Ginger Scott – This is Falling (Falling #1)


First, I had to remember how to breathe. Then, I had to learn how to survive. Two years, three months and sixteen days had passed since I was the Rowe Stanton from before, since tragedy stole my youth and my heart went along with it.

When I left for college, I put a thousand miles between my future and my past. I’d made a choice—I was going to cross back to the other side, to live with the living. I just didn’t know how.

And then I met Nate Preeter.

An All-American baseball player, Nate wasn’t supposed to notice a ghost-of-a-girl like me. But he did. He shouldn’t want to know my name. But he did. And when he learned my secret and saw the scars it left behind, he was supposed to run. But he didn’t.

My heart was dead, and I was never supposed to belong to anyone. But Nate Preeter had me feeling, and he made me want to be his. He showed me everything I was missing.

And then he showed me how to fall.

*This is a standalone in a four-part series that will focus on different characters. Each book can be read on its own.


A Wild Reckless kapcsán azt mondtam, hogy Ginger Scott útján rátaláltam az egyik legjobb Young Adult könyvre, amit valaha olvastam. Ez alkalommal elmondhatom, hogy általa rátaláltam az egyik legjobb New Adult könyvre is, a ’College Romance’ kategóriában.

Imádtam! Komolyan! Minden sort! Nevettem és sírtam, majd fájt a szívem, aztán újra szakadtam a nevetéstől. Annyi szempontból volt ugyanaz és mégis más ez a könyv, mint az összes többi ebben a kategóriában. Igen, a főszereplő lány ez alkalommal is tragikus múlttal érkezik meg a kampuszra, és igen, a sztársportoló egyből elrabolja a szívét, DE mégis annyi újat tartogatott!

Imádtam a szereplőket. Mind a főszereplők, mind a mellékszereplők annyira szerethetőek voltak. Nagyon tetszett, hogy Rowe múltja végre valami igazán megdöbbentő, és egyedi volt, de talán az tetszett a legjobban az egész kötetben, hogy a döbbenetes tragédia ellenére egy annyira aranyos légkör lengte körül az egész kötetet, hogy komolyan olvadozott a szívem. Egy picit itt-ott cukros volt, de valamiért ennél a könyvnél a legcukrosabb részeknél volt a legnagyobb mosoly az arcomon. :)) Imádtam, hogy Nate nem a ”nőcsábász rossz fiú, akit jó útra térít a szűz lány”, mint ahogy tíz könyvből kilencben így van, hanem egy irtó aranyos srác, aki első pillanattól kezdve elrabolta a szívemet. Engem talán leginkább Cam-re emlékeztetett a Wait for You-ból, ugyanaz az csupaszív, humoros book boyfriend, csak itt a főszereplő lány is hamar belopja magát az olvasó szívébe. 🙂

Két éve már, hogy Rowe otthon tanuló diák lett, hogy nem tud aludni, és hogy nem is hagyja el az otthonát. Az, hogy több ezer mérföldre a családjától végül megkezdi az egyetemi tanulmányait, élete egyik legnagyobb lépése. Mikor megérkezik az egyetemre, nem tudja, hogy hogyan fogja tudni kezelni ezt az új helyzetet, a sok embert, az ismeretlent. De aztán éjszaka a kollégiumban összefut egy aranyos sráccal, aki egyszerűen nem megy ki a fejéből, és aki egy pillanat alatt új fordulatot visz az addigi életébe. Azonban kérdés, hogy vajon lehet-e hely szívében bárki számára, azelőtt, hogy végleg el tudná engedni a múltat?

A könyv igencsak komoly témát dolgoz fel, egy elképzelhetetlen tragédia túlélőjének mindennapjait, és hogy milyen hatalmas lépéseket kell megtennie, ahhoz, hogy újra visszataláljon az életébe, ami egyszer csak megállt, mint egy elromlott óra mutatója. Ugyanakkor az írónő képes volt megtalálni a tökéletes egyensúlyt a vidámság és a szomorúság között, és könnyed és szerethető tudott maradni a történet. Annyira aranyosak voltak az ugratások, Nate és testvére Ty, és Rowe és a barátnője Cass között. Néha komolyan szakadtam a nevetéstől olyanokat találtak ki. 🙂 Ez a kötet egy inkább könnyedebb hangvételű, ugyanakkor mondanivalót is tartalmazó regény, amely nagyon jó stílussal és jó humorral lett megírva.

Az „egyetemi kampuszos-sportolós könyvek” tipikusan az a kategória, amiből ha olvastál egyet, mindet olvastad, de ez a könyv mégis kedvenc lett, és annyira drukkolok, hogy valamelyik kiadó végre felfedezze ezt a tehetséges írónőt!


My Review in English

After I read Wild Reckless I said, that thanks to Ginger Scott I found one of the best Young Adult books I’ve ever read. Now I fell that I also found one of the best New Adult books in “College Romance” category. 

I loved it! Seriously! Every line! I laughed, I cried, my heart hurt then I laughed again. This book was similar and yet so-so different than any other books in this genre from so many aspects. Yes, the heroine arrives at the campus with a troubled past, and yes, the baseball star steals her heart from the very first moment, BUT yet it held so many novelty!

