P. Dangelico – A Million Different Ways (A Horn Novel, #1)


Six long years I’ve been running, hiding, rejecting friendships and intimacy of any kind. Because nothing will stop them from coming after me. Of that, I’m certain. And then I met him. Powerful, broken, and so alone. Life had put us on an unavoidable collision course, a collision course that could destroy us both…

Worlds collide when an illegal immigrant finds herself working for a wealthy American financier. Escaping a scandal that threatens to land her in prison, medical student, Vera Sava, flees to Switzerland in the hope of reinventing herself, and starting a career in medicine. Her plans derailed, she finds employment as a housekeeper, in the one place that will offer her a job without legal documents.

Sebastian Horn is an angry man. After having lost his young wife in a terrible car accident, he’s decided that life isn’t worth living anymore. Crippled physically and spiritually, he spends what’s left of it numbing the pain with booze and pills.


*Ebook provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

Véleményem a könyvről

Mikor az ember több, mint száz könyvet elolvas egy évben, annyira nagy felüdülést tud jelenteni, ha talál egy olyat, ami egy picit másabb, mint az összes többi. Annyira jó volt egy picit egy európai környezetbe tenni egy kis kirándulást, sőt valamiért szinte úgy éreztem, hogy nem csak térben ugrunk el a megszokottól, de időben is, mert utoljára századfordulón írt regényekben találkoztam hasonló szituációkkal. Azonban bár a „egy hatalmas háztartásban dolgozó szolgálólány és a gazdag főúr” felállás idejétmúltnak tűnik, de az illegális bevándorlók kérdése nagyon is mai probléma.

A történet főszereplője Vera, akinek Albániából kellett elmenekülnie, édesapja tragikus halála után, ahonnan veszélyes körülmények között jutott el Milánóba, ahol már korábban egy ösztöndíj várta az egyetemen. Miután elvégezi az orvosi szakot, Svájcba kerül, de a sorsa, ha lehet még nehezebbre fordul, ugyanis miután sehol nem talál állást, sajnos lejár a vízuma és illegálisan kell meghúzni a magát, pénz nélkül.

Egy barát útján jut el Genfbe, a Horn birtokra, ahol a milliomos Sebastian Horn szolgálólányaként új fordulatot vesz az élete. Lesz szállása, étel a gyomrába és igazán mindent belead a munkába. Csakhogy Sebastian első pillanattól kezdve kiállhatatlanul viselkedik vele. Egészen addig, amíg ki nem derül, hogy a lány irányába érzett haragja nem más, mint vonzalom.

Mindkét szereplőnek igazán nehéz múlttal kellett megküzdenie, de ahogy haladunk előre a történetben és szépen lassan kibontakoznak az érzelmek, azzal együtt mindketten elkezdenek meggyógyulni a régi sebekből. A szereplők jól eltaláltak, bár talán Sebastian sokszor már túl „alfa” volt számomra, de az nagyon tetszett, hogy Vera igazán független és erős karakter volt. Amellett, hogy a történet tele volt tűzdelve forróbbnál forróbb jelenetekkel, nagyon sok izgalmas szálat is bele tudott szőni az írónő.

Úgy gondolom, hogy ez a könyv, határozottan 5 csillagos lehetett volna, ha egy picit rövidebb, főleg, hogy a vége olyan lebilincselőre sikerült, hogy csak úgy pörgettem a lapokat. Azonban a könyv közepe táján sokszor azt éreztem, hogy ugyanazokat a köröket futjuk, és ugyanazokat a belső vívódásokat olvasom. De ettől függetlenül is úgy gondolom, hogy szinte döbbenetes, hogy ez volt az írónő debütáló kötete. A történet nagyon izgalmas függővéggel zárult, így alig várom, hogy a következő kötetet is a kezembe vehessem.


My Review in English

When someone reads more than a hundred books a year, it could be so refreshing to find a book that is really different that the others. It was so great to take a little trip to a European environment and somehow it seemed like we jumped not just in space but in time too, because the last book I read with a similar plotline took place in the XIX. century. Although the “housekeeper who works in a huge household and the rich lord” seems old, the subject of the illegal immigrants really is the problem of today.

The main character is Vera, who had to escape from Albania 6 years ago after the tragic death of her father.  After the tragedy, she travels to Milan where a scholarship waits for her. After she gets her medical degree she moves to Switzerland but after she isn’t accepted for any job, and her visa expires she has to live illegally without job, money and food.

She gets to Geneva with some help of a friend, where as the housekeeper of the billionaire Sebastian Horn her life takes a new turn.  She finally has roof above her head and food in her belly and she really puts her all into the work. However Sebastian has a horrible attitude towards her from the first moment. Until it reveals that his anger towards her is no other than attraction.

Both characters had to deal with a very hard past, but as we are moving forward in the story and the emotions are slowly unfolding, the deep scars of them also start to heal. The characters were great, and I loved that Vera was a really independent and strong woman. And besides the story contained so many steamy scenes the author could also inweave some really thrilling threads into the story.

I truly think that this story could have been a strong 5 stars read if it’s a little shorter, especially because the ending totally put me on the edge of my seat. It was so captivating! But in the middle of the book I felt sometimes that we are running the same rounds that I am reading the same struggles. But apart from this, I still think that it is almost unbelievable that it was the writer’s debut book. The story ends with a very thrilling cliff-hanger, so I can’t wait to pick up the next part of the Horn series.


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“You’re the dream I never allowed myself to have.”

“I love the part that’s kind, and gentle, and selfless. The part that’s cool, and commanding, and capable. The part that’s burning with intelligence. The part that’s thoughtful and funny. I also love the part that’s rash, and high handed, and rude some times. I love every part of you…in a million different ways.”

“…we don’t know what we’re capable of until we’re tested.”

“I felt him reach out and pull me closer. Tucking in behind me, he held me like he never intended to let go. I exhaled, relieved, because I didn’t want him to either.”

“Emotions I was not comfortable with began leaking out of my heart. I tried to stop them but it was a finger on a gunshot wound––it did more harm than good. I was already in serious danger of loving this man. And that, I could not allow.”

“What were you reading that was so interesting?” he asked in a mocking tone.
I’d like to read you your last rights at the moment, I replied with my glare. He winked at me. Impossible man.”

“The thinly veiled bruises on her soul were evident in her expression. I recognized those bruises, saw them in myself when I looked in the mirror. Liberty had taken its pound of flesh but we had survived.”

“God, I loved this man. I loved him fiercely, with all my heart. That well of emotion ran so deep in me that I still hadn’t reached the bottom of it. It had been so different with Aleksander. My love for him had been mild mannered, economical. My love for Sebastian was a wild thing––beautiful and rare, and totally unmanageable.”

4.5-Desire- Stars

4,5 stars



 About the Author

I am a painter’s daughter. Only later would I come to realize the profound effect that would have on me. Growing up, my eyes feasted on swirls of paint, on sensual images of women. Some young, some less so. Their beauty, not dimished by age, told a story, their faces illustrating their triumphs and their defeats. Captured in time on a canvas, tight lipped, they kept their secrets. So in the privacy of my mind, I made up stories for them. It was the beginning of a great love affair…between me, and the written word.


The Book II of The Horn Series is coming summer 2016!


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