The Fault in Our Stars meets Eleanor and Park in this exhilarating and heart-wrenching love story about a girl who learns to live from a boy who intends to die.
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Elle Fanning!
Theodore Finch is fascinated by death, and he constantly thinks of ways he might kill himself. But each time, something good, no matter how small, stops him.
Violet Markey lives for the future, counting the days until graduation, when she can escape her Indiana town and her aching grief in the wake of her sister’s recent death.
When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it’s unclear who saves whom. And when they pair up on a project to discover the “natural wonders” of their state, both Finch and Violet make more important discoveries: It’s only with Violet that Finch can be himself—a weird, funny, live-out-loud guy who’s not such a freak after all. And it’s only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet’s world grows, Finch’s begins to shrink.
This is an intense, gripping novel perfect for fans of Jay Asher, Rainbow Rowell, John Green, Gayle Forman, and Jenny Downham from a talented new voice in YA, Jennifer Niven.
Megjelenik 2015. november 13-án a Maxim kiadó gondozásában Jennifer Niven – Veled minden hely ragyogó címmel.
Megejtően szép kamasz szerelem három hónapja ez a sodró lendületű és megrázó történet, de még ennél is több: élet, halál, betegség, előítéletek és megbélyegzés, önfeláldozó igyekezet, gyász és a tragédiából való katartikus feltámadás körül forog Theo és Violet love storyja. A két végzős középiskolás fiatal öngyilkosságra készülve ismerkedik meg az iskola óratornyának keskeny párkányán állva. Ki menti meg a másik életét? Ki a felelős a másikért? Ki és mit tehet (tehetne) a leselkedő végzet ellen? Bepillanthatunk egy szeretnivaló fiú gondolat- és érzésvilágába, gyermekkori traumáiba, amelyek elkerülhetetlenül sodorják őt a kezdettől fogva sejthető végzet felé. A paradox módon felemelő vég mégis meglepetést tartogat az olvasónak, és egyhamar nem feledjük, ahogy Theót sem, aki rövid, üstökösszerű létével új életre serkenti szerelmét, Violetet.
Imádtam, hogy mennyire különleges volt ez a történet, hogy mennyire más volt. Nagyon tetszett Finch humora, és ahogyan a világot látja. Keserédes volt ez a könyv, mert bár imádnivaló volt, mégis összetörte a szívemet.
Az egész történet úgy indul, hogy Theodore Finch – akit mindenki furcsának tart és kitaszít, pedig helyes fiú, gitározik és együttesekben játszik – az iskolai óratorony tetején áll és azon gondolkozik, hogy „Jó nap-e ez a halálra?”, aztán meglát valakit az udvaron, aki felfele mutogat, de nem őrá. Mikor oldalra fordítja a fejét, meglátja, hogy a torony másik szélén áll egy lány Violet Markey, akivel együtt jár földrajzra. Finch – aki úgy gondolja, mégsem ez lesz a jó nap a halálra, és nem túl szép halál leugrani egy toronyból – sármmal, bűbájjal és elég sok humorral lesegíti a lányt a korlátról. Végül az egész story úgy terjed el a suliban, hogy Violet mentette meg Finchet. Mivel Violet nem akarja, hogy bárki megtudja, hogy miért is volt fent a toronyban – egyébként egy autóbalesetben elvesztette a nővérét, akinek aznap lett volna a szülinapja – úgy érzi, hogy tartozik a fiúnak. Félig-meddig emiatt is egyezik bele, hogy Finch legyen a párja egy földrajz projectben, amelyben el kell látogatniuk legalább három helyre Indiánában és le kell írniuk, mit láttak. Mindenki múzeumokba és unalmas helyekre megy, de mivel Finch különleges fiú, aki különlegesen látja a világot, összegyűjt egy csomó érdekes helyet, ahova el szeretne menni, pl. a világ legnagyobb festékgolyója, vagy Indiana legmagasabb pontja…stb. Mivel Violet az autóbalesetük óta nem ült autóba, sőt gyakorlatilag nem is nagyon ment el sehova és szinte teljesen felhagyott az életével, elég korlátozottak a lehetőségeik, ahova el tudnak menni gyalog vagy biciklivel. Hamar kifogynak a közeli helyekből és végül Finch ráveszi, hogy elautózzanak nem csak három helyre, hanem minél többre, sőt, valahogy kiszakítja Violetet a sötétségből és megtanítja újra élni.
Csodálatos és elgondolkodtató volt ez a könyv, ugyanakkor vicces és szeretnivaló. Egyébként ez a könyv teljesen John Green stílusát idézte számomra. Ha valaki odaadja nekem borító nélkül, vakon rá mondtam volna, hogy ő írta. Az értékelésemet az írónő szavaival zárom, talán ez fejezi ki legjobban milyen is volt ez a történet.
„Akartam írni valami felkavarót.
Akartam írni valami kortársat.
Akartam írni valami keményet, súlyosat, szomorút de vicceset.”
My Review in English
I loved how special this story was – how different it was. I loved Finch’s sense of humour and the way he sees the world. This story was bittersweet, because it was lovable but it broke my heart into little pieces.
