Jay McLean – Heartache and Hope – ARC Review

***Heartache and Hope by Jay McLean is now LIVE***
The first book in the Heartache Duet is now available exclusive to Amazon and FREE with Kindle Unlimited. Book two, First and Forever, releases July 12, only two weeks from now. 


Ava Diaz needs saving.

She just doesn’t know it yet.

Just like she doesn’t know a thing about the boy she sits next to on the first day of senior year.

He thinks she’s a brat.

She thinks he’s entitled.

Maybe first impressions don’t always last… 

Because Connor Ledger’s about to save her.

He just doesn’t know why.

*ARC kindly provided by the Author*

Véleményem könyvről

Amikor Jay McLean egy hosszabb kihagyás után új regénnyel tér vissza, nem felejt el emlékeztetni rá, hogy miért is ő az egyik kedvenc szerzőm. Ava és Connor története az első oldalaktól magával ragadott és teljesen elrabolta a szívemet.

Connor új diákként kezdi meg az utolsó évét a gimiben, ahová kosárlabda ösztöndíjjal került be. Édesapja és ő is eddig is sok áldozatot hoztak a “végső célért”, a profi kosárért, és a legfontosabb mindig az volt, hogy kerülje a dolgokat, amik elterelik a figyelmét. De aztán első nap, pszichológia órán megpillantja Ava-t, a furcsa, magába zárkózó, gyönyörű lányt, aki egyből felkelti a figyelmét. Azonban Ava élete közel sem egyszerű, és otthoni körülményei miatt nem élheti egy átlagos tinédzser mindennapjait. Bár úgy tűnik, hogy minden a kapcsolatuk ellen szól, Connor és Ava mégsem tudnak távol maradni egymástól. Azonban olykor még a szerelem sem elég ahhoz, hogy leküzdjünk minden akadályt…

Borzasztóan sajnáltam Ava-t, amiért ekkora teher nyomja a vállát. Amiért nem lehet fiatal és szabad, és főleg mert kilátástalannak tűnik a helyzete. Connor az egyik eddigi kedvenc karakterem, igazi tökéletes book boyfriend. Nagyon szerettem, hogy pont annyira próbálta megtalálni a helyét Ava világában, mint az új iskolában, vagy a kosárcsapatban. Szintén nagyon szerettem Ava bátyját, ő szintén kiemelkedő karakter volt.

Egy ideje már keresem azt a fajta YA könyvet, ami az igazi kedvencem, amitől hevesebben ver a szívem és amit nem tudok letenni. Talán meg sem kellene lepődnöm, hogy Jay McLean-nek sikerült elhoznia ezt. Egy könyv útkeresésről, otthoni nehézségekről, álmokról és az első szerelemről. Alig várom, hogy olvashassam a második részt! 

My Review of the Book

When Jay McLean returns after a bigger break, she makes sure to remind me why is she one of my top favorite authors. The story of Ava and Connor hooked me from the very first page and it stole my heart completely. It was so perfect!

Connor starts his senior year in a new high school with a basketball scholarship. He and his father already made a lot of sacrifices trough the years for the end game: professional basketball and the most important thing always was that he should avoid all the distractions. But on the first day of school at Psych class, he sees Ava, the strange, closed-off, beautiful girl who immediately catches his attention. But Ava’s life is not easy and because of the things she has to deal with at home she can’t live the life of an average teenager. Although it seems that everything is working against them, they still can’t stay away from each other. But sometimes even love is not enough to overcome all obstacles…

I was terribly sad for Ava, just how she must carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. That she can’t be young and free, and especially because I felt her hopelessness on every page. Connor is one of my favorite characters ever, a real perfect book boyfriend. I really liked that finding his place in Ava’s life was just as important for him as finding his place in his new school or in the basketball team. I really loved Ava’s step brother, too. He was also a really great character!

For a while now I’ve been looking for the kind of YA book that makes my heart race and which I can’t put down. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that Jay McLean was the one who delivered it. This is a beautiful and heartbreaking story about dreams, challenges, finding our path and first love. I truly can’t wait to read the second part of this duet!

My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“…her touch is like fire. Only this time, I don’t mind the burn.”

“Psychology may be my favorite subject in the history of forever. Scratch that. Ava is my favorite subject.”

“Ava: You’re something else, Connor.
Connor: You’re something MORE, Ava.”

“You, Ava. I want you. On your good days and your bad days—especially your bad days. I want you to let me in. I want you to come to me and look at me the way you’re looking at me now, and know that I’m all in. I just want you.” His voice cracks. “God, Ava. I want you so fucking bad, it’s killing me.”

“And if magic didn’t exist within Connor, then it exists all around him. Because moments ago, I was dirty, dazed and damaged, and now… Now I was falling asleep under a starlit sky, surrounded by tiny glimmers of hope.”

“We hold on to each other for the rest of the afternoon, talking about everything but tomorrow. We fight, we float, we laugh, and we fall. God, do we fall. Deeper and deeper into these reckless emotions.”

“Within the four walls of my bedroom, we find peace in each other’s arms, find solace in each other’s touch, and find a home in each other’s hearts… even if the space is limited.”

5- Magic exist- Stars

Purchase Links

Download your copy of this Mature Young Adult Sports Romance today!

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2NhQ5Yr

Amazon Global: mybook.to/JMacHH

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveawayhttp://bit.ly/2Ypj25K

Add the Duet to your TBR

Author Bio

Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult and Young Adult romance, and skilled procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her three little boys, investing way too much time on True Crime Documentaries and binge-watching reality TV.

She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.

Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in her dream home where music is loud and laughter is louder.

For publishing rights (Foreign & Domestic) Film or television, please contact her agent Erica Spellman-Silverman, at Trident Media Group.

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