Katharine Firestone is a bit of a mess.
Between an acting career that’s never quite made lift-off to stardom, a pathetic love life of online-dating-app losers, and a maxed-out balance on every one of her credit cards, things can’t get much worse. So, when she’s plucked from relative obscurity to land a lead role in Hollywood’s next big blockbuster, Kat is sure she’s finally on the right track.
Until she meets her co-star, Grayson Dunn… and all her plans are completely derailed.
Grayson is everything you’d expect the hottest actor alive to be — charming, disarming, and cocky as hell. As their characters slowly spiral into love on screen, Kat struggles to keep herself from falling for real. She knows handing Grayson her heart and expecting him not to break it would be the biggest mistake of her life. Yet the deeper she’s immersed in his glamorous world, the more blurred the boundaries between scripted affection and sincere passion become… and the harder it is to deny that their on-camera chemistry has crescendoed into a behind-the-scenes love affair…
What happens when you fall for someone who’s guaranteed to shatter you into pieces? Do you walk away? Or do you let him break you because, even broken, there’s simply no way you can’t stay?
THE MONDAY GIRL is a messy contemporary romance about a mixed up girl who falls for the wrong boy. It is the first part of a duet. The second installment, THE SOMEDAY GIRL, will be released a few weeks later, in early 2017. Each installment is approximately 85,000 words. Recommended for readers ages 17+ due to strong language, sexual situations, drug use, and other mature elements.
*ARC Kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*
Hűha! Ez valami egészen új volt az írónőtől. Kicsit nyers, kicsit keserű, kicsit feszült, kicsit bizonytalan, olykor hajat tépő, néha megmosolyogtató, de főként valami egészen más.
Kat Firestone élete nem fenékig tejfel. Egy lepukkant kis lakásban él Los Angelesben, egy bárban dolgozik és egy roncstelepre való autóval közlekedik, miközben, mint oly sokan, ő is megpróbálja beteljesíteni a hollywoodi álmot. Az utolsó komolyabb szerepét 9 éves korában kapta, és amióta elköltözött a kibírhatatlan anyjától, -aki egyben az ügynöke is-, napról napra próbál megélni a saját lábán. Az élete egy pillanat alatt megváltozik, amikor egy szerencsés véletlen folytán egy olyan filmszerephez jut, amely minden színésznő álma lenne. Hirtelen ott találja magát Hawaii egyik gyönyörű szigetén, Hollywood egyik leghíresebb rendezőjének filmjében, ahol ráadásul a híres, dögös filmsztár Grayson Dunn mellett kap főszerepet. Grayson egy két lábon járó szexisten, de Kat az a lány, akit nem vesz le a lábáról a Grayson sármja. Tudja, hogy távol kell tartania magát tőle, hogy nem sülhet ki semmi jó abból, ha belegabalyodik a gyönyörű zöldszemű pasiba. Ismeri ezt a típust. De a kísértés meglehetősen nagy…
Vannak azok a típusú könyvek, amelyek olyanok, mint a tv sorozatok: szétcincálják az idegeidet, tele vannak feszültséggel, drámával és összetört szívekkel, de mindennek ellenére imádod őket, és olyan szintű függőséget okoznak, hogy egyszerűen nem tudod abbahagyni, ha egyszer magával rántott. És a The Monday Girl bizony nagyon is magával ragadott. Imádtam! Nagyon szerettem a szereplőket, Kat-et, a legjobb barátnőjét Harper-t és a dögös- viking-imádnivaló producer Wyatt-at *olvadozik*, aki tökéletes egyensúlyt adott a könyv kissé keserű gondolatvilágához. Sőt még az arrogáns, de vicces és sokszor eszméletlenül aranyos Grayson-t is megkedveltem, aki viszont igencsak sok kérdőjelet hagyott maga után. Igazi enigma.
Éreztem a könyvben azt a bizonytalanságot, amely körüllengi a mostani 20-as 30-as generációnkat. Annyi igazság és keserűség volt ebben a könyvben, és úgy gondolom, hogy rengetegen fogják magukénak érezni a történetet, de azért mégis bízom benne, hogy a következő kötetben Kat valahogy rátalál a napfényes oldalra is. 🙂
Az írónő stílusa, -ahogy mindig-, kiváló volt, és úgy érzem, hogy ahhoz a mondanivalóhoz, amely a könyv igazi gerincét adta, maga a hollywoodi háttérválasztás tökéletesnek bizonyult, mert a celeb világnak, már eleve van egy olyan oldala, amely igazi élt tudott adni a könyvnek.
