Title: Anything You Can Do
Author: R.S. Grey
Release Date: Feb 2, 2017
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Lucas Thatcher has always been my enemy.
It’s been a decade since I’ve seen him, but our years on opposite coasts were less of a lasting peace and more of a temporary cease-fire. Now that we’re both back in our small town, I know Lucas expects the same old war, but I’ve changed since high school—and from the looks of it, so has he.
The arrogant boy who was my teenage rival is now a chiseled doctor armed with intimidating good looks. He is Lucas Thatcher 2.0, the new and improved version I’ll be competing with in the workplace instead of the schoolyard.
I’m not worried; I’m a doctor now too, board-certified and sexy in a white coat. It almost feels like winning will be too easy—until Lucas unveils a tactic neither of us has ever used before: sexual warfare.
The day he pushes me up against the wall and presses his lips to mine, I can’t help but wonder if he’s filling me with passion or poison. Every fleeting touch is perfect torture. With every stolen kiss, my walls crumble a little more. After all this time, Lucas knows exactly how to strip me of my defenses, but I’m in no hurry to surrender.
Knowing thy enemy has never felt so good.
*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*
Ha egyetlen szóval akarnám leírni ezt a könyvet, valószínűleg a “fergeteges” szót használnám. 😀 Ez a könyv tele volt hangosan nevetős pillanatokkal, eszméletlen szituációkkal, vicces karakterekkel, és az írónő felülmúlhatatlan humorából sem volt hiány. 🙂 Ismeritek azokat a típusú könyveket, amelyek annyira kikapcsolnak, hogy észre sem veszitek, hogy hopp órák teltek el, mióta utoljára ettetek, ittatok, vagy egyáltalán tudomást vettetek volna a környezetetekről? Nos, ez határozottan egy olyan kategóriájú könyv. Ha egyszer elkezded, olyan, mintha valaki megnyomna egy nagy gombot, amely néhány órára apró zümmögésekké változtatja a külvilágot. 🙂
Daisy Bell, és a szomszéd fiú, Lucas Thatcher születésük óta ősellenségek, és versenyben álltak egymással (Lol :D). Az egész gyerekkoruk a vetélkedésről, a vitákról es egymás legyőzéséről szólt, sőt mindketten ugyanazt a pályát is választották maguknak (természetesen az orvosit, hiszen mi lenne ettől nagyobb kihívás :)), habár a végén más egyetem várta őket tárt karokkal.
Most 28 évesen Daisy ismét a texasi szülővároskájában találja magát, ahol álmai célja lebeg a szeme előtt, betanulás után egy közeljövőben nyugdíjba vonuló háziorvos praxisát veheti át. Igen ám, de kiderül, hogy nem ő az egyetlen jelentkező a feladatra, ugyanis Lucas Thatcher ismét belerondít a terveibe, amikor ő is felbukkan az első napon a rendelőben a sztetoszkópjával, pofátlanul jóképűen, és valószínűsíthető titkos tervekkel a tarsolyában arra vonatkozóan, hogy végül hogyan vehetné át ő a praxist, és hogyan győzhetné le végül Daisy-t. Így aztán Daisy és Lucas arra kényszerülnek, hogy együtt dolgozzanak, de vajon végül ki kerekedik felül a harcban? 🙂
Nos, gyakran mondják, hogy a szerelmet és az utálatot csak egy vékony hajszál választja el egymástól, és nagyon élveztem végignézni, ahogy Daisy és Lucas a versengések, cselszövések és a szexuális feszültségtől túlfűtött szócsaták között rádöbbenek erre az igazságra. 🙂
Imádtam a szereplőket, az emaileket és Daisy kitekert gondolatait! Olyan jókat nevettem ezen a könyvön, és tényleg nagyon jó kis hétvégi kikapcsolódás volt számomra. Ez lett az egyik eddigi kedvenc könyvem az írónőtől! Őszintén ajánlom! 🙂
If I would want to describe this book in only one word it probably would be “hilarious”. 😀 It was full of laughing out loud moments, impossible situations, funny characters and we were definitely not short of the author’s unique sense of humor either. Do you know those type of books what if you pick up, it just makes you zone out in a way that you don’t even realize that hours passed without drinking, eating or even aware of the word around you? Well, this book definitely falls into this category. Once you start it, it feels like someone pushed a huge button that changed the noises of the outside world into little buzzes. 🙂
Daisy Bell and the boy next door, Lucas Thatcher competed with each other, – and were arch nemesis – since they born. (Lol. :D)) Their whole childhood was about competitions, fights and defeating each other, they even chose the same path for their future (they attended to medical school of course, because it’s one of the biggest challenges :)) although their ways parted when they attended to different collages.
Now at age 28 Daisy returns to her little hometown in Texas to fulfill her dreams. She gets a chance to take over a doctor’s family practice, but it turns out that she is not the only candidate for the job. It seems, that Lucas Thatcher messes up her plans once again when he shows up at the practice with his stethoscope, his shamelessly handsome face, and probable secret plans against Daisy to take over the practice by himself. Finally Daisy and Lucas are forced to work together, but who will win this war at the end?
Well, they often say, love and hate are separated by only a thin line, and I loved to watch as Daisy and Lucas realized this truth between competitions, intrigues and battle of words overheated with sexual tension. 🙂
I loved the characters, the emails and Daisy’s twisted mind so much! I laughed so many times at this book and it was a really entertaining and relaxing read for the weekend. This book became one of my favorites by the author! I truly recommend it!
““He tastes like a guilty pleasure, one that will undoubtedly sour once I’m alone again. We are enemies. Foes. And yet when Lucas takes my waist in his large hands and rolls his hips with mine, I feel like we’re working together to build something. Mutually assured destruction.”
“You’re good with kids,”he says, and in the warmth of my victory, I foolishly take the bait.
“You sound surprised.”
“I guess I shouldn’t be—their innocent minds are probably easier for you to manipulate.”
“Ha ha, Lucas. Is that why your mind is so hard to crack into? Lack of innocence?”
“(…) for me, it was never about the war and it was never about beating you. I just wanted to have you any way I could.”
“Can you kill someone with a kiss? I think that’s what he’s doing—slaying me with his mouth.”
“This is an unwanted sexual advance.”I sound like a bored HR manager giving a presentation.
“So report me.”
“Did you two look at the slide yet?”Dr. McCormick’s jolly voice ricochets through the halls and Lucas steps back, finally.
“Yes sir. Her white cell count is high and Lucas just propositioned me for sex.”The second half is retained in my head.
“All right then. Let’s get her on some antibiotics.”He walks off and I turn back to Lucas. He’s wearing a smirk I want to steal.
“I reported you in my head,”I tell him.
“I did something in my head too.”
5 – Amusing- Stars
I am a lover of books, chocolate, reality TV, black labs, and cold weather. Seriously, if I had it my way I would be curled up on the couch with all of those things… everyday.
I live in Texas where I spend my free time writing and reading. My favorite authors are Mindy Kaling & Jonathan Safran Foer. I’m a comedy geek and love all things “funny”. Women like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Mindy Kaling are definitely the biggest inspirations for my writing, though I think my work tends to skew a bit smuttier than theirs.
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