Rachel Van Dyken – The Bachelor Auction – Release blitz + ARC review



Jane isn’t entirely sure that Cinderella got such a raw deal. Sure, she had a rough start, but didn’t she eventually land a prince and a happily-ever-after? Meanwhile, Jane is busy waiting on her demanding, entitled sisters, running her cleaning business, and . . . yep, not a prince in sight. Until a party and a broken shoe incident leave Jane wondering if princes—or at least, a certain deliciously hunky billionaire—maybe do exist.

Except Brock Wellington isn’t anyone’s dream guy. Hell, a prince would never agree to be auctioned off in marriage to the highest bidder. Or act like an arrogant jerk—even if it was just a façade. Now, as Brock is waiting for the auction chopping block, he figures it’s karmic retribution that he’s tempted by a sexy, sassy woman he can’t have. But while they can’t have a fairy-tale ending, maybe they can indulge in a little bit of fantasy . .


*ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review*

Egy humoros kis romantikus történet egy csipetnyi tündérmese csavarral? Nekem bármikor jöhet! 🙂
És ez tényleg egy valódi kis Hamupipőke történet volt, a Rachel Van Dyken-től megszokott humoros, imádnivaló csomagolásban. 🙂 

Jane élete igazán távol áll a tündérmeséktől. Szülei halála után ő vette át apja vállalkozását a ‘Hamupipőke takarító szolgálatot’, ráadásul két semmirekellő nővéréről is neki kell gondoskodnia, amiért egy fikarcnyi hálát sem kap cserébe. De minden lány arról álmodik, hogy az élete egyszer mégis tündérmesévé változik, és eljön érte a megmentő szőke herceg, aki elviszi a kastélyába ahol “boldogan élnek, míg meg nem…”
Ám Jane nem is sejti, hogy míg más lányoknak csak az ábrándok maradnak, addig számára egyetlen este, egy lovagias segítő kéz és egy hátrahagyott cipellő, örök változást hozhat az életébe. Azonban mit történik, ha az idilli tündérmesébe belekutyul egy szenilis nagypapa, aki úgy dönt, hogy árverésre bocsájtja az agglegény unokáját, aki éppenséggel a hős herceg? Akkor Hamupipőkének a kezébe kell vennie az irányítást és a pennát, és magának kell megírnia a boldog befejezést…

Brock es Jane sok mindenben hasonlítanak. Míg Jane a nővéreiről kénytelen gondoskodni és velük szemben nem tud kiállni magáért, addig a milliomos Brock, maga az “igenember”. Egyszerűen képtelen nemet mondani a nagypapának, aki apja helyett apja volt,  és aki a céget vezeti. Ráadásul emellett felelősségének érzi, hogy ő vigyázza az iker bátyjai minden lépését is, ami nem egyszerű feladat, mivel az ikrek szinte minden nap a bulvárlapok címlapjain végzik valami ballépés miatt. 🙂

Bár sokszor jókat nevettem az olvasás közben, hogy őszinte legyek, gondolkoztam a 4 csillagon, egyedül azért ajánlottam meg végül a 4,5 csillagot, mert ezt a könyvet amúgy sem lehet komolyan venni, és ha így nézem, kifejezetten szórakoztató volt. 🙂 Ugyanakkor valami számomra mégis hiányzott, és kicsit úgy érzetem, hogy a mellékszereplők sokkal erősebbre sikerültek, mint a főszereplők, és abszolút ők vitték a hátukon a történetet: az ikerek, a szenilis nagypapa, Nadine, na meg az állatok (az ass=szamár meg a cock=kakas) 🙂

Az ikrek egyértelműen a kedvenc szereplőim voltak az egész történetben, így már nagyon várom az ő könyvüket is. 🙂 Összességében jó kis kikapcsolódás volt, úgyhogy mindenképpen ajánlom! 🙂


My Review in English

A humorous romantic book with a little fairy tale twist? You can always count me in! And this truly was a real Cinderella story in Rachel Van Dyken’s usual humorous and adorable packaging. 🙂 I loved it! 🙂

Jane’s life is far from a fairy tale. After her parent’s death she had to take over her father’s business: ‘Cinderella Cleaning’, and she also has to take care of her reprobate sisters, without one ounce of gratitude in return.

But every girl is dreaming about their lives turning into a fairy tale someday and a prince will come for them and take them to his palace where they will live “happily ever after”.
But Jane doesn’t even suspect that while other girls can only dream, for her a chivalrous helping hand and a left behind shoe can bring a change into her life forever.
But what happens when a senile grandpa mixes everything up with an auction where he wants to auction off his own grandson who happens to be the Price Charming? Then Cinderella has to take over control and pick up the quill to write the happy ending to her story by herself…
Brock and Jane is quite similar in more than one way. While Jane has to take care of her sisters and she can’t say no to them, the billionaire Brock is also a true “yes man”. He just can’t say no to anyone, especially to her grandfather who was like a father for him after her parent’s death and who runs the company. And he also feels responsibility to watch over every move of his twin brothers, which is not an easy task since they end up in the tabloids almost every day because of a new misstep. 🙂
Although I laughed a lot during my read, to tell the truth I almost gave 4 stars for this book, but at the end I decided that this story can’t be taken seriously anyway, and from this perspective it was pretty entertaining. 🙂 But still, something was missing for me, and it felt like the secondary cast of characters were so much stronger than the main characters. The twins, the senile grandpa, Nadine, the cock and the ass definitely ruled the story for me. 🙂


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“And yet he felt… right. In a world where things for the past ten years had felt so wrong.
He felt right.”

“Somehow, kissing her had made him feel more alive than he had in months— years. It felt freeing. She was freeing.”

“That was the thing about death. It haunted the living, until they mourned it. And the more it was ignored, the bigger it grew. Until survival was near impossible.”

“Brock Wellington was a man of complete control. A man who knew what was expected of him. Brock Wellington died in that moment, and was replaced quite possibly with the man he was always supposed to be. Crazed, passionate, slightly drunk on the feeling of the perfect woman in his arms… His destiny felt altered, his world changed.”

“It felt like every time he kissed her, he took pieces of her heart away.”

“The way Brock looked at her as if he’d never seen anything so beautiful in his entire life— the way he opened up to her both physically and emotionally, and the way he made her feel with just one look.
One look that held promises.
One look that held a future.”

“She was the only woman who had offered something money couldn’t buy.
Her heart.”
“Brock’s kiss had been . . . everything. Ugh, she was in so much trouble.”
4.5- Cinderella- Stars
4,5 stars


Are you ready to Meet Brock Wellington?

The Bachelor Auction is NOW AVAILABLE!

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2cqtEJo

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2casLH2

iBooks: http://apple.co/2c4SmQS

B&N: http://bit.ly/1SKyEdn

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2bgINiM

GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2bNZuQE

Playlist for the Book


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About the Author

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall rachel-van-dykenStreet Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


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