Izgalmas Cinder és Ella hírek + Nyereményjáték!
Pontosan két évvel ezelőtt egy kis könyvecske felkerült az Amazonra, amelynek a címe Cinder és Ella volt. (Itt olvasható az értékelésem a könyvről.) Aztán ez a könyv hirtelen robbanásszerűen az Amazon #1 helyén találta magát a saját kategóriáiban, majd a top 20 Amazon könyvek közé is bekúszott. (Hajrá-hajrá Cinder & Ella! :))
Az elmúlt két évben Kelly Oram szinte minden egyes nap kapta a rajongói kéréseket, hogy kaphassanak egy epilógust, novellát vagy valamit (bármit), amellyel az olvasók egy icipicivel többet kaphatnának Brian-ből (aka Cinder) és Ella-ból.
Ugyan két évbe telt, de Kelly végül úgy döntött, hogy enged a kéréseknek, amely azt jelenti, hogy…
A Cinder és Ella folytatást kap!!!
Bizony-bizony, egy teljes második könyv érkezik! De ez nem minden! Nemcsak azzal a bejelentéssel készültünk, hogy egy újabb könyv érkezik kevesebb, mint 5 hónap múlva, de bizony egy gyönyörű új borító és fülszöveg is felfedésre kerül!! Nemcsak a folytatás kap szép új borítót, de az eredeti Cinder & Ella is kap egy ahhoz passzoló új külsőt. 🙂
–> lentebb megtekinthetitek a borítókat és a klassz teasereket is+ egy szuper nyereményjáték, egy angol nyelvű interjú és egy könyvakció is vár rátok!
Hivatalos Cinder és Ella magyar fülszöveg
Ella élete minden, csak nem tündérmese. Nyolc hónapja vesztette el édesanyját egy balesetben, ő pedig súlyos sérüléseket szenvedett. Most gyerekkora óta nem látott apjához meg annak új családjához kell költöznie. Mesés…
Egyvalaki tartja benne a lelket: Cinder, akivel évek óta barátok a neten, de sosem találkoztak. Ella annyit tud, hogy a srác vicces, szexi, okos, és ugyanakkora könyvmoly, mint ő. (Á, egyáltalán nem az esete…) Fogalma sincs, hogy Cinder az egyik legmenőbb hollywoodi színész, aki a kedvenc fantasyregényükből készült filmben játssza a herceget. Vajon képest a valóságban is tündérmesévé változtatni Ella életét?
És most a pillanat amire mindenki várt!!!
Február 14-én érkezik a Cinder és Ella folytatása, a Happily Ever After!!
(Az előrendelésről Kelly Oram hírleveléből értesülhettem majd.)
Happily Ever After fülszöveg
Egy történet vége, gyakran egy új kezdetét jelenti. A hollywoodi szívtipró Brian Oliver és az ő Hamupipőkéje, Ellamara Rodriguez végre megtalálták a szerelmet a digitális világon kívül is. De az anonimitásuk maguk mögött hagyása, egy sor új akadályt gördít a nemzet kedvenc szerelmespárjának útjába. A Brian hírnevével járó stressz, és az újdonsült kapcsolatukból alakuló nyomás nagy terhet ró rájuk, így “A Párosnak” hamar el kell gondolkoznia azon, hogy meg tudják-e tartani az újkeletű boldogságukat, vagy a “Boldogan éltek, míg meg nem…” csupán tényleg a tündérmesékben létezik.
Exciting CINDER & ELLA news + Giveaway!
Exactly two years ago, a little book titled Cinder & Ella made its way onto Amazon. (You can read my review here.) And then it exploded, making it’s way to # 1 on Amazon in all of its categories and even hitting the top 20 on all of Amazon. (Way to go Cinder & Ella!)
And nearly every day of the two years since its release, author Kelly Oram has received requests for an epilogue or a short story or something–anything–that would give readers more of their beloved Brian (aka Cinder) & Ella.
It may have taken 2 years, but Kelly has finally decided to grant all of those requests, which means:
Cinder & Ella is getting a SEQUEL!!
That’s right people, there’s a whole second book coming! But that’s not all. Not only has the book been announced, it’s less than 5 months away, and today we’re revealing the cover and blurb!
Along with this cover reveal the first book, Cinder & Ella, is also getting a new look. They’ve redesigned the cover to match the sequel.
Title: Cinder & Ella
Author: Kelly Oram
Publisher: Bluefields
Pages: 312
Written by the inestimable Kelly Oram, Cinder & Ella is a contemporary Cinderella re-telling set in present day Hollywood.
4.8 out of 5 stars with over 1,500 reviews on Amazon!
What would you do if your anonymous Internet best friend turned out to be Hollywood’s hottest celebrity?
