the Author
Erin Watt is the brainchild of two bestselling authors linked together through their love of great books and an addiction to writing. They share one creative imagination. Their greatest love (after their families and pets, of course)? Coming up with fun–and sometimes crazy–ideas. Their greatest fear? Breaking up. You can contact them at their shared inbox:
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