Sajnálom, hogy mostanában elmaradtam a ‘Zene a könyvben’posztjaimmal, de azt hiszem nem igazán voltam hangulatban, habár azóta is lelkesen feljegyezgetem ha találok egy-egy jó dalt egy könyvben. Már van egy húsz oldalas doksim (nem viccelek! :)) De a napokban egy elképesztően jó könyvhöz volt szerencsém, amelyben volt egy dal, amely nagyon különleges helyet foglal el a szívemben. Ez volt az a dal, amelyre az esküvőnkön éjfélkor táncoltunk a férjemmel. (A nyitótáncunk a Dream a Little Dream of Me Michael Buble -féle feldolgozása volt. <3)
Tegnap fejeztem be a Mia Sheridan elképesztően magával ragadó könyvét, a Midnight Lily-t és még mindig nem tudtam felépülni a meglepettségemből. Még mindig nem került a helyére minden kirakós darabka, pedig bizonyos részeket újra és újra elolvastam. Egyszerűen zseniális volt ez a kötet! Ebben a magával ragadó történetben két fiatal, gyönyörű szerelméről olvashattam. Mikor ahhoz a jelenthez értem, amikor megszólal Elvis Presley Can’t Help Falling in Love című dalának feldolgozása, és a szerelmesek elkezdtek rá táncolni, már tudtam, hogy el kell hoznom nektek ezt a részletet a könyvből. 🙂 Még a mai nap folyamán hozom az értékelésemet is a könyvről, addig is hallgassátok meg ezt a csodálatos dalt.
I’m sorry that I didn’t bring any ‘Music in the Book’ posts for awhile, but I think I just haven’t been in the mood lately. Although I still wrote down every great song I found during my readings and I already have a 20-page doc file with songs (no kidding! :)) But yesterday I read an amazing book where I found a song which is so close to my heart. This was the song we danced to on our wedding at midnight with my husband. (We danced our first dance to the Michael Buble cover of Dream a Little Dream of Me <3 )
So yesterday I finished Midnight Lily by Mia Sheridan, and I still can’t recover from the experience. It was so freaking amazing and surprising! I still couldn’t put every single puzzle piece together, despite I already re-reread some parts of the book. In this book I read about a heartbreakingly beautiful love between to young souls. In one of the really heartwarming scenes they danced to a cover of Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley, and I immediately knew that I have to show this scene to you. 🙂 Later today I will bring my review of this marvelous book, but until then, listen to this ravishing song!
“When we stepped through the door, she hesitated and looked around. When she finally moved farther inside, she placed her hand on the back of the couch, looking up at the high, beamed ceiling. I followed her gaze—remembering the speakers in the walls that I’d noticed the first week I’d arrived— and walked over to the shelf where I turned on the iPod docked there. A cover of Elvis’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” filled the room, and Lily turned to me smiling. I walked back to her, suddenly feeling shy. I wiped my palms on my jeans and took her in my arms, swaying to the music. “I’m not a
very good dancer,” I admitted. “This feels nice,” she said, pressing closer to me. “I’ve never danced before.”
I drew back slightly. “Never?”
She shook her head. “See, you shouldn’t have told me you aren’t a good dancer. I’d never have known.” She grinned and my heart stuttered.
“Until you danced with someone else.”
For a moment, she simply gazed at me. “I don’t want to dance with anyone else.”
I swallowed. “Me neither, Lily.” I pulled her closer as the song continued, thinking how the lyrics applied to me. Because I couldn’t help it. I was in love with the girl in my arms and it seemed . . . meant to be, like fate. Beautifully designed. That we had, against all odds, somehow found each other out here in the middle of nowhere. Two people who needed each other so desperately. The song ended and we drew apart, Lily kissing me softly.
“Thank you,” she said, “for giving me my first dance.”
Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley -original
Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley -cover
Michael Buble – Dream a Little Dream of Me – just because <3