A full-length STANDALONE romantic comedy from USA TODAY bestselling author R.S. Grey.
When your life is a hot mess at twenty, it’s cute. At twenty-seven…well, not so much.
It’s just that my lofty dreams—making it as a real estate agent, paying rent on time, showering daily—have stayed just that: dreams. Oh, and love? I’ve decided love might be a little ambitious for me at the moment. Instead, I’ve settled for the two guys who will never leave me: Ben & Jerry.
That is, until Dr. Adam Foxe takes up residence as the town’s new vet.
With his strong jaw, easy confidence, and form-fitting scrubs, it’s not long before every housewife in Hamilton is dragging neglected tomcats in for weekly checkups.
Like everyone else, I’m intrigued. Even after I spoil my chance at a good first impression, he still offers me a proposition I can’t refuse: play his girlfriend at a family function and he’ll hire me as his real estate agent. Welcome to love in the 21st century.
It’s too bad I underestimated Adam’s irresistible charm and the undeniable attraction that burns between us. The day he pins me to the wall and silences me with a kiss, the line between reality and ruse begins to blur. Every teasing touch brings me to my knees. Every kiss promises more.
It looks like my hot mess of a life is about to get a little hotter.
*ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*
Úgy gondolom, hogy a Rom Com műfajba sok minden belefér, mert ahogy a hasonló műfajú filmek esetén, a könyvekre is igaz, hogy még egy picit gyengébb alaptörténet is kimagaslóvá tud válni, ha jó humorral és jó karakterekkel van körítve. Ez a történet sem fogja megváltani a világot, de most pontosan egy ilyen kis könnyed, aranyos könyvre volt szükségem, ami munka után kikapcsol, az írónő pedig ismét megcsillogtatta kiemelkedő humorát, és tényleg vigyorogva olvastam végig ezt a könyvet. 🙂
Madeleine egy 27 éves ingatlanközvetítő. Egy lerobbant kis lakásban él túlméretezett kutyusával, -akiről csak utólag tudta meg, hogy egy Berni keverék :))-, egy még annál is leharcoltabb kocsit vezet, évek óta már a szinglik táborát erősíti és bár szereti a munkáját, sajnos a sikeres karriernek sem ő mintaképe.
Egy nap éppen a megbeszélt állatorvosi időpontjára siet, amikor a parkban egy férfi véletlenül áldozatául esik a játékos, de méreteivel nem teljesen tisztában lévő kutyus barátkozásának. Sajnos a férfi közel sem találja komikusnak az amúgy eléggé vicces szituációt, és meglehetősen gorombán reagál a lány bocsánatkérésére és ajánlatára, hogy kifizeti öltönye tisztítását. Azonban a nagy meglepetés akkor éri őket, mikor kiderül, hogy a férfi a város, -és Madeleine kutyusának- új állatorvosa, Dr. Adam Foxe.
Nagyon jókat nevettem a lehetetlen szituációkon, Adam és Madeleine szócsatáin és persze a kutyus, Mouse is sok vicces pillanatot tartogatott számunkra. 🙂 Egyedüli szívfájdalmam, hogy Madeleine karaktere és háttere egy picit kidolgozatlanabbnak tűnt, mint Adamé. Az írónő elhintett egy-két érdekes információt Madeleine múltjáról, hogy egy top üzleti iskolába járt járt, ahol kiemelkedő tanuló volt és valahogy mégis ebben a kisvárosban ragadt, egyik munkából a másikba zuhanva. Ez a szál nagyon érdekesnek tűnt számomra, de sajnos végül kibontatlanul maradt.
Összességében nagyon aranyos volt ez a könyv, és jókat nevettem rajta. Nekem személy szerint Az Anything You Can Do egy picit jobban tetszett, de ez is nagyon-nagyon jó volt, és őszintén ajánlom a strandra, vagy egy kis hétvégi néhány órás kikapcsolódás erejéig. 🙂
My Review in English
I think lots of things can fit into the Rom Com genre, because as it’s true for movies in this genre, it’s true for books too, that a little weaker story still could be outstanding with good sense of humor and with great characters. Maybe this story was not something revolutionary but it was really funny and it was exactly the type of book I needed now, that could relax me after a long workday. R.S. Grey exactly knows how to write something sweet and funny and I truly enjoyed this book, too.
Madeleine is 27 years old real estate agent. She lives in a run-down apartment with her over-sized adorable dog (who turned out be a mixed Bernese Mountain Dog :)), she drives a beat up old car, she has been single for years now, and although she loves her job, unfortunately, she also isn’t the model for a successful career owner either.
One day she hurries for her vet appointment with her huge dog, Mouse, when at the park a man accidently becomes the victim of the fraternization of the playful dog, who is not truly aware of his size. 🙂 Unfortunately, the man doesn’t find the situation as funny as it is and he responds quite rudely to Madeleine’s apology and her offer to pay off the dry-cleaning of his suit. But the big surprise comes when it turns out that the man is no other than the new veterinarian of the town (and of Madeleine’s dog), Dr. Adam Foxe.
I laughed so much at the impossible situations, Adam and Madeleine’s banters and of course at Mouse, who was truly loveable. The only thing that I missed that it felt like Madeleine’s character and background wasn’t as developed as Adam’s. The author mentioned a few really interesting things about her, like she graduated at a top business school and she majored in global finance, and yet she is back in this small town, switching dead end jobs every few years. Why? What happened with her? This thread seemed truly interesting but unfortunately it remained unexpanded.
Overall it was a really adorable and funny read. Maybe I loved Anything You Can Do a little bit more, but I loved this book too, and I highly recommend it for a relaxing weekend or for a day on the beach.
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“The emotion bubbling up inside of me is a completely new feeling. I fell in love with Olivia slowly, over years. It was a love based in comfort and routine. This thing—Madeleine—is a new kind of love, a scary kind of love. It feels precarious and fragile, like if I’m not careful, I could lose it as easily as I found it.”
“I can feel her heart beat against my chest, and I have the urge to confess my love for her.”
“I hardly recognized you without Mouse,” he quips.
I smile and it’s fake and he knows it. “And I hardly recognized you without that scowl on your face.”
“I can almost pretend he’s a living, breathing human and not a robot cyborg programmed to rescue puppies and make woman swoon.”
“I can drop the act. I’m not fooling anyone, not even Mouse. He’s sitting beside Diane, staring at me with what I swear is a knowing grin.
“I think you have a sock stuck to your shoulder,” she points out.
It’s actually a pair of socks, and they’re Adam’s. I peel them off slowly and lay them down on the counter. I think momentarily of making a Dobbie is a free elf joke, but I think the timing is all wrong. Instead, I smile awkwardly and shrug.”
4.5 – Sweet & Funny – Stars
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About the Author
I live in Texas where I spend my free time writing and reading. My favorite authors are Mindy Kaling & Jonathan Safran Foer. I’m a comedy geek and love all things “funny”. Women like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Mindy Kaling are definitely the biggest inspirations for my writing, though I think my work tends to skew a bit smuttier than theirs.