Blog Tour & Review
Title: Lucas – A Preston Brothers Novel
Author: Jay McLean
Release Day: November 1, 2016
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In a sprint, every millisecond counts.
When you’re waiting for love, those milliseconds can feel like eons.
High school senior Lucas Preston has it all: star of the track team, a scholarship waiting for him, an apartment to himself and a revolving door of girlfriends. He also has an older sister, five younger brothers and a father who relies on him to make sure those brothers don’t kill each other.
His saving grace? Lois “Laney” Sanders, a girl he started to fall in like with when he was just eleven.
A girl who became his best friend, his confidant, his courage.
It took only sixteen clicks and eight seconds for Lucas to realize that his like for Laney had turned into love.
Eight life-changing seconds.
It’s also the exact length of time it took to lose her.
*An Advanced Reader copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*
“Because maybe, you’re gonna be the one who saves me… and after all, you’re my wonderwall…” ~Oasis
A Jay McLean könyveknek talán az a legnagyobb varázsa, hogy egyik pillanatban képesek megolvasztani a szívedet, míg a másikban kitépni azt, csupán egy tátongó sebet hagyva maguk után. Ez a hihetetlen kontraszt, a fájdalom és a boldogság egyensúlya az, ami miatt mindig úgy érezem, ha leteszek a Jay McLean könyvet, mintha egy nagyon hosszú döcögős utazás után érnék haza a meleg otthonomba.
Lucas Lucy legidősebb öccse, akit a More Than Forever során ismerhettünk meg, és már alig vártam, hogy egy kicsit újra visszautazhassak a More Than sorozat világába, a Preston család otthonába, a Mayhem-ek helyszínére.
Lucas Preston és Lois ”Lane” Sanders még csak tizenegy éves voltak, amikor először találkoztak. Laney és édesapja, -aki a Preston kivitelező cégnél vállalt munkát-, ekkor költözött a városba, hátrahagyva addigi életüket és Laney anyját. Laney egyből megtalálja a közös hangot a Superman pólós, szemüveges, eszméletlenül aranyos kisfiúval és gyors barátság alakul ki közöttük, amely örök köteléket fon kettejük között. Innentől kezdve ők egymás Clark Kent-je és Lois „Lane”-je. 🙂
Évekkel később, a 18 éves koruk kapujában azonban a legjobb barátok egyszer csak olyan szituációban találják magukat, ami talán örökre elválasztja őket.
Nem fogok hazudni volt olyan része a könyvnek, amikor egyszerűen utáltam. Mikor szerettem volna bemászni a könyv oldalaira és megrázni a szereplőket, hogy térjenek már észhez. Mikor keseregve írtam a lányoknak, hogy utálom-utálom-utálom ami a könyvben történik, pedig eddig kedvenc volt. Merthogy akárcsak a More Than Forever-nél itt is hatalmas szívfájdalmam volt a szerelmi háromszög. Nagyon kevés olyan dolog van, ami 3 csillagos keresztnek számít nálam egy könyvnél, de a szerelmi háromszög egyértelműen egy közülük. DE aztán olyat hozott ki az írónő ebből a szálból, hogy még most is keresem az állam és fájlalom a szívemet.
Nagyon megkedveltem a szereplőket és Jay ismét egy olyan karaktert formált meg Lucas személyében aki beállhat a tökéletes book boyfriend-ek sorába. A könyv nagyon fontos témákat érint és tényleg fájt szívem a szereplőkért. És Jay megint nagyot alkotott. A könyv egyik visszatérő mondata az, hogy a „Jó a nagyszerű ellensége”. És ez a könyv nemcsak nagyszerű, de tökéletes volt. ♥
My Review in English
“Because maybe, you’re gonna be the one who saves me… and after all, you’re my wonderwall…” ~Oasis
I think the true magic of Jay McLean’s stories is in the contrast. In one moment they melt your heart while the next second they rip it out leaving behind just a gaping hole. In one moment you are deeply in love with the characters and the story while in the next you hate them. This incredible contrast, the perfect balance of pain and joy is why I always feel like I just arrived at my warm home after a very bumpy journey when I put down a Jay McLean book.
Lucas is Lucy’s eldest brother of six. We met him in More Than Forever and I couldn’t wait to make a trip back to the world of the More Than series, to the home of the Preston family, to the place of the Mayhems.
Lucas Preston and Lois “Lane” Sanders met when they were 11 years old when Laney and her father – who has accepted a job working for ‘Preston Construction’ company -, just moved to town leaving behind their old lives and Laney’s mother. Laney immediately finds the common voice with the incredibly cute boy who is wearing glasses and a Superman T-shirt. A fast friendship instantly develops creating an eternal bond between them. From this point they are each other’s Lois “Lane” and Clark Kent. 🙂 But years later, when they are close to the age of 18, the two best friends find themselves drifting apart because of a situation that might separate them forever.
I’m not going to lie, there were parts of this book that I hated. When I wanted to crawl into the pages and just shake the characters. When I felt like after I marked this book as favorite it became something I didn’t like at all. Because just like in More Than Forever there was a love triangle in this book. And there are not many things I hate more than a plot with a love triangle. BUT at the end, the author was able to create something surprising and painful but really-really great from this plot, and I have to tell you that after all the pain it was amazing!
I really loved the characters and with Lucas Jay McLean was able to create a perfect book boyfriend once again. The story touches some really serious subject matters and my heart really ached for the characters. And Jay did it again! One of the recurring sentence of the book is that “Good is the enemy of great.” And this book was not just great but perfect! ♥
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“Love doesn’t die just because one heart stops beating.
When you love someone, you have the same heartbeat and it’s still there, just not as strong.”
“Sixteen clicks.
Eight seconds.
That’s how long it took me to realize I’d been in love with her for four years.
Eight, life-changing seconds.”
“(…) her touch is like oil, and my pain is the water. She creates a divide when I could be drowning.”
“Those eyes, those eyes, they ruin me.”
“Good is the enemy of great, Lucas. I want to be great.”
“I told her dancing was lame. She shook her head. “One day, Lucas, you’re going to fall in love with a girl, like your father fell in love with me, and you’ll understand.”
“Understand what?” I asked.
„That it’s not about the dance. It’s about moving, as one, with a person whose heart beats to the same rhythm as yours. It’s about love, about life. ”
“And I think, ultimately, that’s what true love is, you know? To want to be someone’s hero when they’re faced with villains. To want to be the one who saves them. To be their Wonderwall.”
5 – Love hard, love fierce, but love right. – Stars
Goodreads Link
A Song for the Book
Author Bio
Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult Romance, and most of all, procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, playing house and binge watching Netflix.
She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.
Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in a forever half-done home where music is loud and laughter is louder.
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