A Charm of Finches
Book 2 of the Venery series.
Suanne Laqueur
Release Date: November 1, 2017
Adult content, for readers 18+
Huge congratulations to Suanne Laqueur, who won The Grand Prize in the 2017 Writer’s Digest Book Awards!! It’s so well deserved! An Exaltation of Larks (Venery#1) is one of the most powerful, amazing, EPIC stories I’ve ever read. It’s brilliant and it was one of my best reads of 2016! Now it’s on SALE for a limited time!! You can read my review here.
A Charm of Finches
Book 2 of the Venery series.
Suanne Laqueur
Release Date: November 1, 2017
Adult content, for readers 18+
“I swear. Give me one more chance and I will make the most of it.”
From the author of The Fish Tales comes the long-awaited second book in the Venery series. A Charm of Finches follows Javier Landes as he retires from escorting and invites love to be his friend. He meets an art therapist named Steffen Finch and what starts as casual deepens into a passionate relationship—everything Jav has ever wanted, and everything he fears losing.
Stef’s business card reads Curator Sailor. His creativity and insightful nature have made him into a talented therapist, the one to call for tough cases. His professional success can’t conceal a deep need to connect with someone, but Javier Landes is the last person Stef expected.
Geronimo “Geno” Caan is Stef’s most challenging case. To cope with his ordeal, he’s allowed an alter-ego called Mos to make decisions, and now lives a double life within a web of lies. Under Stef’s navigation, Geno uses art to express what Mos forbids to be spoken aloud. But as Geno’s attachment to Stef gradually extends to Jav, the boundaries between professional and personal begin to blur.
Over the course of a year, Jav, Stef and Geno form an unexpected and unconventional triangle, revealing how men make love in times of war and how love is a great wisdom made up of small understandings. A Charm of Finches is an epic tale of survival and secrets guaranteed to make you think and feel and remember.
*ARC generously provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*
Véleményem a könyvről
27 nap. 216 óra. 12.960 perc. Ennyi idő telt el, amióta befejeztem ezt a minden földet megrengető könyvet. És ennyi idő telt el, amióta próbálom összeszedni a gondolataimat a történettel kapcsolatban. De olykor a legelsöprőbb történetekről a legnehezebb írni…
Ez egy olyan könyv, amely lecsupaszít és a csontjaid mélyéig hatol. Amely felhasítja a mellkasodat, feltárva hagyva a szívedet. Ha az An Exaltation of Larks egy nehéz olvasmány volt, ez a könyv maga a megmozdíthatatlan hegy. Nyers, fájdalmas, néhol igencsak felkavaró, de ugyanakkor feledhetetlen, igazán fontos és örök életre szóló tanulságokat tartogat.
Geno egy iker, ugyanakkor egy fiú is, aki átélte az elképzelhetetlent. Csupán 18 éves, de már megtapasztalt szívfájdalmat, gyászt, árulást és szenvedést, és bár az élet kegyetlenül meglopta őt, ő mégis túlélte.
Javier Landes számára lezárult egy korszak miután nemrégiben felhagyott eszkort karrierjével. Most ott találja magát egy középkorú férfiként, úgy hogy valójában soha nem érzett igaz szerelmet, és soha nem volt még párkapcsolatban. Nem igazán tudja, hogy mit tartogathat még számára a jövő, és nem találja a talajt a lába alatt, amíg nem találkozik Stef-el…
Stef egy művészeti terapeuta, aki segít azoknak, akik szenvedtek és túléltek, és akik most nem találják az útjukat az életben. És ő az a férfi, aki lassan megmutatja Jav-nak, hogy a szerelem lehet gondtalan, a szerelem lehet olyan, mint egy nyitott ablak, és a szerelem jelentet boldogságot is, nemcsak szívfájdalmat és tragédiát. És azt is megmutatja a férfinak, hogy bárkit szerethet, akit csak akar, hiszen a szerelem határtalan.
Nem tudom, hogy valaha olvastam-e olyan könyvet, amely ennyi érzelmet váltott ki belőlem. Sírtam, mosolyogtam, olykor pedig könyörögtem az oldalaknak, hogy változzanak meg a betűk, hogy változzanak meg azok a szívet összetörő, felfoghatatlan események, amelyek a könyvben történtek. Teljesen összetörték a szívemet, és őszintén felkavarták a lelkemet. Ez egy olyan téma, ami borzasztóan nehéz, soha nem beszélünk róla, és amiről még soha nem olvastam könyvet.
