A Greek family. An Indian family. A summer wedding on the Aegean coast…
Meet Moti Ferreira—spectacularly jinxed from the day she’s born.
Saddled with an eccentric mother, she stumbles upon the one man who holds the key to her freedom—the best man at her cousin’s upcoming wedding.
All Moti has to do is overcome her fear of water, board a yacht to the Greek Isles, seduce the dreamy Nikos Manolas, and survive two weeks at sea with her oddball family.
The only obstacle Moti doesn’t see coming is Alexandros Veronis, the onboard chef and star witness to her awkward mishaps. He transforms onions into chocolate and aroma into nostalgia. Day by day, his alchemy works its magic on Moti. But she’s not the only one falling under his spell. Everyone has a secret, growing round and ripe at Chef Alex’s table. When the masks fall off, they spill out one by one, and everything blows up in their faces.
Now Moti’s truth is exposed, and worse, she’s hooked on more than Alex’s midnight snacks. But this time, screwing up could be the best thing she’s ever done…
Véleményem a könyvről
Leylah Attar minden eddigi könyvét olvastam és imádtam, de bevallom, eddig nem szembesültem azzal, hogy az írónőnek mennyire jó humora is van. Ez a könyv egy tökéletes nyári olvasmány volt, rengeteg lehetetlen szituációval, feledhetetlen karakterekkel és még annál is több nevetéssel.
A kissé őrült indiai családjával, a folyamatosan halált szimuláló anyukájával, az internetfüggő nagymamájával és a születésekor megjósolt sorsával Moti élete cseppet sem mondható átlagosnak. Moti párkapcsolatok terén sem éppen szerencsés, tekintve, hogy születésekor egy jósnő azt a próféciát mondta, hogy egy olyan férfihez kell hozzámennie, akinek három hüvelykujja van, ami azért eléggé leszűkíti a kört. :))
Amikor Moti és a családja Görögországba utaznak unokatestvérének esküvőjére, A lány nem is sejti, hogy micsoda kalandok várnak majd rá és hogy az élete örökre megváltozik majd.
Imádtam ezt a könyvet minden őrültségével együtt, és az elejétől a végéig le sem lehetett vakarni az arcomról a mosolyt. Nagyon szerettem Alexet, a jóképű séfet, aki humorával és a finom főztjeivel egyből levett a lábamról, ráadásul úgy gondolom, hogy a karaktere tökéletes egyensúlyként szolgált a kissé kétballábas Moti mellett. 🙂 Nagyon-nagyon tetszett, ahogy az írónő részletezte az általa elkészített ételeket, és hogy azok milyen érzéseket váltottak ki a szereplőkből. Zseniális volt.
Az írónő ismét csodálatos stílussal vetette papírra a történetét, és amellett, hogy rengeteg vidám pillanatban lehetett részünk, mondanivalója is volt a történetnek, és számos idézetet jelöltem meg a könyvben. Ez egy igazán egyedi, szívmelengető, mosolyra fakasztó, feledhetetlen történet volt, amit őszintén ajánlok!
My Review in English
I’ve read all the books by Leylah Attar so far, but truth to be told I’ve never realized what an amazing sense of humor she has! This book was the perfect summer read with so many impossible situations, unforgettable characters and even more laughter.
With her slightly crazy Indian family, her mother who likes simulating death, her internet-addicted grandmother, and her predetermined destiny, Moti’s life is hardly average. Moti is not so lucky in relationship either, given that when she was born, a fortune-teller said that she must marry a man who has three thumbs, which is really narrowing down the circle of husband-to-be candidates. 🙂
When Moti and her family travel to Greece for her cousin’s wedding, she doesn’t know what kind of adventures are waiting for her and that her life will change forever.
I loved this book with all its craziness! I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face from the first page till the last. I really liked Alex, the handsome chef who swept me off my feet right away with his sense of humor and passion for cooking, and I also really liked the way the author described the foods he created and the emotions they brought out of everyone who tasted them. It was brilliant.
The writing style was outstanding as always and besides that there were a lot of funny moments the story also carried a message about living our lives the fullest and I marked a lot of quotes in the book. It was a truly unique, heart-warming, smile-inducing story that I honestly recommend!
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“I wasn’t afraid of dying. I was afraid of dying without living.”
“Bite by bite makes a meal. Moment by moment makes a life.”
“Every time you share a meal with someone, you bring your history, your country, your region, your religion, your tribe, your grandmother with you. You sit with your past, your opinions, your love, your curiosity, your resentments, your hospitality. Food is where we all intersect. Everywhere you go, anywhere you go.”
“But the truth is no one can battle your demons for you. Your doubts and fears are your own to feed or to slay.”
“I don’t know if I’m ever going to be okay. I’ve fallen in love with the wrong guy. But it didn’t feel wrong. It felt fantastic—like a little red butterfly perched on my shoulder—rare, flitting, and unexpectedly delightful. There was no endgame with Alex, no rush to the altar, no expectations, no Dolly, no Ma Anga. It made me feel weightless in a way I hadn’t felt all my life. Gravity seized to exist when I was with him. My feet floated off the ground. My heart soared like it was tied to a hundred yellow balloons. The past blurred, the future evaporated. The place we intersected was all that we had, and it was magical and marvelous. I smiled at Alex. Moment by moment, just like your Pappou said.”
“On the flight to Athens, she declared I must be suffering some sort of chemical imbalance for not being more upset with Isabelle for firing me as her maid of honor. By the time we were flying over England, the diagnosis changed to microdeckia (not playing with a full deck of cards) because I wasn’t livid at being replaced by a hired professional (yes, there is such a thing as maids-of-honor-for-hire—guaranteed not to topple off platforms or choke on water at inopportune times). When she didn’t get the response she wanted, Dolly mumbled something about my genetic makeup and babies switched at birth. Then she fell into a deep, blissful sleep (well, blissful for me).”
5- Now I want to visit Greece – Stars
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About the Author
Leylah Attar is an award-winning author of women’s fiction and contemporary romance. Her work has appeared on multiple bestselling lists, including the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal. A recipient of the 2017 Indie Reader Discovery Awards, Leylah’s books have been published around the world in multiple languages.
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