Cindy Miles – Stupid Girl (Stupid in Love #1)


Only fools fall in love…

After her senior year of high school leaves behind nothing but heartache, Olivia Beaumont is sure of this: She’s no stupid girl. She sets out for Winston University, promising herself that she will remain focused on her first and only love – astronomy. But all it takes is cocky sophomore Brax Jenkins and an accidental collision with a football, to throw her entire year off course.

A quick-tempered Southie who escaped the inner city streets of Boston to pitch for Winston, Brax is known to play way more fields than just the baseball diamond. So, when his name is drawn to take part in his fraternity’s hazing dare, Brax eagerly accepts the mission to take Olivia’s virginity. But he doesn’t plan on falling hard for the sweet and sassy Texas girl who sees right through his bad-boy persona.

As Olivia and Brax battle their feelings for each other, echoes of the past year begin to surface. A boy who once turned Olivia’s whole world upside down reappears, and “harmless” pranks wreak havoc. Pretty soon the aspiring astronomer is on the verge of revealing her most difficult, heartbreaking secret. All the while, Brax must wrestle with the irrevocable dare, and Olivia struggles against all logic as she does the one thing only a stupid girl would do: fall in love.


Véleményem a könyvről

Mit kapunk, ha egy képzeletbeli turmixgépe bedobjuk a Callie & Kayden-t, a Wait for You-t, a Dare You to-t, egy csipetnyi Beautiful Disaster-el fűszerezve? Egy baromi jó könyvet! 🙂 Őszintén szólva a Goodreads listázta ki nekem ezt a kis olvasmányt, és csak a borítója miatt választottam ki (szakmai ártalom, na! :D). De végül egyáltalán nem bántam meg…

Igazából szinte mindegyik általam olvasott New Adult könyvből tudnék említeni egy-egy momentumot, amit felfedezni véltem ebben a könyvben, de ez különösebben nem zavart, főleg mivel tényleg jó volt! Véleményem szerint 12 egy tucat ezekből a könyvekből, de én mégis nagyon szeretem őket, és őszintén szólva szerintem felülmúlta a Callie & Kayden-t, a Wait for You-t meg pláne. Nagyon jól eltalált karakterek vannak benne, jó háttértörténetekkel és jó humorral.

A történet főszereplője Olivia, aki egy texasi ranchon él két bátyjával, az öccsével, az anyukájával és az ex-Texas Ranger nagypapával, aki egy oltári figura. 🙂 A gimnáziumi utolsó év előtti nyáron történik vele valami, ami miatt a végzős éve is borzalmasan telik, de mindent megtesz azért, hogy főiskolára mehessen, ahol asztronómiát szeretne tanulni. A főiskola első napján belebotlik a tetkós – baseballsztár – két lábon járó Adoniszba, aki a legnagyobb nőcsábász hírében járja, de mégis addig hajtja a lányt amíg „barátok” nem lesznek. Na, eddig kb. ugyanolyan, mint az összes többi ilyen regény. De ennek ellenére mégis hihetetlenül élveztem. Annyira humoros karaktereket talált ki az írónő. Végre nem idegesített a női főszereplő sem, Brax humora és bostoni akcentusa pedig egyszerűen megunhatatlan poén volt, (eddig nem is tudtam, hogy a bostoniaknak ilyen vicces akcentusa van, de hát minden nap tanul az ember.. :)), és a mellékszereplőket is nagyon megkedveltem. Persze ebben a történetben is lefutottuk a tipikus konfliktus-köröket, de voltak benne komoly és megható jelenetek is. Aki szereti ezeket a könyveket, azok számára őszintén ajánlom ezt a történetet is!

P.S.: Mikor ezeket a könyveket olvasom, mindig eszembe jut az a rész az R. S. Grey: With This Heart -ból, mikor a tanácsadó megkérdezi a lányt, hogy gondolt-e rá, hogy főiskolára menjen?

