Renee Ericson – More Than Us (More Than Water 1.2) – Release Blitz + ARC Review


More Than Us

by Renee Ericson
More Than Water 1.2
Publication Date: June 13, 2016
Genres: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance

MTU e cover

Purchase: Amazon


It’s the wedding you’ve been waiting for…

Evelyn and Foster cordially invite you to celebrate their blissful union of an unlikely and perfect chemistry. Guests should be prepared for major swooning, aching cheeks, misty eyes, and laughter.

*More Than Us is a More Than Water wedding novelette that includes pitched tents, origami cranes, missing swim shorts, and a happily ever after fit for two opposites that are completely and totally in love with one another.


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*ARC kindly provided by the Author*

A More Than Water az idei évben olvasott könyveim közül, az egyik kedvencem volt. Evelyn és Foster humoros, aranyos, mégis sokat mondó története annyira más volt, mint bármelyik másik New Adult kötet, amit eddig olvastam, hogy egyből szerelembe estem vele.  És íme, eljött a pillanat, amikor végleg búcsút kell vennem a kedvenc kocka vegyészmérnökömtől, és a feledhetetlen, éles-nyelvű művészemtől. Annyira jó volt ez a kis szösszenet. Nevettem, olvadoztam és imádtam az egész kis novellát. Maga a történet az eljegyzéssel kezdődik, amelyről korábban már olvashattunk az írónő honlapján található extra jeleneteknél. Imádtam az origami madaracskákat és imádtam, hogy az egész annyira EJ-Fozzie stílusú volt. Jó volt újra találkozni Wolfganggal, aki tényleg az egész könyv fénypontja volt, és annyit nevettem a sok-sok badarságán. 🙂

Összességében nagyon jó volt ez a sorozat, amellyel olyan karaktereket kaptam, akiket soha nem fogok elfelejteni. <3


My Review in English

More Than Water was one of my favorite reads this year. The story of Evelyn and Foster was so different, than any other books I’ve ever read, so I instantly fell in love with this humorous, funny story which also has so many messages. And now the time has came, when I have to say goodbye to my favorite sexy-geeky engineer and sassy, funny artist. And this little novelette was so great! I laughed, I swooned and I fell in love again. The story starts with the engage scene which we could read before on the website of the author. I loved the origami cranes and I loved that the whole wedding was so EJ-Fozzie style. 🙂 And it was so great to meet again with Wolfgang! He really is one of the highlights of the whole story. 😀 I laughed so much of the all of his ridiculousness. 😀 

Overall I loved this series so much, and with this I got the kind of characters who I will never forget. <3

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My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“The law of attraction didn’t apply to us, so we made up our own rules. Thank you so much for
saying yes to a lifetime with me. I’m looking forward to tomorrow, the beginning of our journey into

“Hello, wife.”
“Hello, husband.”

“Your wish is my wish. They are one in the same… and will be forever.”

“You made it impossible for me not to fall in love with you, and it’s going to be impossible for me not to love you forever.

4.5- Perfect chemistry- Stars

4,5 stars

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About Renee Ericson

Renee Ericson is the author of More Than Water and the These Days series.

Originally from the Midwest, she now resides in a small town just outside of Boston with her husband and three children.

Most winters, Renee can be found on the slopes of the White Mountains skiing with her family. During the summer months, she likes to spend every spare minute at the beach soaking up the sea air. All those moments in between, she is talking to imaginary characters and caring for her children.

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