Ginger Scott – A Boy Like You (Like You, #1)- Blog Tour + ARC Review + Giveaway

We’re celebrating the release of A BOY LIKE YOU by Ginger Scott!
YA Contemporary Romance
Scheduled to release: March 3, 2017


They say everyone’s a superhero to someone. I’m not sure who I’m supposed to save, but I know who saved me.

We were kids. His name was Christopher. And up until the day he pulled me from death’s grip, he was nothing more than a boy I felt sorry for. In a blink of an eye, he became the only person who made me feel safe.

And then he disappeared.

Now I’m seventeen. I’m not a kid anymore. I haven’t been for years. While death didn’t take me that day, the things that happened left me with scars—the kind that robbed me of everything I once loved and drove me into darkness. But more than anything else, that day—and every day since—has taken away my desire to dream.

I wasn’t going to have hope. I wouldn’t let myself wish. Those things—they weren’t for girls like me. That’s what I believed…until the new boy.

He’s nothing like the old boy. He’s taller and older. His hair is longer, and his body is lean—strong and ready for anything. I don’t feel sorry for him. And sometimes, I hate him. He challenges me. From the moment I first saw him standing there on the baseball field, he pushed me—his eyes constantly questioning, doubting…daring. Still, something about him—it feels…familiar.

He says his name is Wes. But I can’t help but feel like he’s someone else. Someone from my past. Someone who’s come back to save me.

This time, though, he’s too late. Josselyn Winters, the girl he once knew, is gone. I am the threat; I am my worst enemy. And he can’t save me from myself.


*ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*


Egy buszon ültem, amikor a könyv utolsó fejezeteihez értem, egy csomó idegennel körülöttem, de még így sem voltam képes megálljt parancsolni a kicsordulni készülő könnyeimnek. Aztán teltek a napok, és folyamatosan úgy éreztem, hogy egyszerűen továbbra sem tudom megszelídíteni a könyvvel kapcsolatos csapongó gondolataimat… Nagyon különleges, érzelmekkel teli és szívet összetörő volt ez a könyv. Ez a történet határozottan az egyik kedvencem lett az Ginger Scott-tól, és 2017 egyik eddigi legjobbja volt számomra. Kicsit másabb volt, mint az írónő korábbi kötetei, -de ahogy minden alkalommal- , ez is egy tökéletesen megírt, lenyűgözően felépített történet volt, olyan hibátlanul megformált, komplex karakterekkel, akiknek minden fájdalma valóságosnak érzett.

A kilenc éves Josselyn Winters egyik pillanatban még egy gondtalan kislány volt, boldog szülőkkel, nagyszerű barátokkal és egy tökéletes világgal, a másik pillanatban pedig mindez odaveszett. Az a bizonyos nap örök sebeket hagyott maga után, és majdnem a kislány életét is követelte, azonban volt egy fiú… Egy különleges fiú, aki aznap a lány szuperhősévé vált. Christopher, akire a félénksége és különcsége miatt az iskolában csak a bántás és a kiközösítés várt, aznap Joss megmentőjévé vált. Azonban ezen nap után Christopher-nek örökre nyoma veszett…

Most Joss már 17 éves, anya nélkül, egy alkoholista apával és rossz döntések sorával. Joss élete  nem egyszerű, és a megoldásokat sajnos rossz helyen keresi. Tehetséges softball játékos, de elindult egy olyan úton, ahonnan egyedül nem találja a visszautat. Egy napon azonban megjelenik a városban Wes Stokes, egy titokzatos fiú, egy baseball játékos, aki karjaiban ugyanazt a biztonságot érzi, amelyet egykor Christopher ölelésében, és ez alkalommal talán ő lesz az, aki Joss hősévé válik…

Egyszerűen lenyűgöző és letehetetlen volt ez a könyv, tele szívvel, fájdalommal, szerelemmel, gyógyulással és megválaszolatlan kérdésekkel. Az egész egy nagyon átgondolt, tökéletes pontossággal felépített, lassan kibontakozó történet, amely a végén garantáltan meghökkenve-, és szavak nélkül hagyja az olvasókat. A szereplők nagyon sokrétűek és gondosan megformáltak. A vad és sokszor megkérdőjelezhető döntéseket hozó Joss mellett Wes képviseli a tökéletes egyensúlyt. Ő Joss horgonya a szélvihar közepén, és ő a fénye a sötétségben. Imádtam őt! Ő a gondoskodó megmentő, aki darabkáról darabkára segít visszaépíteni Joss összetört világát, és az őt körüllengő rejtély, egy egészen különleges hangulatot ad a könyvnek.

Ginger Scott már régóta a kedvenc írónőim egyike, de ezzel a könyvvel valami egészen újat tett le az asztalra. A könyv utolsó fejezeteinél tényleg nem tudtam megállítani a könnyeimet, és teljesen a szakadék szélén találtam magam. Azt kívánom, hogy bárcsak a kezembe vehetném már a második kötetet, mert a szívemnek gyógyulásra, a nem nyugvó gondolataimnak pedig válaszokra van szüksége. Új kedvenc, nem is kérdés, amit a legőszintébben ajánlok! ❤❤❤ 

My Review in English

I was sitting on a bus with a lot of strangers around me when I read the last chapters of this book, and yet I couldn’t stop my tears. Then days went by and I still couldn’t tame my rambling thoughts about this book… Because it was that outstanding. It was a very unique, emotional, heart-crashing story. This book is definitely one of my favorites by the author and one of my top reads of 2017. It was a little different than any other book by Ginger Scott, – but as always –, this book was also a flawlessly written, remarkably constructed story, with perfectly crafted, complex characters whose pain felt truly real.