I loved the characters so much! The main characters and the secondary cast of characters both were so lovable! I loved that this time the heroin’s past is truly shocking and unique, but what I loved the most was that despite this unimaginable tragedy the whole story had a really sweet atmosphere around it, and my heart melt away so many times. Sometimes it was maybe a little bit too fluffy, but with this story somehow the fluffiest and cheesiest parts were able to put the biggest smile on my face. :))

I loved that Nate was not the “womanizer bad boy who finds the good path with the help of the virgin girl”…etc-etc, just like in the plot-line of nine of ten books, but a really sweet guy who stole my heart from the very first moment. He reminded me a little of Cam from Wait For You by J. Lynn, but this time the heroin was also able to find a way into my heart quickly. 🙂

Two years have passed since Rowe became a home-schooled student, that she can’t sleep, and she doesn’t leave her home anymore. The thing, that she starts college a thousand miles away from her parents, is one of the biggest steps of her life. When she arrives at the campus, she doesn’t know how she will able to handle this new situation, the lots of people, and the unknown. But one night at the dorms she meets with a really sweet guy, who she can’t get out of her head, and who brings a new turn into her life. But the question is: can be a place for anybody in her heart before she permanently leaves behind her past?

The book touches some really heavy subjects, like a life of a survivor of an unimaginable tragedy and how huge are those steps that she has to make to find her way back to her life, which stopped at a point like a broken hand of a clock. But the author was able to find the perfect balance between the happiness and sadness and this way this book could stay a really lovable and rather light story. I loved the pranks between Nate, his brother Ty and Rowe and her roommate Cass. Sometimes I just couldn’t stop laughing, it was so funny! 🙂 This book has a light-hearted tone, but it also contains some important messages and it was written with a perfect writing style and a great sense of humour.

The “College sport romance” genre is typically that kind of category that “if you read one, you read all of them”, but this book still became a favorite for me! <3


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“I wanted you to fall. And I wanted to catch you.”

“She’s panting, her hands digging into my shoulders and her forehead pressed against mine, her eyes closed tightly.
“Look at me, (…) I will wait for you,” I say, and her breath catches quickly, her eyes watering almost instantly. “Do you hear me?”
She nods yes. Her movement is small, but it is there.
“For as long as it takes. Forever if I have to. I’ll wait forever, okay?”

“You can sleep on Ty’s bed if you want. I took his blanket. You know, save you from his cooties?” Dimples.
“Thanks,” I smile, spreading Barbie out on Ty’s mattress, and setting Paige’s dress down on Nate’s desk-chair. “Can I keep Hearty?”
“Oh. My. God. You named the pillow. Yes, you can keep Hearty,” he says, rolling his eyes, but laughing enough that I know he’s teasing.
“Says the man who calls his blanket Barbie,” I tease back.
“If you’re going to make fun of Barbie, you can sleep without a blanket, missy,” he says, feigning to get up and pull the blanket from Ty’s bed. I leap on the bed and gather the blanket in my arms quickly.
“No! No. I was kidding. I love Barbie. She and I are friends,” I say, giggling.”

“Sorry. You’re really pretty when you laugh, and a man can’t be held responsible for how he reacts to you laughing. You should be mindful of that. You could end up getting kissed by waiters at restaurants, professors, frat guys. Now, wait. No frat guys. Just ugly waiters and old professors.”

“Dimples. Smile. Accent. I’m sunk.”

“And then it’s there – the smile. The same look she had on her face in that picture. It’s joy. And I just gave it to her. My god, do I want to give it to her again.”

“It’s like I’m caught in an internal tug-of-war with myself- my heart begging to beat from thrill, but caged in fear.”

“Just getting the chance to tell this girl I love her once would be worth all the pain in the world.”

5- ‘I call dibs on Nate’- Stars

5 stars

This is falling


About the Author

Ginger Scott is an Amazon-bestselling and Goodreads Ginger ScottChoice Award-nominated author of several young and new adult romances, including Waiting on the Sidelines, Going Long, Blindness, How We Deal With Gravity, This Is Falling, You and Everything After, The Girl I Was Before, Wild Reckless, Wicked Restless and In Your Dreams.

A sucker for a good romance, Ginger’s other passion is sports, and she often blends the two in her stories. (She’s also a sucker for a hot quarterback, catcher, pitcher, point guard…the list goes on.) Ginger has been writing and editing for newspapers, magazines and blogs for more than 15 years. She has told the stories of Olympians, politicians, actors, scientists, cowboys, criminals and towns. For more on her and her work, visit her website at

When she’s not writing, the odds are high that she’s somewhere near a baseball diamond, either watching her son field pop flies like Bryce Harper or cheering on her favorite baseball team, the Arizona Diamondbacks. Ginger lives in Arizona and is married to her college sweetheart whom she met at ASU (fork ’em, Devils).


Falling Series

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The Hard Count by Ginger Scott is coming July 15!!! Amazon pre-orders are now live! When two ugly worlds collide, even the strongest fall. But my world…it hasn’t met the boy from West End.

Mature YA Contemporary Romance
Book Trailer:

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