Julie Johnson – One Good Reason – Release Blitz + ARC Review

Author: Julie Johnson
Series: The Boston Love Stories
Release Date: May 30, 2016


Zoe Bloom has her life figured out.

After a childhood spent begging for scraps on Boston street corners, she’s clawed her way to a successful career and a safe place to call home. She knows exactly what she needs to survive — a bit of money in the bank, a roof over her head, food on the table. Friends and family are a luxury she can’t afford. And forget about frivolous romantic entanglements. She can barely juggle her own problems; she certainly doesn’t have time to handle anyone else’s crap…

Parker West has spent his life running.

From responsibility. From obligation. From the corporate CEO position he’s always been expected to take over. He’d rather climb Kilimanjaro than sit in a board meeting with stiffs in suits. When a crisis at the family company forces him to return to Boston, he has no choice but to stop chasing adventures — temporarily. As soon as things are back in order, he fully intends to sail off into the sunset…
Until he locks eyes with a mysterious blonde who screams trouble and sets his senses on fire. For the first time in his life, Parker doesn’t want to run. In fact, when it comes to Zoe… he may want to do something he’s never done before.


ONE GOOD REASON is a full-length contemporary romance about a girl who’s spent her life just trying to survive… and the man who finally teaches her how to live. Due to some sexy scenes, suspenseful moments, and a foul-mouthed heroine, it is recommended for readers ages 17 and up.


*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

Véleményem a könyvről

Azok számára, akik Julie Johnson könyvet vesznek a kezükbe, az alábbi tünetek előfordulása felettébb gyakori: álmatlanság, heves szívdobogás, a sok vigyorgás okozta arcfájás, körömrágás és könyvfüggőség miatt étlen-szomjan eltöltött hosszú órák. 😀

Nem nagy titok, hogy Julie Johnson az egyik kedvenc írónőm. A könyveiben van egy olyanfajta egyediség, amely miatt messziről felismerném bármelyiket. A humora, utánozhatatlan karakterei és kortárs utalásai, mindig egy izgalmas, akciódús szállal társulnak, és mindezt sokszor nagyon szép választékos nyelvezettel adja át.
Úgy gondolom, hogy a legtöbb könyvről érződik, hogy az adott író mennyire szerette meg a karaktereit, mennyire élvezte a könyv írását, és ezen a könyvön annyira éreztem, hogy az írónő maga is imádja ezt a történetet. Azóta várom, hogy olvashassam Tinkerbell és Parker történetét, hogy becsuktam a Cross the Line-t. 😀 Tudtam, hogy az ő történetük lesz a legviccesebb az egész sorozatból, mert mindkét szereplő önmagában is fergeteges karakter.

A főszereplő Zoe, aki nem mellesleg egy főállású hacker. 😀 Ő tipikusan az a személy, aki nem kér senki segítségéből, csípős személyiségével mindenkit kartávolságra tart, és jobb szeret magányos farkasként mások titkos szuperhőse lenni. Igen ám, de mi történik, ha egy jóképű, folyton vigyorgó, soha fel nem növő nőcsábászt nem hatja meg a fagyos, szarkasztikus felszín? Ha ez a bizonyos Pán Péter effektusban szenvedő imádnivaló pasi egyszerűen levakarhatatlan? Akkor bizony Csingilingnek meg kell tanulnia megbíznia Pán Péterben, és újra megtanulnia repülni. :))

Imádtam a karaktereket! Nagyon szerettem, hogy bár ez a kötet is a romantikus humor kategóriába esik, de mégis mindkét főszereplő meglehetősen összetett. Zoe szívet összetörő múltjával, a csípős személyiségével, humorával és  az ismeretlenek felé is bizonyított végtelen önzetlenségével, igazán sokrétű karaktert formált meg az írónő.
Parker az a srác, aki bejárta már a világot, aki soha nem marad tartósan egy helyen, a felelőtlen fiú, akire most hatalmas felelősség szakadt azzal, hogy át kell vennie az apja cégét. És talán pont arra van szüksége, hogy végre jöjjön valaki, aki megfogja a kezét és utat mutasson az “elveszett fiúnak”. A Zoe és Parker közötti szócsaták hihetetlenül viccesek voltak és számtalan idézetet gyűjtöttem ki ebből a könyvből is. Sőt őszintén nem gondoltam, hogy valaha is lesz valaki, aki elorozhatja Finn Chambers helyét a JJ Book Boyfriend listámról, de sikerült. Parker elrabolta a szívemet. Imádtam, hogy ő nem egy alfa típusú pasi volt, hanem egy imádnivalóan vicces srác.

Imádtam a világítótornyot, és nagyon tetszett, hogy picit bekukkanthattunk az előző kötetek karaktereinek életébe is. És amikor az FBI-os Conor ismét feltűnt, akkorát nevettem! Ő tényleg nem maradhat ki szinte egyik Julie Johnson könyvből sem. 😀

Nem tudom, hogy hogy csinálja az írónő, de ahogy eddig minden alkalommal, úgy ez a kötete is olyan volt, hogy leültem és nem tudtam letenni. Magához láncolt, izgalmas volt, és vicces. És a Julie Johnson kötetekből elmaradhatatlan izgalmas szál sem okozott csalódást, amelyet a kitartóan növesztett körmöm bánt. Köszi Julie, most kezdhetem elölről. 😀

Őszintén ajánlom ezt a könyvet, és ahogy a Cross the Line felkerült 2015 kedvencei közé, úgy a One Good Reason-nek biztos helye lett 2016 kedvenceinek polcán. ♥



My Review in English

Everyone who picks up a Julie Johnson book has to prepare themselves for the following symptoms: insomnia, heart palpitations, facial pain caused by too many grinning, nail biting, book addiction caused long hours without food or water. 😀

It’s not a big secret, that Julie Johnson is one of my favorite authors. All of her books has a uniqueness that makes all of them recognizable and memorable.  Her amazing sense of humor, inimitable characters and real life references are always matched with a thrilling plot line and Julie hands over all of it with an amazing and many times beautiful writing style.
I think a reader almost always can tell if the writer truly loves their book and if she/he enjoyed writing it. With this book I absolutely felt that Julie loved her characters, that she loved writing this story.  :))

I was waiting to read the story of Tinkerbell (aka Zoe) and Parker since I finished Cross the Line. I knew that their story probably will be the funniest of the series, because both of the characters are hilarious by themselves, too.

