Lucas Thorn wasn’t born a cheater. All it took was a single moment—say, a certain disastrous incident on the night before his wedding—and boom. Reputation destroyed forever and always. So now he owns it. He has a lady friend for every night of the week (except Sundays—God’s day and all), and his rules are simple: No commitments. No exceptions.
But a certain smart-mouthed, strawberry blonde vixen is about to blow that all to hell.
Avery Black has never forgiven Lucas for cheating on her sister. And suddenly being forced to work with him is pretty much a nightmare on steroids. Of course, it does afford her the opportunity to make his life as difficult as possible. But no good revenge scheme comes without payback. Because he didn’t become the Lucas Thorn without learning a few things about women.
Now Avery’s lust for vengeance has turned into, well, lust. And if Lucas stops cheating, it’s definitely not because he’s falling in love…
*ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*
Lucas Thorn egy nőcsábász. Hét nap, hét nő, de ha tudnak egymásról az nem megcsalás igaz? Igaz? 😀
Aki a cím és a téma miatt esetleg nem merne belekezdeni a könyvbe, őszintén mondhatom, hogy nem az, aminek látszik. Rengeteget nevettem, és egyszerűen nem lehet, -és nem is szabad- komolyan venni ezt a könyvet. (Elvégre ez mégiscsak egy Rom-Com, nem párkapcsolati tanácsadó könyv. :)) Rachel Van Dyken ismét megcsillogtatta humorát és imádtam az egész történetet. A bolond Avery-t és Lucas-t, és a még annál is bolondabb családjukat. 🙂
A gimnáziumban Lucas Thorn volt az “aranyfiú”. Az okos és kedves népszerű srác, akit mindenki szeret, a sztárhátvéd, a gyönyörű bálkirálynő barátnőjével, akivel a “boldogan élnek míg meg nem halnak” már csak egyetlen lépésre volt. Azonban azon egy alkalommal, amikor Lucas Thorn nem volt tökéletes, olyan hibát vétett, amely örök foltot ejtett az ő és családja nevén….
Avery Black túl jól ismeri Lucas Thorne-t, ugyanis ő Lucas egykori menyasszonyának, Kayla-nak a legkisebb húga. Régen legjobb barátok voltak Lucas-al, és ő volt a lány hőse, de azon a végzetes estén nem csak mindenkii más, ő is nagyot csalódott a srácban. Az “incidens” óta a Black családban a Lucas Thorn név szitokszó, így amikor kiderül, hogy Avery a férfinak lesz kénytelen dolgozni, enyhén szólva is viharosan viszonyul az új főnökéhez. Amikor Lucas húga egy reggelen véletlenül együtt találja őket Lucas lakásán, az expressz-pletykaháló beindul, így a családjaik érdekében kénytelenek belegabalyodni egy igencsak szövevényes hazugsághálóba, és innentől kezdve az irányítás szélsebességgel kezd el kicsúszni a kezükből. 🙂
Számtalan vicces és lehetetlen jelenet volt a könyvben, és rengeteget nevettem rajta. 🙂 Egy hétvégi kikapcsolódásnak tökéletes volt. 🙂
My Review in English
Lucas Thorn is a womanizer. Seven days, seven girls but if all of them know about each other it’s not cheating, right? Right? 😀
Everyone who hesitates to pick up this book because of the subject matter and the title, don’t! This isn’t what you think it is. I laughed so much and it can’t and shouldn’t be taken seriously. (After all it’s a Rom-Com not a relationship advice book. :)) Rachel Van Dyken’s outstanding sense of humor never disappoints and I loved the whole story so much! The crazy main characters and their even crazier families. 🙂
At high school Lucas Thorn was the golden boy. The smart, kind and popular guy, the star quarterback with a beautiful prom queen girlfriend with whom he was only one step away from the “happily ever after.” But the one time when Lucas Thorn wasn’t perfect, he made a huge mistake and it left a stain on his and his family’s name forever…
Avery Black knows Lucas Thorn too well, because she is the youngest sister of Lucas’s ex-fiancée, Kayla. Back then Lucas was her best friend and her hero, but after the “fallout” like everyone else, she also felt really disappointed in him. After the incident, the name of Lucas Thorne became a swear word in the Black house, so when it turns out that Avery’s new boss is no other but Lucas Thorne, her first workday at her new workplace become quite stormy.