Cinder458: Your blogaversary is coming up, right?
EllaTheRealHero: Do all those Hollywood friends of yours know you use words like blogaversary?
Cinder458: Of course not. I need your address. Got you a blogaversary present.
Cinder got me a gift?
My heart flipped.
Not that I was in love with my Internet best friend or anything. That would be utterly ridiculous. The boy was cocky and stubborn and argued with everything I said just to be infuriating. He also had lots of money, dated models—which meant he had to be hot—and was a closet book nerd.
Funny, rich, hot, confident, book lover. Definitely not my type. Nope. Not at all.
It’s been almost a year since eighteen-year-old Ella Rodriguez was in a car accident that left her crippled, scarred, and without a mother. After a very difficult recovery, she’s been uprooted across the country and forced into the custody of a father that abandoned her when she was a young child. If Ella wants to escape her father’s home and her awful new stepfamily, she must convince her doctors that she’s capable, both physically and emotionally, of living on her own. The problem is, she’s not ready yet. The only way she can think of to start healing is by reconnecting with the one person left in the world who’s ever meant anything to her—her anonymous Internet best friend, Cinder.
Hollywood sensation Brian Oliver has a reputation for being trouble. There’s major buzz around his performance in his upcoming film The Druid Prince, but his management team says he won’t make the transition from teen heartthrob to serious A-list actor unless he can prove he’s left his wild days behind and become a mature adult. In order to douse the flames on Brian’s bad-boy reputation, his management stages a fake engagement for him to his co-star Kaylee. Brian isn’t thrilled with the arrangement—or his fake fiancée—but decides he’ll suffer through it if it means he’ll get an Oscar nomination. Then a surprise email from an old Internet friend changes everything.
With a heartwarming online celebrity romance reminiscent of Jennifer E. Smith’s This Is What Happy Looks Like, bestselling young adult author Kelly Oram has struck gold with her new adult contemporary retelling of the timeless fairytale classic Cinderella.
“A story that has it all: tears, laughs, sparks and a drop-dead swoonworthy hero. Give it a while and DreamWorks will pick up this story for a movie adaption, no doubt.” Anna Katmore, Author of Play With Me & Neverland
“Both funny and heart-wrenching, Cinder and Ella will give you all the feels. It’s the best twist on the Cinderella tale I have come across. I am not just a fan of Kelly Oram. I am an addict.” Cassie Mae, author of Switched & How To Hook A Bookworm
“Cinder & Ella is a beautiful modern-day fairytale with a great cast of characters that made me laugh and swoon. It had me staying up late at night to read just one more chapter, and at the end, I was left with a big grin on my face.” Cindi Madsen, USA Today Bestselling Author of Falling For Her Fiancé & Cinderella Screwed Me Over
If this hasn’t convinced you to check this book out, you can preview the prologue and first chapter by reading along with Kelly Oram.
And now for the moment you’re all really waiting for…
Are you ready…?
Okay…here it is!!!
Title: Happily Ever After
Series: Cinder & Ella #2
Author: Kelly Oram
Publisher: Bluefields
Release Date: February 14, 2017
Buy Links: Signup to Kelly Oram’s NEWSLETTER to be notified upon release.
The end of one story is often the beginning of another. Hollywood heartthrob Brian Oliver and his Cinderella princess Ellamara Rodriguez have finally found love outside the digital world. But leaving their anonymity behind creates a whole new set of obstacles for the nation’s new favorite sweethearts. With the stress of Brian’s fame and the pressures of a new relationship weighing down on them, the It Couple quickly begins to wonder if they can hold on to their newfound joy, or if maybe happily ever after is only a fairy tale.
***Sign up for Kelly’s newsletter to be notified when Happily Ever After releases!***
Giveaway/ Nyereményjáték
Win a signed copy of Cinder & Ella WITH THE NEW COVER!
Nyerj egy dedikált példányt a Cinder & Ella-ból, a GYÖNYÖRŰ ÚJ BORÍTÓVAL!
Cinder & Ella – Bonus Brian POV scene
WOW! An other amazing surprise! You can read here a bonus scene from Brian’s POV!!!
Author Info & Links
Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen—a fan fiction about her favorite music group, The Backstreet Boys, for which her family and friends still tease her. She’s obsessed with reading, talks way too much, and likes to eat frosting by the spoonful. She lives outside of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, four children, and her cat, Mr. Darcy.
Don’t miss the latest news from Kelly Oram! Sign up for her newsletter to receive e-mail notifications for all of her new releases, events, sales, & giveaways. This is a monthly newsletter often with exclusive giveaways and freebies from some of her favorite authors.
