R.S. Grey – The Beau & the Belle – Release Day Blitz + ARC Review

THE BEAU & THE BELLE by R.S. Grey is available now! Don’t miss your hands on this new romantic comedy – read for free with Kindle Unlimited or grab it for just $2.99!


Beau Fortier starred in most of my cringe-worthy teenage fantasies.

I met him when I was a junior in high school, a time that revolved exclusively around bad hair, failed forays into flirting, and scientific inquiries into which brand of toilet paper worked best for stuffing bras.

That is, until Beau moved into the small guest house just beyond my bedroom window.

A 24-year-old law student at Tulane, Beau was as mysterious to me as second base (both in baseball and in the bedroom). He was older. Intimidating. Hot. Boys my age had chicken legs and chubby cheeks. Beau had calloused hands and a jaw cut from steel. Our interactions were scarce—mostly involving slight stalking on my end—and yet deep down, I desperately hoped he saw me as more of a potential lover than a lovesick loser.

Turns out, I was fooling myself. My fragile ego learned that lesson the hard way.

Now, ten years later, we’re both back in New Orleans, and guess who suddenly can’t take his eyes off little ol’ me.

My old friend, Mr. Fortier.

But things have changed. I’m older now—poised and confident. My ego wears a bulletproof vest. The butterflies that once filled my stomach have all perished.

When I was a teenager, Beau warned me to guard my heart.

Let’s hope he knows how to guard his.

*ARC kindly provided by the Author*

Véleményem a könyvről

R.S. Grey az az írónő, akiben mindig bízhatok, hogy a legkáoszosabb hétköznapokban is el tud repíteni néhány órára egy olyan helyre, ahol nincs munka, nincsenek gondok, csak önfeledt szórakozás. 🙂

Beau Fortier utolsó félévét tölti a jogi egyetemen, amikor New Orleans nagy-múltú LeBlanc családjának birtokán kibérli a medencéhez tartozó kis házat. Lauren LeBlanc ekkor még csak 17 éves, de egyértelműnek tűnik, hogy plátói érzéseket táplál a 25 éves Beau iránt. Bár a lány az iránta való rajongása a férfi számára is nyilvánvaló, a közöttük lévő korkülönbség miatt csupán egy baráti kapcsolat alakul ki közöttük. A sors azonban ebbe is beleavatkozik, és úgy elsodorja őket egymástól, hogy útjaik 10 évig nem is találkoznak újra…

R.S. Grey ismét megcsillogtatta humorát, és egy vicces, olykor lehetetlenül kínos vagy éppen igencsak vágyakozással teljes történetet hozott el nekünk. New Orleans és a Mardi Gras hangulat telitalálat volt, imádtam az egészet.  Nagyon jól szórakoztam az olvasás során, és a szereplőket is megkedveltem. Beau természetesen lesöpört a lábamról, míg Laruen egy  cuki, vicces, és felvágott nyelvű lány, akit szintén megkedveltem. Bár a könyv első felében,  amikor még csak 16-17 éves volt –, sokszor csak fogtam a fejem a naiv és cikis gondolatain, de végül így még érdekesebb és élesebb volt a korkülönbség, amelyet a szereplők között teremtett az írónő, ezzel egy kis “tiltott” hangulatot adva a könyvnek. Nagyon tetszett a karakterek közötti kontraszt. Beau már 26 évesen is két lábbal  földön jár, míg Lauren 27 évesen is egy kicsit dilis. Itt-ott már kicsit zavaró is volt, hogy túlgondolja a dolgokat, pedig külső szemlélőként olyan egyszerűnek tűnt az egész. 🙂

Az írónő stílusát imádom, és még mindig tartom magam ahhoz, hogy Rom Com zsánerben ő az egyik legjobb. Összességében nagyon tetszett ez a kis szívmelengető, “második esély” történet, amely még a legnagyobb munkahelyi hajtás közepén is képes volt kikapcsolni. 

My Review in English

I can always count on R.S. Grey that even on the most hectic days she can take me away for a few hours to a place where only laugh and fun exist and there is no place for worry and work.

Beau Fortier is in his last semester in Law school when he decides to rent the apartment on the property of one of the oldest families in New Orleans, the LeBlancs. At this time the daughter of the landlord, Lauren LeBlanc is only 17 years old, but she has platonic feelings for Beau. Although her crush on him is obvious for him, because of the huge age gap only a friendship can form between them. Then fate separates their paths for 10 years, when they meet again….

R.S. Grey has an outstanding sense of humor and just like her former books, this novel was also funny, sometimes incredibly awkward and occasionally really lustful. I loved that the story took place in New Orleans at the time of Mardi Gras, it gave an amazing atmosphere to the story. I truly enjoyed this read and I loved the characters, too. Beau swept me off my feet of course, while Lauren was a cute, funny, mouthy character. To tell the truth in the first part of the novel, –when she was only 16-17 years old– mostly I just shook my head at her naive and funny thoughts. 😀 But this way the age gap between the characters was even more interesting, and it gave a little “forbidden” vibe to the story. I loved the contrast between the characters. Beau at 26 years old was already a down to earth kind of guy, while the 27-year-old Lauren was still a little dork. 🙂 Sometimes it was a little annoying how she thought over and over everything when from the outside everything seemed so simple. 🙂

I love the author’s writing style, and I still think that she is the queen of Rom Com genre. Overall I truly loved this little heartwarming, “second chance” novel, what was able to relax me even on the craziest workdays.

My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“Feelings don’t have an expiration date.”

“I’m not feeling sorry for myself! I’m just hosting a tasteful pity party in my head. All my neurons are invited.”

“It’s been said that eyes are little windows to the soul, but hers seem to offer a floor-to-ceiling view into every damn thought in her head.”

“This business has conditioned me to expect the worst when it comes to construction. Like Pavlov’s dogs, when I hear the sound of renovation, I mindlessly pull out my wallet and start lighting money on fire.”

“I don’t have his number. Hilarious. So this is what it was like in the Stone Ages. How horrifying! I kissed someone I’ve never even texted before. What if he uses a million emojis? Or worse, what if he doesn’t use punctuation? These are modern-day dealbreakers!”

“My marketing team is behind, and I think I found a gray hair on my head this morning. I plucked it out and burned it on my stove to make an example of it to its compatriots. If Rose were in town, I’d ask her for some kind of voodoo spell to ward off any others.”

“I’m supposed to see this all as one big adventure, but it feels like one big heartbreak.”

4.5 – Sweet & Funny – Stars

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Get your hands on THE BEAU & THE BELLE now:

★AMAZON US: http://amzn.to/2DVSRNd
★AMAZON UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B079D852KG
★AMAZON CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B079D852KG
★AMAZON AU: http://amzn.to/2DGRoqO

About R.S. Grey

R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of thirteen novels, including THE FOXE & THE HOUND. She lives in Texas with her husband and two dogs, and can be found reading, binge-watching reality TV, or practicing yoga! Visit her at rsgrey.com

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