From strip clubs and truck stops to southern coast mansions and prep schools, one girl tries to stay true to herself.
These Royals will ruin you…
Ella Harper is a survivor—a pragmatic optimist. She’s spent her whole life moving from town to town with her flighty mother, struggling to make ends meet and believing that someday she’ll climb out of the gutter. After her mother’s death, Ella is truly alone.
Until Callum Royal appears, plucking Ella out of poverty and tossing her into his posh mansion among his five sons who all hate her. Each Royal boy is more magnetic than the last, but none as captivating as Reed Royal, the boy who is determined to send her back to the slums she came from.
Reed doesn’t want her. He says she doesn’t belong with the Royals.
He might be right.
Wealth. Excess. Deception. It’s like nothing Ella has ever experienced, and if she’s going to survive her time in the Royal palace, she’ll need to learn to issue her own Royal decrees.
*Paper Princess has been on the New York Times bestsellers list for 9 straight weeks now!!*
*UPDATE: A kötet hamarosan érkezik magyar nyelven is a Könyvmolyképző Kiadó gondozásában!*
Ez a kötet a „ne a borító alapján ítélj meg egy könyvet” tipikus esete, mert bár néhányszor szembejött velem az elmúlt héten, de mindig simán továbbsiklottam felette. Teljesen azt hittem, hogy valami fantasy, vagy egy kis cukros „hercegnős” ifjúsági regény, de ennél nem is tévedhettem volna nagyobbat. :)) Aztán az egyik Goodreads-es barátnőm ajánlotta, hogy szerinte nekem ez tetszene, és miután a rákattintás után rájöttem, hogy Erin Watt bizony nem más, mint az a titokzatos bestselling szerzőpáros, akiket múltkor Colleen Hoover megosztott, és be lehetett küldeni a tippeket, hogy kik ők, azonnal dobtam el minden mást. 😀
Na ez egy olyan Young Adult könyv volt, ami az is meg nem is, mert az tuti száz, hogy a gyerekem kezébe nem adnám. 😀 Kezdjük azzal, hogy a főszereplő lány egy 17 éves sztriptíz táncos, aki ebből próbálja meg egyedül fenntartani magát, miután az egyedüli szülője, az anyukája meghal. Aztán miután a sztriptíz klubban feltűnik egy gazdag pasas azt állítva, hogy ő a hivatalos gondviselője, és felkapva a lányt, elviszi magával a „palotájába”, ahol az öt igencsak haragos fia várja, a lány élete hirtelen a feje tetejére áll. Kiderül, hogy a férfi, a multi-milliomos Callum Royal, aki Ella vér szerinti apjának legjobb barátja volt, és innentől kezdve Ella is belecsöppen a gazdagok visszás világába, ahol minden a kapcsolatok, a pénz, a partik, a szex és az addikciók körül forog.
Nagyon-nagyon imádtam ezt a könyvet. Humoros és letehetetlen volt, és ráadásul egyedi is, főleg abból a szempontból, hogy minden egyes szereplőt utálsz, de valahogy mégis szereted őket. 😀 Az öt Royal fiú, hát… megér egy misét. Főleg Easton-t kedveltem meg, bár ő is egy kis szemét tud lenni. 😀 És a cliffhanger a végén… Huh meglepett.
Közben egyébként már kiderült, hogy kiket rejt az Erin Watt álnév, de amíg nem tudtam, végig ezen kattogott az agyam. 😀 Azt sejtettem, hogy tutira nem CoHo van a háttérben, mert ő a tökéletes book boyfriend-ek képviselője, és ebben a könyvben határozottan nem találsz egy olyat sem. 😀 Viszont nálam Tarryn Fisher valószínűleg benne lett volna a pakliban, mert az egész könyvnek volt egy nagyon egyedi humora, és a „f*ck the world” hozzáállás is sütött az oldalakról. :DD
Összességében mindenképpen ajánlom a könyvet, kicsit Narancsvidék és Gossip Girl kombó, 5 szuperdögös, szuperidegesítő(en imádnivaló) sráccal és egy belevaló női főszereplővel. :))
My Review in English
This book is the typical case of the saying: “don’t judge a book by its cover” (by the way I love this cover!), because although I met with it several times lately, but I thought it’s probably some kind of fantasy or some fluffy young adult book, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. :)) Then I read a review on Goodreads, and I realized that Erin Watt is no other than the mysterious bestselling writer duo who was shared by Colleen Hoover before and everyone could have a guess who are they so I couldn’t do anything else but throw away everything and dig into it. 😀
This book was a Young Adult book and at the same time it wasn’t, because I never would give to my children that’s for sure. 😀 We can start with the fact that the main character is a 17 years old stripper, who tries to support herself this way after her only parent, her mom passes away. After one day at the strip club a mysterious, rich man shows up, and he says that he is her official guardian and literally pick her up and takes her away to his huge “palace”, where his five really angry boys wait for them, her word suddenly goes upside down. It turns out that the man is no other than the billionaire Callum Royal, who was the best friend of Ella’s father, and from this Ella gets into the world of the rich, where everything revolves around the connections, money, sex and addictions.
I really-really loved this book. It was humorous and captivating and add to that it was pretty unique especially because you HATE every character but you LOVE them at the same time. 😀 And the five Royal boys… they definitely something else. I liked Easton the most, although he was an ass, too. :)) And the cliffhanger at the end… WOW it truly surprised me.
At the meantime it revealed who are under the Erin Watt pen name , but until I didn’t know I couldn’t stop thinking about it. 😀 I knew that it surely couldn’t been Colleen Hoover, because she is the queen of the perfect book boyfriends and in this book it’s sure as heck that you can’t find any of that. 😀 But Tarryn Fisher probably would have been one of my first guesses because this book had a really unique sense of humour and it presented a “f*ck the word* attitude.
I highly recommend this book, it was like an OC California, Gossip Girl mix with five super-hot, super-annoying(ly lovable) guys and with a badass heroine. :))
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“When I said my day could be worse, it wasn’t meant as a challenge.”
“You’re poking a tiger.”
I shrug. “He poked me first.”
Callum shakes his head. “And I thought raising five boys was an adventure. I haven’t seen anything yet, have I?”
“Somewhere along the line, I started thinking that if I just got through this bad experience, this bad day, that tomorrow I’d have something better, brighter, newer.
I still believe that. I still believe that there’s something good out there for me. I just have to keep going until my time comes.”
“It’s you. It’s always been you and I’m tired of fighting it.”
“Why are you staring at me?” he asks in annoyance.
I push away all my crazy thoughts and counter, “Why not?”
“Like the way I look, do you?” he taunts.
“Nope, just committing to memory the profile of a jackass. You know, so if I’m ever called upon to draw one in art, I’ll have some inspiration,” I reply airily.”
“Every kiss makes me fall harder and harder for him. It’s a terrifying feeling, and it lodges in my throat and triggers the urge to run.”
„You should get away from here. These Royals will ruin you.”
„Maybe I want to be ruined.” I say lightly.
5- Royal- Stars
About the Author
Erin Watt is the brainchild of two bestselling authors linked together through their love of great books and an addiction to writing. They share one creative imagination. Their greatest love (after their families and pets, of course)? Coming up with fun–and sometimes crazy–ideas. Their greatest fear? Breaking up. You can contact them at their shared inbox:
A Little Extra From Erin Watt <3
Broken Prince is coming July 25!!! I can’t wait! And we got a little blurb from Broken Prince to help with the wait. 💕
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