A szereplők egytől-egyig csodálatosak voltak. Még a mellékszereplők is annyira kivételesek és kidogozottak voltak, hogy biztos vagyok benne, hogy sokáig velem fognak maradni. Javier Landes az An Exaltation of Larks óta a szívem egyik darabkájának őrzője, de most helyet kellett csinálnom még két szereplőnek is a szívemben, Geno-nak és Stef-nek.
Geno egy csodálatos karakter volt. Annyi mindent kellett túlélnie, és mégis küzdött, mégis akart élni, még akkor is, mikor más talán már feladta volna. A folyamat, ahogyan gyógyult szívbe markoló volt, és ahogyan az írónő mindezt leírta, valóban lenyűgöző volt. Rengeteg olyan könyv létezik a világon, amely nehéz témákat érint, de az minden egyes alkalommal ámulatba ejt, hogy Suanne Laqueur hogyan képes ekkora professzionizmussal kezelni ezeket. Nem tudom, hogy vajon hány óra, hét és hónap volt az, amit kutatással tölthetett, de lebilincselő volt az ahogyan a szereplők utazását a gyógyulás útján megfestette.
Stef annyira imádnivaló volt! Ő egy olyan fajta ember, aki mindig csak ad, és nem vár cserébe semmit. Imádtam, hogy mennyire türelmes volt Jav-al, és nagyon szerettem a párosukat.
Suanne Laqueur ismét kimagaslót alkotott. Egy olyan történetet, amely örökre velem fog maradni. Habár 27 napba telt, hogy megírjam ezt az értékelést, még mindig úgy érzem, hogy a szavaim nem tudják eléggé kifejezni, hogy mennyire példátlan ez könyv. Úgy gondolom, hogy ezt úgyis mindenkinek magának kell megtapasztalnia, de addig is a legőszintébben ajánlom!
My Review in English
27 days. 216 hours. 12.960 minutes. This is the amount of time that passed since I finished this earth-shattering book. And this is also the amount of time while I tried to collect my thoughts about this story. But sometimes the most amazing stories are the hardest to write about…
This is a kind of book that strips you naked and rips your skin off your bones. That slices your chest wide open and leaves your heart exposed. If An Exaltation of Larks was a hard read, it’s an unmovable mountain itself. It’s raw, and painful and sometimes really upsetting, but it’s also unforgettable, truly important and it filled my soul with life-altering lessons.
Geno is a twin. He is also a boy who lived through the unimaginable. Who is only 18 years old, but already experienced heartbreak, grief, betrayal and pain, and who has been robbed by life but who survived.
Javier Landes just left behind an era with ending his career as an escort. He is now a middle-aged man, who never experienced true love and relationships, who doesn’t really know what life can hold for him and now he can’t find the solid ground under his feet. Until he meets Stef.
Stef is an art therapist who helps those, who suffered and survived, and now can’t find their way in life. And he also the man, who slowly shows Jav that love can be carefree, love can be an open window, love can mean happiness and not just heartbreak and tragic. He shows Jav that he can love anyone who wants to, because love is boundless.
I don’t know if I’ve ever read a book that made me feel this much. I cried, I smiled and sometimes I begged for the pages to change the words, to change the heartbreaking, unimaginable events what happened in this book. It absolutely broke my heart and to tell the truth it really had upset me. The subject matter of this story is really heavy and something we never talk about and I’ve never read a story of.
The characters were absolutely amazing. Even the side characters were so well-developed that I’ll surely not forget them for a long time. I was in love with Jav since An Exaltation of Larks but now I had to find space for another two amazing characters in my heart too: Geno and Stef. Geno was such a wonderful guy! He lived through so much, but he still fought, he still wanted to live at the end, when maybe most of us would have given up. His process of healing was truly gripping and the way the author described it, was really fascinating. There are so many books out there that deal with serious topics but it always-always amazes me how this author can touch these subjects with this much professionalism. I don’t know how much hours, weeks, months did she spend on research, but it was amazing how she painted these characters journey of healing.
