These Royals will ruin you…
From mortal enemies to unexpected allies, two teenagers try to protect everything that matters most.
Ella Harper has met every challenge that life has thrown her way. She’s tough, resilient, and willing to do whatever it takes to defend the people she loves, but the challenge of a long-lost father and a boyfriend whose life is on the line might be too much for even Ella to overcome.
Reed Royal has a quick temper and even faster fists. But his tendency to meet every obstacle with violence has finally caught up with him. If he wants to save himself and the girl he loves, he’ll need to rise above his tortured past and tarnished reputation.
No one believes Ella can survive the Royals. Everyone is sure Reed will destroy them all.
They may be right.
With everything and everyone conspiring to keep them apart, Ella and Reed must find a way to beat the law, save their families, and unravel all the secrets in their Twisted Palace.
Q: Are you trying to kill us?
No, but we love Ella so much and her adventures with the Royals that we needed to write this third book. You’ll see when you read it.
Q: Who’s in this book? And don’t say Ella!
Ella, the five Royal brothers, and a few more huge surprises.
Az előző két kötetről írt értékeléseim itt olvashatóak:
*ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*
*Az értékelés spoilereket tartalmaz a Broken Prince-re nézve*
Ha egy szóval akarnám jellemezni a sorozatot, valószínűleg az addiktív kifejezést használnám. Egyszerűen van valami ebben a sorozatban, ami függőséget okoz, és ami miatt az ember képes átolvasni egy éjszakát csak azért, hogy kitegye magát a Royal fiúk pusztításának. És azt hiszem, hogy az írási stílus, a szereplők, a nagy fordulatok mind-mind hozzájárulnak ehhez.
A történet ott veszi fel a fonalat, ahol a Broken Prince abbamaradt, a hatalmas fordulatnál, ahol mindenkinek leesett az álla. Reed a börtönben, Brooke a halottasházban, a Royal család kétségbeesve, Ella pedig a halálból visszatért apuka mellett találja magát. És mondanom sem kell, hogy kíváncsian vártam, hogy a szereplők, hogy találják meg a kiutat ebből az eszméletlen katyvaszból. 🙂
Ha az egész sorozatot nézem, határozottan jár az 5 csillag, azonban bár ez a kötet is jó volt, a Royal fiúk hozták a szintet és fordulatok is akadtak a könyvben, mégis valahogy úgy éreztem, hogy ez a rész nem volt annyira pörgős, mint az előzőek. Az eleje és a vége jól sikerült, de a közepét nagyon lassúnak éreztem. Az első két könyv során valahogy egyszerre, fokozatosan, több szálról és több szereplő által épült a történet és pont ettől lett komplex, míg ennél a résznél úgy éreztem, hogy csupán egyetlen hosszú idegfeszítő szálon futott végig a kötet, és emiatt sok minden és sok mindenki szorult háttérbe. És míg maga a kötet középső része szándékosan lassan ’körömlerágósan’ tépte az idegeinket, addig a vége számomra picit elsietettnek tűnt.
Picit fáj a szívem, hogy búcsút kell intenem a Royal fiúknak, de az biztos, hogy maradandó élményben volt részem ezzel a néha szappanoperákat idéző, azonban lehetetlen kategóriájú sorozattal. Van egy olyan érzésem, hogy Easton fog még kapni könyvet, mert vele kapcsolatban nem zárult le egy szál. Ha így lesz, kíváncsian várom, mert hogy őszinte legyek, bizony ő volt a kedvenc Royal fiúm. 🙂
My Review in English
*This review contains spoilers for Broken Prince*
If I would want to describe this series with one word, it probably would be the phrase: addictive. There is something in this series that makes you read through a night just to put yourself through the destruction of the Royal boys. And I think the writing style, the characters and the great twists and turns all contribute to this.
The story picks up where Broken Prince ended, at the huge twist what left everyone jaw-dropped. Everyone finds themselves somewhere where they doesn’t want to be at all: Reed in jail, the Royal family in despair, Ella next to her father who just returned from the dead and Brooke in the morgue. And I don’t even have to tell you how I sat on pins and needles for months to find out how on Earth they will find their way out of this mess. 🙂
If I look the whole series it’s unquestionably 5 stars, but although this book was good, the Royal boys were great and there were some really good twists in the plot, this book didn’t felt as dynamic as the former books. The beginning and the end was good but the middle part was a little too slow-paced for me. While at the first two books felt like the story built layer by layer by several threads and characters, this book focused only one suspenseful thread and because of this, lots of plots and characters were pushed into the background. And while the middle part of the book slowly tortured our nerves on purpose, the ending felt a little rushed.
I’m a little sad that I have to say goodbye to the Royals, but it’s sure that I had an unforgettable experience with this sometimes soap-opera like-, but really-really addictive series. I have a feeling that Easton will get a book in the future because there were some things about him that were not closed at the end. I hope I will be right because he was my favorite Royal. 🙂
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“It’s hard to believe that only a few months have passed since I started school here. Time flies when you’re fighting bullies and falling in love.”
“I stare at our entwined fingers. “I’m a runner, East.”
“No. You’re a fighter.”
“This house is ridiculously large, ridiculously beautiful, but everyone inside of it is so messed up. Including me.
I guess I really am a Royal.”
“But I don’t know if either of us believes anything we’re saying at this point. We’re just a tangle of wild, hopeless emotions trying to find peace with our bodies. No matter how hard we try to forget, we can’t.”
“(…) all these things are part of what twisted us up inside, but somehow those tangled strands fused until we were whole again.
Ella makes me whole. I make her whole.”
“But I’m not scared anymore, and I did find someone who sees me. Who really, truly sees me. And I see her, too. Ella Harper is all I’m ever going to see, because she’s my future. She’s my steel and my fire and my salvation.
She’s everything.“
4 – Fighter- Stars
Germany :
About the Author
Erin Watt is the brainchild of two bestselling authors linked together through their love of great books and an addiction to writing. They share one creative imagination. Their greatest love (after their families and pets, of course)? Coming up with fun–and sometimes crazy–ideas. Their greatest fear? Breaking up. You can contact them at their shared inbox:
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