„Everyone thinks about going to college. I had read enough New Adult Romances to know that the moment I stepped on campus, I would surely be noticed by the mysterious loner jock or hot nerd that didn’t get noticed in high school, or maybe the off-limits TA.” :))


My Review in English

What we will get if we throw “Callie & Kayden”, “Wait for You” and “Dare You To” into an imaginary mixer, with a hint of Beautiful Disaster? A mind-blowing awesome story! 🙂 To tell the truth, Goodreads listed this one for me, but I chose it only because of the cover (okay, I know, this is an occupational hazard for me :D). But at the and I truly didn’t regret it.

It was like a big bowl of mixed New Adult books, but it didn’t bother me at all, mostly because it was so good! There are so much similar books on the market, but I like them so much, and I have to confess that I think it was better than Callie & Kayden or Wait for You. (This time I really don’t understand the Goodreads ratings). This is a book with great characters, with really good back-stories and with good sense of humor.

The main character of the book is Olivia, who lives in a ranch in Texas with her three brothers, her mom and the ex-ranger grandfather of her (who is by the way an awesome character :)).  In the summer, before her senior year in high school, something happens to her which makes her last year of high school miserable.

It takes all her efforts to go to college and learn astronomy. The first day of college a boy runs into her (literally) who is a hot, tattooed, baseball star, and the biggest womanizer of the campus, but he chases after Olivia aka Gracie until she doesn’t give in.  Okay I can admit that until this point this seems all the same like any other book in this genre, but I just truly loved it. I think it was because of the main and minor characters. They were really humorous and lovable, and finally the female character didn’t annoy me either, and I just couldn’t get tired of Brax’s sense of humor and his Boston accent. 😀

Of course we had to run the same conflict rounds like in any other book in this genre but there were some touching and deep moments, too. I highly recommend this book for everyone who likes these types of books. I think it was really good.

P.S.: When I read these kind of books, they always reminds me one of my favorite scenes of With This Heart by R.S.Grey, when the school consular asks the girl if she has ever thought about going to college.

„Everyone thinks about going to college. I had read enough New Adult Romances to know that the moment I stepped on campus, I would surely be noticed by the mysterious loner jock or hot nerd that didn’t get noticed in high school, or maybe the off-limits TA.” :))


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“I’m sorry. For everything.” He inhaled, exhaled. “Except for one thing.”
I tilted my head. “And what’s that?”
“Knockin’ into you.” Brax’s smile transformed his harsh features into something heart-stopping, beautiful, and I nearly lost my breath. “That was Fate, Sunshine. A day I’ll thank God for, every single day of my life.”

“And sometimes, what seemed like the stupid choices turned out to be the only choices.”

“Like I said before. Different. And different is pretty goddamned appealing to me.”

“The kiss was unavoidable. Just like the next one will be.”

“Heartaches hurt like hell. There’s no way around that.
The only boy good enough for you darlin’ is one who’d sacrifice everything to have you. I’m talkin’ everything important to him, just to keep you. No matter the cost.
Otherwise, he ain’t worth his weight, pound for pound, in pure solid horseshit. He just ain’t, Olivia Grace. You remember that.”

“You,” Brax said, and again, ducked his head, “are one badass lady. Smart and beautiful. I like that.”

“I noticed then that the letter R simply didn’t exist in Brax’s vocabulary.”

“It’s a pledge ring. A vow I made.”
His eyes widened, his face shocked. “Jesus Christ, you’re a fuckin’ nun?”
I blew out a breath. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to hell for saying all those words in the same sentence. (…)”

Five – Southie -Stars

5 stars


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About the Author

Cindy MilesNational bestselling author Cindy Miles writes edgy romance, ranging from contemporary love stories to sexy paranormals. A native of southern coastal Georgia, she loves reading (naturally), baking swoon-worthy desserts, traveling abroad, yoga, and classic rock. The cover for her debut New Adult romance, STUPID GIRL, was featured on USA Today’s Happily Ever After blog. In the novel, a volatile mix of bad boys, sassy smart girls, dark secrets, and red-hot romance add up to one wild ride through college. The second book in her Stupid in Love series, STUPID BOY, features a wickedly handsome law-breaker who falls for a beautiful, straight-A college student with an ugly past of her own.

Hang out with Cindy on her Facebook fan page at:
Or check out her website:

Stupid in Love Series

*Each book can be read as a standolone*

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