How do you keep going when you feel like your life is over?
Maggie never thought she’d see Clay again. So, she attempts to put her life back together after her heart has been shattered to pieces. Moving on and moving forward, just as Clay wanted her to.
Clay never stopped thinking of Maggie. Even after ripping their lives apart and leaving her behind to get the help he so desperately needed. He is healing…slowly. But his heart still belongs to the girl who tried to save him.
When a sudden tragedy brings Maggie and Clay face to face again, nothing is the same. Yet some things never change. Can the darkness that threatened to consume them be transformed into something else and finally give them what they always wanted? And can two people who fought so hard to be together, finally find their happiness? Or will their demons and fear drive them apart for good?
The thing about love, is even when it destroys you, it has a way of mending what is broken. And in the shadows, you can still see the light.
Véleményem a könyvről
A Find You in the Dark elgondolkodtatott és megfájdította a szívemet, de talán ez a kötet volt az, amely igazán megadta a mélységet az egész történetnek. Ez a könyv egy fájdalmas és göröngyös utazásról szólt, amely tökéletlen és keserédes, mégis egy csodálatos szerelmet történetét tartogatja számunkra. Meredith Walters rendkívüli tehetséggel nyúlt hozzá a témához, nagyon szépen és hitelesen mutatta be Clay és Maggie karakterét, és csodálatos mélységgel tárta elénk egy-egy szereplő félelmeit, kétségeit gyászát, fájdalmát, egymás iránt érzett szerelmét.
Nagyon érdekes volt látni, hogy egy-egy szereplő milyen karakterfejlődésen ment keresztül az előző kötet óta. Miután Clay három hónap után visszatér Davidsonba, nem telik sok időbe, hogy újra egymásra találjak Maggievel. Mindketten igyekeznek továbblépni a múlton és új alapokról kezdeni a kapcsolatukat, megpróbálnak tanulni a hibáikból és minden lapot az asztalra teríteni. Ez egy olyasfajta erős kapcsolatot eredményez, amely teljesen lenyűgözött. Maggie és Clay is hihetetlenül erős és önzetlen karakter és elképesztő az a szerelem amit egymás iránt éreznek.
Nagyon érdekes volt számomra, ahogy a szülők és a Daniel-Rachel páros viszonyult Clayhez ebben a kötetben. A szülők rádöbbentek, hogy talán a korábbiakban nagy hibát vétettek a múltban azzal, ahogy Clay és Maggie kapcsolatát kezelték. Bár a szülők szempontját is megértettem abban a pillanatban, mégis többször is úgy éreztem, hogy Maggie talán segítségért fordult volna hozzájuk, ha nyitottabbak lettek volna és máshogy állnak a dolgokhoz, és talán a végén nem is szabadultak volna el úgy az események. Azt hiszem, ugyanez a helyzet a barátaival is, és örültem neki, hogy ezúttal ők is jobban támogatják Maggie és Clay kapcsolatának újdonsült fellángolását.
Clayt is igazán nagyon megszerettem ebben a kötetben. Jó volt hallani a gondolatait, mélyebben megismerhettük ezen betegség tüneteit és az is kiderült, hogy ő is legalább annyira szarkasztikus és humoros, mint Maggie, úgyhogy igazán örültem a váltott szemszögnek. A könyv vége pedig egy küzdelmes utazás, gyönyörűséges lezárása volt, úgyhogy mindenkinek őszintén ajánlom ezt a kötetet, aki olvasta az előző részt.
My Review in English
Find You in the Dark made me think and made my heart ache but this book also had some real deepness to the story. This book is about a painful and bumpy journey, which is far from perfect and it is bittersweet, but this is a wonderful love story. Meredith Walters handled this subject with profession and talent, and she made Clay’s and Maggie’s character very authentic. She also showed us every character’s fears, doubts, their grieve, pain and their love for each other so deep and in real ways.
I think the character-development of the two books were really good. After Clay comes home to Davidson from Florida, it will not take long for him and Maggie to find each other again. The both of them try to leave behind the past and they try to start their relationship from a new foundation. They try to learn from their mistakes and this time they put every card on the table. With these things, the connection between them becomes so strong that really amazed me. Both Maggie and Clay are so tough and selfless characters and their love for each other is so beautiful.
It was interesting, that Maggie’s parents react for the new relationship between Maggie and Clay. They realize that they made a huge mistake in the past with how they handled Clay. Although I understood their point of view at the time, I felt repeatedly that maybe Maggie would ask for help if they would have been more open-minded and more supportive, and maybe the things wouldn’t got out of hand at the end of the first book. I think this is the same with Maggie’s best friends, and I was very happy that they are so much more supportive for the new relationship of Maggie and Clay.
I loved Clay in this book, too. I glad that I could hear his thoughts, that I become known with his ill, and I learned that he is at least funny and sarcastic like Maggie, so I really liked the switched point of view. The end of the book was a beautiful closure of a really arduous journey, and it is highly recommended for everybody who read the first book.
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“I was an addict and Clay was my crack.”
“The person who had always been my light in the shadows and who continued to love me even at my worst. Who reminded me that everyone deserved love, even me.”
“Over six years ago I met a girl who saved me. I didn’t realize at the time, mostly because her attitude pissed me off, that she would become the most important thing in my life.
But then I got to know her and when I was drowning, she became my air. In the cold, she became my warmth.
In the dark, she became my light.”
Such a small word. Only seven letters but they carried the weight of the world.
Seven letters between me and the one thing I wanted most in my life.
No word in the history of words was harder to give and even more difficult to receive.
But I needed it. Craved my redemption deep in my bones.”
“It was just two people who loved each other, trying to make some sense in a world where there was none.”
“The thing about the shadows is that they’re not all darkness. You need to have light to have shadows. Just look for it.”
Find You in the Dark Series
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