Stef was such a sweetheart! I loved him so much, too. He is true giver who never expects anything in exchange. And he was so amazing and patient with Jav. I loved them together so much!
Suanne Laqueur was able to create something outstanding again. Something that will stay with me forever. Although I had 27 days to write this review, I still feel that my words just can’t do justice to this amazing, epic story… It’s something that everyone must experience themselves. I recommend this book from the bottom of my heart.
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“I know,” Jav said. “And love isn’t going to leave me an envelope on the mantel for my troubles.”
When I’m around him I feel honest. I feel authentic. I feel myself and I see so clearly who I want to be and the life I want to lead. And the kind of person I want to have with me on the ride. A curator and sailor.
A person who makes me feel like this.
I want to be who I am when I’m with him.”
Caught between the desire to be left alone and the fear of being left alone.”
Print: http://bit.ly/Finches_Print
iTunes: http://bit.ly/Finches_IB
Nook: http://bit.ly/Finches_BN
Kobo: http://bit.ly/Finches_Kobo
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/Finches_Smash
Signed Copies
Release Week Giveaway
1 Grand Prize winner will receive:
1 signed copy of An Exaltation of Larks
1 signed copy of A Charm of Finches
1 $25 Amazon Gift Card
1 Custom Larks Bangle (Alex & Ani style with bird charm and “L” initial)
1 coffee mug – choice of Larks or Finches cover art
3 additional winners will receive a signed copy of A Charm of Finches.
Limited Time Sales
An Exaltation of Larks
An Exaltation of Larks (Venery#1) is one of my most favorite books ever! It’s brilliant and perfect. And now it’s on SALE for a limited time!! #mustread
Book 1 of the Venery series, by Suanne Laqueur
Genre: Contemporary fiction, literary fiction, family saga
Adult content, for readers 18+
Can be read as a standalone
Grand Prize winner in the 2017 Writer’s Digest Book Awards.
Amazon: http://bit.ly/exalt8n
iTunes: http://apple.co/2dz18sb
Nook: http://bit.ly/2diwt2n
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2dCu8OK
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2fAMyit
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/2dwyJUt
The Man I Love, by Suanne Laqueur
Book 1 of The Fish Tales
Suanne Laqueur’s AMAZING The Fish Tales series in now only $4.99!! I truly LOVED this series. It was absolute perfection and I was still thinking about Eric and Daisy after WEEKS I put this book down.
Contemporary Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Contemporary Romance
18+ for sexual situations, violence and moderate drug use.
Can be read as a standalone.
2015 Readers’ Favorite Award – Gold Medal, Realistic Fiction
2015 Feathered Quill Awards—Gold Medal, Best Debut Author; Silver Medal, Adult Fiction.
2015 Kindle Book Awards – Finalist, Romance
Book Links
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1Ud9W5l
Book Trailer: http://bit.ly/1vgFR7t
Artwork/Teasers: http://bit.ly/29pCBSr
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1pLJ7J1
Buy link:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/29DEgFu
Author Bio
A former professional dancer and teacher, Suanne Laqueur went from choreographing music to choreographing words. Her goal is to create a new kind of emotionally-intelligent romance that appeals to the passions of all readers, crossing gender, age and genre.
Laqueur’s An Exaltation of Larks won the Grand Prize in the 2017 Writer’s Digest Book Awards. Her debut novel The Man I Love won a gold medal in the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards and was named Best Debut in the Feathered Quill Book Awards. Her follow-up novel, Give Me Your Answer True, was also a gold medal winner at the 2016 RFBA.
Laqueur graduated from Alfred University with a double major in dance and theater. She taught at the Carol Bierman School of Ballet Arts in Croton-on-Hudson for ten years. An avid reader, cook and gardener, she started her blog EatsReadsThinks in 2010. Suanne lives in Westchester County, New York with her husband and two children.
Author Links
Email: suanne@suannelaqueurwrites.com
Website: http://suannelaqueurwrites.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suannelaqueur/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/suannelqr
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8317803.Suanne_Laqueur
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swainblqr/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/slaqueur/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Suanne-Laqueur/e/B00L2C9ML8/
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