Connect with Kelly
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First, the blurb everyone gets:
I love to read and I’m a ginger. I wrote my first novel at age fifteen–a fan fiction about my favorite music group, The Backstreet Boys, for which my family and friends still tease me. I’m obsessed with reading, talk way too much, and like to eat frosting by the spoonful. I live outside of Phoenix, Arizona with my husband, four children, and my cat, Mr. Darcy. And we named his litter box Pemberly because it’s where he makes ten thousand (poops) a year!
The Fun Stuff:
- I love to sing and went to college as a voice performance major.
- I once competed in the Miss Michigan Teen USA pageant. (I did not win LOL.)
- I’m a baseball fanatic. (Go D-backs!)
- I broke my head as a kid and had to wear a hockey helmet to school as my cast.
- I own my own 10-sided dice for role-playing that no one but me is allowed to role.
- I’m left handed.
- I am credited as associate producer for the independent film Amber Alert.
- I live for road trips. Best vacation I ever took was a three-week coast-to-coast-and-back drive with my father.
- The Backstreet Boys were my 1D in high school, and I was a total fangirl. I still have a whole collection of fan paraphernalia.
- I took both golf and bowling classes in college to fulfill my PE credits. (I still suck at both.)
Where did you grow up? Tell us a little of your childhood.
I grew up with two amazing, loving parents and a bunch of siblings that I only realized were amazing after I grew up and moved away from them. We moved around quite a bit, but I spent the majority of my life in Colorado, Michigan, and California. My childhood was crazy and chaotic at times but fun and full of love. I have no complaints.
What was it like living in Los Angeles right out of college?
LA is crazy, and the film industry is rough. It was overwhelming for my husband and I to go there when we were so young, had never been there, and had no family within hundreds of miles. But it was an adventure. We learned a lot, grew up a lot, and have a lot of great memories of our time there.
Share with us one thing most people do not know about you?
Umm… like I mentioned about in the fun facts, I modeled a little bit as a teenager and once competed in the Miss Michigan Teen USA pageant. Neither modeling, nor the pageant circuit was really my thing and I quit both pretty quickly. But it was an experience I’m glad I had. I got to do something that not many get the chance to do. I also learned that I belong behind the spotlight, not in it. LOL.
If you could pick one, which one of your books would you make a movie based on?
Hmm. I think it would be a toss up between Serial Hottie and Cinder & Ella. Serial Hottie is just fun and I can totally picture it being done similarly to The Burbs, or Suburbia. A fun quirky murder mystery romance. I’d love it. But I’m also a HUGE sucker for anything Cinderella, and it’s always done so well in the movies. Seeing Brian and Ella on the big screen would be so awesome.
Do your family and friends read your books?
Some of them. The ones who enjoy reading do. I never expect people I know to read my work, and I only encourage them if I think they will genuinely enjoy my stories. As a writer, I know not everyone is going to love my work, but my friends and family don’t always believe me when I say it’s okay if they don’t like my books. I’ve had friends read my books because they were curious but who don’t normally read the YA romance genre and then they felt really bad when they didn’t like it. It’s really okay. But it’s also fun when someone I know comes up to me and says, “OMG I finally read one of your books and I loved it!”
If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be?
Uh… are there other options? Kidding. Well before this I was a stay home mom and it worked well for me. I’d also love to give musical theater a shot. Broadway would be fun!
What inspired you to write Cinder & Ella?
I didn’t need to be inspired for this one. I have ALWAYS wanted to write my own Cinderella story. It’s my favorite fairy tale. I will watch and read every single Cinderella adaptation I can find. And I will read or watch them over and over and over again. So ever since I started writing, I knew that one day I would write a Cinderella retelling of my own. I simply had to wait for the right idea. I actually had the idea of the celebrity and the “normal” girl knowing each other from an online roleplaying game and meeting up at a fantasy or gaming convention sitting in my “idea” folder. And one day when I was between projects I was looking over my list of ideas and I thought that would be the perfect idea for a Cinderella story and voila … Cinder & Ella was born.
What scene was your favorite to write?
My favorite scene to write was probably the scene where Brian and Ella finally meet face to face. That’s not necessarily my favorite scene in the book, but it was a lot of fun to write. To think up the moments and conversation that would make Brian recognize Ella, and getting to have them banter as strangers was a lot of fun! Seriously, not to be egotistical or anything, but when Brian told Ella to say car for him… I almost died laughing. Kinda thought I was a genius for a while. (Of course, then I went back and read the first draft when it was done and realized that genius was a bit of a stretch! LOL) But anyway, yeah, the face-to-face was a lot of fun.
Who is your favorite—Brian or Ella? Pshhh. That totally depends on which one of them I’m dealing with and how they are treating me at the time. Kind of like my kids, it’s hard to play favorites, but well behaved characters are usually higher on my list than the difficult ones.
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I think the new cover is beautiful! 😍
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