When one morning Lucas’s sister accidentally finds them together at Lucas’s apartment, the “express rumor-train” departs, and after that – for their families’ sake – they become entangled in a very complicated net of lies, and the control starts to slip out of their hands with wind speed. 🙂
There were several funny and comical scenes in the book, and I laughed so much during my read. 🙂 It’s perfect for a relaxing weekend. 🙂
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“It was all Lucas’ fault. Hating him was difficult. Being attracted to him was inevitable.”
“You’re a bad habit, Thorn… An addiction I can’t kick—each kiss gets me drunker than the first, until I lose all sense of right and wrong.”
“Lucas Thorn was a sickness.
A darkness that never left.
He was a rutting bastard.
He was still— unfortunately— gorgeous.”
“I think I’m hallucinating from lack of sleep.”I grabbed the coffee from his hands. “And I’m sorry I said you were the devil, and that you had halitosis, and cracked teeth—and for stabbing you with that knife.”
“When did you stab me?”
“Oh, sorry.”I shrugged. “Sometimes I confuse the really cheerful, happy daydreams with regular life.”
“She eyed me up and down and smiled wickedly. “I cursed you yesterday.”
Well, that was wonderful.
“Um, thank you?”
“I cursed your cow too.”
“I don’t believe I own a cow.”
“Because I cursed you.”She nodded. “But beware if one suddenly appears in your life. It’ll probably be cursed, just like your cat.”
“You cursed a poor, helpless imaginary cat?”
“Of course! I had to include all animals in your foreseeable future. Oh, also, I prayed you’d develop adult acne and get in a car accident where you’d be forced to walk into the light, but let’s be honest—the darkness calls you way more.”
5 – “Thorn in my side” – Stars
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“They’re well aware of the arrangement.”
“And Sundays?” Not staring at him was too hard; therefore, I focused on the cleft in his chin so I wouldn’t look at his perfect lips . . . or the swell of his biceps. When he crossed his arms, I was almost afraid the shirt was going to rip, and it was a nice shirt, soft, white. Okay, Avery, stop staring at the fabric like you want to make babies with it. That’s weird—don’t be weird.
“Sundays are for my sister, Erin.”
He shifted uncomfortably. Was it my imagination, or did those biceps flex beneath the shirt like he was tensing?
As if the tensing wasn’t bad enough, he cleared his throat and blinked way too many times for a man who was being completely honest about his sister.
“Huh.” His shirt really was nice though—stain-free. How did he manage it with all the sex and lipstick? “So you were being honest about that?”
“Honesty,” he said, “is necessary when you casually date seven women, right?”
“Oh please!” I locked eyes with him. “You’re excusing horrible behavior by saying the girls are aware, but the whole sex without strings doesn’t exist. That’s a fantasy like Santa Claus or the Easter bunny.”
“Holy shit! Santa’s fake?” He winked. “And they’re all okay with it. Besides, it’s not like I’m sleeping with you.”
I hated him for saying it.
Because immediately I had a vision of his mouth on mine, clothes on the floor, and every forbidden fantasy I’d had throughout high school flared to life, fanned by the words that he’d just released into the universe, words that would be impossible to take back.
I sucked in a breath, and he licked his lips, his eyes focusing on my mouth.
It was wrong.
And a small part of me liked that feeling, the wrongness of being in my boss’s office, the history, but it was only 1 percent.
Ninety-nine percent of me still wanted to nail him to a wall and use his balls as target practice with a shiny, new aluminum bat.
Lucas took a step toward me. I took a step back.
About the Author
Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.
She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!
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