The main character is Zoe, who is a full-time hacker. 😀 She is typically the person, who doesn’t want anyone’s help, who keeps everyone at arm’s length with her sassy attitude, and who loves to be the secret superhero for others as an alone wolf. But what happens, when a handsome, always smiling, man-child womanizer is not bothered by the cold and sarcastic facade? If she can’t get rid of this adorable guy who probably is suffering from the ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’? Then Tinkerbell has to learn to trust in Peter Pan and has to learn to fly again. :))

I loved the characters so-so much!! I loved that although this book is in Romantic Comedy genre, but the characters were still complex. With the heart-breaking past of Zoe, with her sassy character and sense of humour, and with her endless selflessness towards strangers, the writer could create a really memorable, multi-layered character.
Parker is the guy who already traveled across the world, who can’t stay in one place for a long time, the irresponsible boy, who now has to take a huge responsibility because he needs to take over his father’s company. And maybe the only thing he needs is someone who takes his hands and helps to the “lost boy” find his way.

The banters between Zoe and Parker were hilarious and I laughed so much! I highlighted so many quotes in this book! And I couldn’t even imagine that someday there will be a guy who can steal the first spot from Finn Chambers on my JJ Book Boyfriends list, but Parker West did it, and I totally fell in love with him. ♥ I loved that he was finally not an alpha male, but a truly adorable and funny guy. 🙂

I loved the lighthouse, and I truly loved that we could take a glimpse of the life of the characters of the other books of the series. And when the FBI guy Conor showed up again? I burst out laughing, because he is the guy who never can be missed out from a JJ book. 🙂
I don’t know how Julie can do this, but every book of hers glued me to my Kindle. I just sit down, and forget about everything else. Her writing style is truly captivating. This book was also engaging, and so-so funny, and the typical Julie Johnson kind of thrilling plot also couldn’t disappoint me, what my persistently gowned nails minded. Thank Julie, now I can start to grow them over again. 😀

I highly recommend this book for everyone, and like Cross the Line landed on my favorite shelf of 2015, One Good Reason became a favorite of 2016. ♥


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“And when you share that light with me, it makes me feel like… maybe I don’t have to live in the shadows anymore.”

“You are my favorite kind of adventure”

“You don’t fall in love with a bird and stick her in a cage. You let her fly free and hope like hell she comes back to you.”
“You know what?” I ask, kissing him back.
“What?” he murmurs.
“Tinkerbell and Peter Pan
both knew how to fly.”

“Sometimes I guess two people really do complete each other — the jagged, broken pieces of their souls aligning perfectly, to create an undamaged whole.”

“Luca and I both gravitate toward darkness. Distrust. Destruction.
And, the truth is, you can’t drive out shadows in a windowless room. At some point, you have to let the light in. Find someone who glows bright enough to lessen the burden of your misfortunes.”

“Life’s too damn short to waste it with people who don’t make you happy, in places that don’t excite you, doing things that don’t challenge you.” He looks at me — really looks — and I get the oddest sense that he actually sees me.”

“As I study the expression on his features, I realize this man is not a volcano, like Luca — dangerous from a distance, a clear threat to everyone in a ten-mile radius.
Parker is a hot spring, a geyser buried beneath a meadow. The kind that erupts through cracks you don’t even see until you’re standing over them, boiling up with the heat of it, too distracted by its beauty to notice its lethality.”

“There’s only one reason I’ve spent my life running,” he says, his voice intent. “You know what that is?”
I shake my head.
“I’ve never had a good reason to stay.”

5- Parker West could totally take me too to his lighthouse anytime of the day 😉 – Stars

5 stars




Playlist for the Book

Lost Boy – Ruth B.
Trouble – Halsey
Please – Sawyer Fredericks
Dance So Good – Wakey!Wakey!
Coming Down – Halsey
Make It To Me – Sam Smith
Coffee and Cigarettes – Michelle Featherstone
Little Do You Know – Alex & Sierra
Unsteady – X Ambassadors
Let It Go – James Bay
Hold You In My Arms – Ray LaMontagne

About the Author

JULIE JOHNSON is a twenty-something Boston13043540_936430743072964_7980518671524842824_n native suffering from an extreme case of Peter Pan Syndrome and an obsession with fictional characters. When she’s not writing, Julie can most often be found daydreaming, drinking too much coffee, striving to conquer her Netflix queue, or stalking Goodreads for new books to add to her ever-growing TBR list.

She published her debut novel LIKE GRAVITY in August 2013, just before her senior year of college, and she’s never looked back. Since, she has published four more novels: SAY THE WORD, ERASING FAITH, NOT YOU IT’S ME, and CROSS THE LINE. Her books have appeared on Kindle and iTunes Bestseller lists around the world.

You can find Julie on Facebook or contact her on her website www.juliejohnsonbooks.com. Sometimes, when she can figure out how Twitter works, she tweets from @AuthorJulie. For major book news and updates, subscribe to Julie’s newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bnWtHH

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