Más volt ez a kötet, mint az eddigiek. Nem volt benne a jól ismert krimi szál, nem volt benne Conor :), talán a humor is egy kicsit visszább szorult (habár akad egy-két eszméletlen szócsata), de volt benne valami olyan egyedi, friss és nyers gondolatvilág, ami mindképpen elismerést érdemel. A cliffhanger a kötet végén szimplán gonosz volt, és már csak egyetlen kérdésem van: mikor lesz már Február? 🙂
My Review in English
WOW! This book definitely was something completely new by the author. A little raw, a little bitter, a little tense, a little insecure, a little nerve-wrecking, a little humorous but mostly something entirely different.
Kat Firestone’s life is not an easy cake. She lives in a little run-down apartment in LA, she drives a car that should belong to a junkyard, she works in a bar, while like so many others she also tries to fulfill the dreams of Hollywood. She was nine years old when she had her last major acting role, and since she moved out from her unbearable mother’s home – who is also her agent -, she tries to stand on her own feet. Her life changes instantly when by chance she gets a role in a movie of every actress dream. Suddenly, she finds herself on one of the beautiful islands of Hawaii, in one of the most famous directors movie, as the co-star of the famous, hottie movie star Grayson Dunn. Grayson is every women’s dream, but Kat can see though his charm. She knows that she has to stay away from him, because she can’t expect anything good from this man even if he has beautiful green eyes. She knows his type… But the temptation is pretty big…
There are those kind of books that are like TV series: they get on your nerves, they are full with tension, drama and broken hearts, but you still love them and once you start them you are hooked forever. The Monday Girl is one of these kind of books and I was hooked from the very first page. I loved it so much! The characters were amazing! I loved Kat, her sassy best friend Harper, the hotti-Viking-swoonworthy Wyatt *sigh*, who gave the perfect balance of the bitterness of this book. And I even loved the arrogant, but funny and often incredibly cute Grayson, who however for me left a lot of question marks behind. He was a true enigma.
I could feel in this book the uncertainty that hangs over our 20’s, 30’s generation. There was so much truth, and bitterness in this book and I think a lot of people will see themselves in this story, but I still hope that in the next book Kat somehow will be able to find the bright side. 🙂
Julie Johnson’s writing style –as always-, was perfect, and I think for the massage of the book the author’s choice of the Hollywood background was absolutely perfect. The celebrity world originally has a kind of side that was able to give an amazing edge to the story.
This book was different from any other books by the author. There was no action-movie-kind-of-plot, no Connor (:)), maybe there was a little less humorous moments (although the banters were amazing!), but it was a really unique, fresh and thought provoking! The cliffhanger at the end was truly evil. (Thanks Julie :D). So I have only one question left: is it February yet? 🙂
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“Just remember —even if you’re a little bit broken, it’s okay. Without those cracks in that impenetrable outer wall of yours, I’d never see the beautiful person you are inside.”
“Maybe love isn’t something you can control, or talk yourself out of just because it’s not convenient.
Maybe Grayson is a choice that was never mine to make.”
“I am not the Juliet to his Romeo.
I am not the lodestar around which he orbits.
I am not the trade wind by which he sets the course of his sails.
I am not essential or exceptional.
If I were a day in his schedule, I would undoubtedly be Monday. An afterthought to an otherwise exciting weekend. Something to simply trudge through on your way to better things ahead.
I was his Monday girl.
Shitty, really, since he was my whole damn week.”
“I told you I was going to change your life.” His voice gets rough. “I just didn’t know you were going to change mine, too.”
“The birds disappear from sight as we stand there wrapped around each other, waist-deep in the warm water, neither wanting to move just yet. And I think, more than almost anything in the world, I’d like to be one of those birds — to fly away with this man in my arms, out over the water, into infinity, where no one can catch us.
Grayson and me.
Free from real life, from obligation, from reality.
Just two wild creatures chasing wind currents under the stars, pushing each other faster, further, until we’re so far from land there’s no turning back.
If I could only build us wings.”
4.5 – Solar system – Stars
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About the Author
JULIE JOHNSON is a twenty-something Boston native suffering from an extreme case of Peter Pan Syndrome and an obsession with fictional characters. When she’s not writing, Julie can most often be found daydreaming, drinking too much coffee, striving to conquer her Netflix queue, or stalking Goodreads for new books to add to her ever-growing TBR list.
She published her debut novel LIKE GRAVITY in August 2013, just before her senior year of college, and she’s never looked back. Since, she has published four more novels: SAY THE WORD, ERASING FAITH, NOT YOU IT’S ME, CROSS THE LINE and ONE GOOD REASON. Her books have appeared on Kindle and iTunes Bestseller lists around the world.
You can find Julie on Facebook or contact her on her website Sometimes, when she can figure out how Twitter works, she tweets from @AuthorJulie. For major book news and updates, subscribe to Julie’s newsletter:
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