The story begins the way with Theodore Finch – whom everybody sees just a weirdo and an outcast despite that he plays the guitar and plays in bands, and he is pretty cool – standing in the clock tower of the school and thinks: “Is today a good day to die?”. But then he suddenly recognizes that he is not alone. In the other side of the tower stands a girl, Violet Markey whom he knows from the Geography class. Finch – who thinks maybe this is not the best day to die and this is not the prettiest way either – makes Violet to leave the tower with him with charm and humour. Finally the news spread at the school that Violet saved Finch. Because Violet doesn’t want anybody to learn why she was in the tower at the first place (unfortunately she lost her sister in a car accident, and that day would be her birthday), and she feels that she owes Finch. Partly this is the reason that she agrees that to make pairs with Finch during the Geography project: they have to visit at least three places in Indiana, and they have to write down what they saw. Everybody visits museums and boring places but because Finch sees the word another way he collects a lot of interesting places where he wants to see (for example the World’s Largest Ball of Paint, or the highest point of Indiana). Because since the accident Violent doesn’t sit in a car – ever –, firstly they have to go by foot or by bike, so their options are limited. They run out of places pretty soon and Finch finally gets Violet to get in a car, and they make road trips to the chosen places. Finally he helps Violet to find a way from the darkness and he teaches her to live again.
This was a wonderful and compelling story, and it was humorous and lovable. I found the writing style of the book similar as John Green’s. Maybe if I got it without a cover, I blindly would said that it is a John Green book. I close my review with the words of the author, which is the perfect way to show you what this story was like.
„I wanted to write something edgy.
I wanted to write something contemporary.
I wanted to write something tough, hard, sad, but funny.”
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
„You are all the color in one, at full brightness.”
„We don’t remember days, we remember moments.”
„Sometimes when we’re in the darkest places, we find the brightest light.”
“But I bring it up to let you know that this is the way I feel right now. Like Pluto and Jupiter are aligned with the earth and I’m floating.”
In a minute, she says, „You’re so weird, Finch. But that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
“You know what I like about you, Finch? You’re interesting. You’re different. And I can talk to you. Don’t let that go to your head.”
“You know what I like about you, Ultraviolet Remarkey-able? Everything.”
„No more winter at all. Finch, you brought me spring.”
We alternate choosing places to go, but we also have to be willing to go where the road takes us. This means the grand, the small, the bizarre, the poetic, the beautiful, the ugly, the surprising. Just like life. But absolutely, unconditionally, resolutely nothing ordinary.
About the Author
New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Niven has always wanted to be a Charlie’s Angel, but her true passion is writing. Her most recent book, All the Bright Places, is her first novel for young adult readers and tells the story of a girl who learns to live from a boy who intends to die. All the Bright Places is the #1 Kids’ Indie Next Book for Winter ’14-’15, an editor’s Pick/Best Book of the Month, and a New York Timesbestseller. The foreign rights have already sold to thirty-four territories, and the movie rights have been optioned with Elle Fanning attached to star. As a companion to the book, Jennifer has created Germ (, a web magazine for and run by girls (and boys) — high school and beyond — that celebrates beginnings, futures, and all the amazing and agonizing moments in between.
With the publication of her first book, The Ice Master, Jennifer became a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writer. A nonfiction account of a deadly Arctic expedition, The Ice Master was released in November 2000 and named one of the top ten nonfiction books of the year by Entertainment Weekly, and translated into multiple languages, including German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Danish, and Icelandic. Jennifer and The Ice Master appeared in Newsweek, Entertainment Weekly, Talk, Glamour, The New Yorker, Outside, The New York Times Book Review, The London Daily Mail, The London Times, and Writer’s Digest, among others. Dateline BBC, the Discovery Channel, and the History Channel featured The Ice Master an hour-long documentaries, and the book was the subject of numerous German, Canadian, and British television documentaries. The Ice Master has been nominated for awards by the American Library Association and Book Sense, and received Italy’s esteemed Gambrinus Giuseppe Mazzotti Prize for 2002.
Jennifer’s second book, Ada Blackjack — an inspiring true story of the woman the press called “the female Robinson Crusoe” — has been translated into Chinese, French, and Estonian, was a Book Sense Top Ten Pick, and was named by The Wall Street Journal as one of the Top Five Arctic books.
Her memoir, The Aqua-Net Diaries: Big Hair, Big Dreams, Small Town, was published in February 2010 by Gallery Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, and was optioned by Warner Bros. as a television series.
Her first novel, Velva Jean Learns to Drive (based on her Emmy Award-winning film of the same name), was released July 2009 by Penguin/Plume. It was an Indie Pick for the August 2009 Indie Next List and was also a Costco Book of the Month. The second book in the Velva Jean series, Velva Jean Learns to Fly, was released by Penguin/Plume in August 2011, and the third book in the series, Becoming Clementine, was published in September 2012. The fourth Velva Jean novel, American Blonde, hit shelves in 2014.
With her mother, author Penelope Niven, Jennifer has conducted numerous seminars in writing and addressed audiences around the world. She lives in Los Angeles.
Learn more about Jennifer Niven here.
All the Bright Places movie is coming in 2017!
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