In one moment, the nine-year-old Josselyn Winters was a carefree girl, with happy parents and great friends in a perfect world, but in the next moment it was all lost. That day left permanent scars behind and almost claimed Joss’s life too, but there was a boy… A really special boy, who became Joss’s superhero that day. Christopher, – who because of his shyness and eccentricity was a victim of insults and an outcast at school –, that day became the savior of Joss. But on next day he disappeared forever…

Now Joss is seventeen, without a mother, with an alcoholic father and with a series of bad decisions. Joss’s life is not easy, but she is looking for the answers in the wrong places. She is a talented softball player but she wandered down a path which from she can’t find her way back alone. But one day, Wes Stokes appears in the town, a mysterious boy, a baseball player in whose arms she feels the same safety that once in Christopher’s embrace, and this time maybe he will be the one, who becomes Joss’s hero…

This book was simply amazing and I found myself gripped more and more with each turn of the page, from the very first scene. This book is full of heart, pain, love, healing and unanswered questions. The whole story was built with perfect precision, the way it slowly unfolded was absolutely flawless and it’s guaranteed that the ending leaves all of the readers speechless. The characters were well-developed and I truly loved them. Beside the reckless and wild Joss – who has made so many bad decision –, Wes represents the perfect balance.  He is Joss’s anchor in the middle of the storm and her light in the darkness, and I loved him so much! He is the savior who helps to rebuild Joss’s broken word piece by piece, and add to this, the mystery which surrounds him gave a very special atmosphere to the book.

Ginger Scott has been one of my favorite authors for some time now, but with this book she managed to create something brand new and different. During the last chapters I couldn’t see through my tears and soaked my kindle screen. I felt so devastated and I wish I could pick up the second part of the duet right now, because my broken heart needs to heal and my rambling thoughts need answers. This book is a new favorite without a question and I truly recommend it! ❤❤❤ 

My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“I’m not sure what I’m in right now – a fantasy or tragedy. Perhaps it’s both. Maybe it’s always been both. Maybe that’s what life is – a beautiful mess.”

“You have always made me feel like I belong,”Wes says, brushing another soft kiss over my lips and resting his head on mine, his eyes closed.
“You have always made me feel like I matter,”I say back, my head shaking at the memory of his embraces during my darkest times.”

“We’re two kids who found each other when each needed someone to believe in them the most. Our bodies have grown. Our hearts are still the same. And they knew… Mine knew all along, and his remembered.”

“You had me the first time I saw you, and I’ll be in love with Josselyn Grace Winters until I die.”

“I hold my breath and make a silent wish to go back to that brief second where I was under the stars and life felt free. I want to pair those few seconds with the feeling of his arms around me. Those few simple things are my happiness, as pathetic as they seem. His hold and the stars; it’s enough.”

“I’m not invincible, Joss. I’m just not,”he shakes his head. “I will always fight for you. I can’t say no when it comes to you. I can’t not fight for you. I can’t not do everything in my power to keep you safe. But I could fail. And if I ever lost you, if I was too late just once, not strong enough, not capable—”
“I won’t test you, Wes,”

“I don’t want him to think he failed me. He’s the only boy who never has.”

“I’m not stupid enough to think that superheroes are anything real, but Wes…he makes a mighty good argument.”

“I didn’t have hope or wishes or dreams or plans— none of it. I had the next day. And then the next. And I filled the in-between with whatever distraction I could find in the moment to get me through.
And then Wes Stokes showed up and changed everything.”

5 -Superhero-Stars

Playlist for the Book

Teaser video

Check out this amazing Teaser video *no spoilers* made by Ginger herself!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the Author

Ginger Scott is an Amazon-bestselling and Goodreads Choice Award-nominated author of several young and new adult romances, including Waiting on the Sidelines, Going Long, Blindness, How We Deal With Gravity, This Is Falling, You and Everything After, The Girl I Was Before, Wild Reckless, Wicked Restless, In Your Dreams, The Hard Count, and Hold My Breath.

A sucker for a good romance, Ginger’s other passion is sports, and she often blends the two in her stories. (She’s also a sucker for a hot quarterback, catcher, pitcher, point guard…the list goes on.) Ginger has been writing and editing for newspapers, magazines and blogs for more than 15 years. She has told the stories of Olympians, politicians, actors, scientists, cowboys, criminals and towns. For more on her and her work, visit her website at

When she’s not writing, the odds are high that she’s somewhere near a baseball diamond, either watching her son field pop flies like Bryce Harper or cheering on her favorite baseball team, the Arizona Diamondbacks. Ginger lives in Arizona and is married to her college sweetheart whom she met at ASU (fork ’em, Devils).

Social Media Links

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Twitter: @TheGingerScott

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