As an Olympic rookie, Andie Foster has spent far more time in her cleats than between the sheets. For 21 years, her Friday nights have consisted of blocking shots rather than taking them. But now that she’s landed in Rio, she’s ready to see for herself if the rumors about the Olympic Village are true: The athletes are all sex-crazed maniacs…
The committee passes out condoms like candy…The games continue long after the medals have been handed out…
As Andie walks the line between rumor and reality, she’s forced into the path of Frederick Archibald, a decorated Olympic swimmer and owner of a sexy British accent—too bad he’s unavailable in a way that “it’s complicated” doesn’t even begin to explain.
In other words: off limits.
It doesn’t matter that he has abs that could bring peace to the Middle East and a smile that makes even the Queen blush; Andie fully intends on keeping her focus on the soccer field. But the Village is small. Suffocating. Everywhere Andie goes, Freddie happens to be there—shirtless, wet from the pool, and determined to show her a whole new meaning of the phrase “international affairs”.
*ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review*
Véleményem a könyvről
Imádtam ezt a könyvet! Benne volt minden, ami egy jó történethez kell:
• baromi jó karakterek, pipa.
• R. S. Grey imádnivaló humora, pipa.
• forró jelenetek, pipa.
• egy jó alaptörténet, pipa.
• egy szuper dögös élsportoló, hatalmas pipa. 🙂
Andie Foster csupán 21 éves, de már a USA olimpiai női focicsapatának válogatottja, és elsőként vehet részt a riói játékokon, mint a válogatott kapus. Amikor megérkezik Brazíliába tudja, hogy az első olimpiája egy életre szóló élményt fog jelenteni számára, azonban azt nem is sejti, hogy nem csak az aranyért kell majd megküzdenie, de a szívének épségéért is, amelyet elrabol a brit úszócsapat szuper dögös sztárja, Fredrick Archibald, aki nem mellesleg egy angol herceg. 🙂
Annyira kíváncsi lennék, hogy vajon mennyire fedi a valóságot ez a kötet. Imádtam olvasni arról, hogy milyen az élet olimpiai faluban, hogy milyen az olimpikonok élete, a partik, a barátságok amik köttetnek a játékok alatt, a felkészülés, a izgalom. Szinte ott éreztem magam közöttük. Annyira klassz volt kicsit belelátni ezekbe a dolgokba. 🙂
Talán egy picit számomra kicsit sok volt a szappanoperaszerű csavar, de a fő, hogy nagyon-nagyon jól kikapcsolt ez a könyv, és élveztem minden sorát! Imádtam Andie és Freddie karakterét, de a kedvencem egyértelműen Freddie húga, Georgie volt. Annyi filterek nélküli zagyvaság jött ki a száján, hogy szakadtam a nevetéstől. 😀
A könyv részben kapcsolódik az írónő Scoring Wilder című könyvéhez, amely hamarosan magyarul is megjelenik majd a Könyvmolyképző Kiadó gondozásában. Olyan jó volt újra találkozni Kinsley-vel, Becca-val és Liam-el! Nekem személy szerint a The Summer Games egy picit jobban tetszett, de igazából eddig bármilyen R. S. Grey könyv került a kezembe, garantáltan elrabolta a szívemet. 🙂
Mindenkinek ajánlom ezt a kötetet, aki egy kis könnyed, romantikus kikapcsolódásra vágyik, sok humorral és sok-sok szívdöglesztő sportolóval. 🙂
I loved this book so much! There was everything in this book what you need for a good story:
• great characters, Check.
• the amazing sense of humor of R. S. Grey, Check.
• hot scenes, Check.
• funny banters, Check.
• great plotline, Check.
• a superhot swimmer guy, Double check! 🙂
Andie Foster is only 21 years old, but she is already an Olympic rookie in the Women’s National Soccer Team of the USA and she takes part in the Rio Olympic Games as the goalkeeper. When she arrives at Rio she knows that the first Olympics will be an experience of a lifetime for her, but she doesn’t suspect that she has to fight not just for the gold medal but for keeping her heart unbroken. Especially from the star swimmer of Great Britain, Fredrick Archibald who also happens to be a British royalty. 🙂
I am wondering about how much the story would cover reality. I loved to read about the life in the Olympic village, about the everyday of an Olympic athlete, the parties, the friendships that form between them during the games, the training and the thrills. It was like I was there with them. It was so awesome to take a glimpse into this life for a moment.
Maybe there were a little too much soap opera-like of twists and turns, but I loved this book anyway because it was so entertaining and I loved every page! I loved Andie and Freddie but my favorite character was definitely Freddie’s sister Georgie. She had no filter at all and she was really hilarious.
The story is partly related to Scoring Wilder, and it was so great to meet with Kinsley, Liam and Becca again. Maybe I loved The Summer Games even more, but one thing is sure: any book R. S. Grey I’ve ever held in my hand became an instant-fall-in-love for me.
I highly recommend this book for everyone who wants to read something funny and relaxing with a lot of humor and with super-hot athletes.
“Andie was a wisp of smoke; if I tried to grasp her too tightly, she would slip through my fingers. My only hope was to keep the fire burning.”
“when the flame is lit, let the games begin”
“I was falling for Andie. I was falling for her so bloody hard and so bloody fast that the idea of losing her over a misunderstanding seemed unfathomable.”
“I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and then something landed on my shoulder…a red, silky something.
“Jesus.” I groaned under my breath. She’d tossed her panties at me, a red, lacy pair that felt like heaven in my palm.
That’s it. I’m moving to America after the games. It’s such a beautiful, beautiful country.”
“Fine. Actually, she’s smitten, though God knows why. She’s much prettier than you and could have any bloke she fancied, with half the trouble.”
“Have you ever thought maybe she finds me good-looking and worth the trouble?”
She narrowed her eyes on me as if trying to assess me in a new light, then shook her head. “No, that’s not it. She must really like the accent. Or maybe it’s the gold medals.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, G.”
“If Freddie really was a duke, the chances of him and I ever getting another moment alone were slim to none. He probably wouldn’t be hanging out around the Olympic village like other athletes. He’d be off sipping tea with baby George.”
4,5- I also need a British duke – Stars
I am a lover of books, chocolate, reality TV, black labs, and cold weather. Seriously, if I had it my way, I would be curled up on the couch with all of those things… everyday.
I live in Texas where I spend my free time writing and reading. My favorite authors include Mindy Kaling & Jonathan Safran Foer. I’m a comedy geek and love all things “funny”. Women like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Mindy Kaling are definitely the biggest inspirations for my writing, though I think my work tends to skew a bit smuttier than theirs.
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