Zene a könyvben – Music in the Book #16

Múlt héten egy nagyon szuper könyv akadt a kezembe, méghozzá az egyik kedvenc írónőm egyetlen könyve, amelyet valahogy eddig kihagytam. Mekkora hiba volt halogatni ezt a kötetet! Egyszerűen imádtam! Ebben a könyvben találtam egy nagyon vicces jelenetet, amely nagyon megnevettetett, ezért úgy döntöttem, hogy legyen ez az eheti ‘Zene a Könyvben’ posztom választottja. Holnap igyekszem hozni magát az értékelést is, de addig is itt egy kis kedvcsináló a könyvhöz, és maga a dal: Sister Christian – Night Ranger. 🙂

Ezen a héten Mia Sheridan Stinger című könyvét választottam. Annyira imádtam és Mia Sheridan ismét meg tudott lepni! Először azzal sokkolt, hogy ez kivételesen nem egy szívfájdítóan gyönyörű könyvnek indult, mint mondjuk az Archer’s Voice vagy a Kyland, hanem egy olyan forró, humoros, erotikus történetet kaptam, amelynek a főszereplője a pornósztár(!), tele van vicces évődésekkel és sok-sok erotikával, és konkrétan a könyv első felében le sem lehetett vakarni a vigyort az arcomról. Aztán bumm! Akkora fordulatot vett a történet, hogy csak pislogni tudtam!


Last week I read a really amazing book! This was the last book from one of my favorite authors what somehow I didn’t read before. It was such a mistake that I missed it before because I loved it so much! I found a pretty funny scene in it, which made me laugh a lot so I chose this scene and the song for this week’s ‘Music in the Book post.’ Tomorrow I will try to bring my review too, until then here is a little teaser for the book and the song: Sister Christian – Night Ranger. Enjoy! 🙂

So this weeks chosen book is Stinger by Mia Sheridan. This book is so amazing! I loved it so much and Mia Sheridan surprised me again! It was far from anything what I read before from her. Firstly, it surprised me that this time it seemed that it will not be the usual heartbreakingly beautiful story like Archer’s Voice or Kyland, but a hot, humorous, erotic story with a hero who is a pornstar (!), with lots of humorous banters and so many steamy scenes. I read the first part of the book with a silly smile on my face. Then bumm! There was a huge plot twist at the second half that just made my jaw hit the floor.



As the elevator groaned to a stop and the lights flickered one more time, I felt fear wash over me. I didn’t like small spaces. Not at all.
I couldn’t breathe. Oh God, I couldn’t breathe.

I stumbled back against the wall, making eye contact with Carson who now had his brow furrowed as he moved toward me. I gripped the bar on the wall behind me, knowing I was about to die of asphyxiation, here in this elevator, the last eyes I saw those of Carson Stinger, Straight Male Performer. Oh no, no, no, no. Not like this.

“Hey, calm down, Buttercup,” he said calmly, gripping both my arms just like he did when we collided in the hotel lobby. “Deep breath, take a deep breath. You’re okay. They’re going to get us out of here, all right? Just take a deep breath. Keep your eyes on me.”
He stepped away from me and started looking around the elevator, eyes wide, panicked now, searching for what, I didn’t know. He flew over to the phone and picked it up and listened for a second, and then slammed it back in its small box and kicked the door shut. “Shit!”

I’m dying. Oh God, please, air.

He turned back to me, and my eyes were tearing up in my effort to take in what little oxygen was making it down the tiny passageway that was now the inside of my throat. I was sure I was turning blue.

“Sister Christian, oh the time has come!” Carson suddenly belted out.Even in the midst of my panic attack, I startled. What the–

“And you know that you’re the only one to say, okay.”

He took a step back as my eyes followed him, my breath still sticking in my swollen throat as I struggled to draw in air He pointed at me. “Where you going, what you looking for?”

What the hell is he doing? What the HELL is he doing? Oh! A little air. That’s good, that’s good, Grace.

“You know those boys don’t want to play no more with you. It’s true.” At the last two words of the stanza, he lowered his chin and gazed into my eyes.

Better, better. More air, better. Okay, okay. I’m okay. Why is he singing while I’m almost dying here? He actually has a really nice voice–deep and slightly throaty. Figures he’d have a really nice voice. Figures he’d have a SEXY voice. Ah, air. Okay, I’m okay.

My breathing slowed marginally and I realized that the instrumental of “Sister Christian” was playing over the sound system. Carson was singing along to the elevator music. And doing it well. To distract me from my panic attack. And it was working.
I took in a large inhale of air, my vision clearing as I now watched him. He was in the middle of the elevator and as what would have been the drum solo came up, he started playing the air drums furiously, closing his eyes and bobbing his head to the beat, biting his lower lip.

“You’re motoring! What’s your price for flight? In finding Mister Right? You’ll be all right, tonight.”

I couldn’t help it, I let out a very small laugh.
As he finished the last few words, he held his fist up to his lips, pretending it was a microphone and then he thrust it in front of my mouth. I blinked at him for a minute, but now adrenaline was racing through my body at the sweet relief of air flowing freely into my lungs, and so I did something I’d never, under ordinary circumstances do–I grabbed his fist and sang into it, “Sister Christian, there’s so much in life. Don’t you give it up before your time is due, it’s true.” Then he leaned in and we were both singing together, “It’s true, yeah!” He jumped back and played more air drums before jumping forward again and singing into his fist with me. “Motoring! What’s your price for flight? You’ve got him in your sight. And driving through the night.”
The bizarre nature of the situation hit me and I burst out laughing, and then so did he. As our laughter faded, he tilted his head to the side and said, “If you wanted to hear me sing, Buttercup, you could have just asked.”

I smiled and nodded and then looked at him seriously. “Thank you for that. Who knew Night Ranger could cure a panic attack? But it worked. Thank you.” I took a big, deep breath.He nodded at me, smiling too.

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