Title: Redemptive (Combative Trilogy 2)
Author: Jay McLean
Release Day: March 8
“It’s said that your life flashes before your eyes when you die.
It must only happen to those whose lives were worthy.
Clearly, mine was not.
The only thing that happened to me was a repeat of what I thought was my death.
The blast of the gun as it went off.
The loss of my breath as two hundred pounds of dead weight dropped on top of me.
And then darkness.
This replayed over and over.
When the guy squatted down next to me and asked if I was hurt, the only thing I could see, feel,
hear, were those few seconds.
Even now, as I sat in the back of a blacked out van—it was the only thing that ran through my mind.
Gunshot, breath, darkness.”

*ARC was kindly provided by the author in the exchange for an honest review*
Ez a könyv a legjobb példája volt a „csak még egy fejezet” füllentésnek, mert egyszerűen nem tudtam letenni! Ez alkalommal is olyan történetet kaptam Jay McLean-től, amely hosszú éjszakákon keresztül fenntartott, így maradjunk annyiban, hogy a mentális jelenlétem napközben a munkahelyemen elég megkérdőjelezhető volt. 🙂
Ez most már sorozatban a második könyvem, amikor nem tudok írni semmit a cselekményről, anélkül, hogy spoileres lennék. De annyit elmondhatok, hogy bármire is számít az olvasó az első kötet után, garantálom, hogy nem azt fogja kapni. 😀 Mert most őszintén, mi a fene volt ez?! Az első könyvet is nagyon szerettem, de a Redemptive olyan volt, mintha egy teljesen más történetet olvastam volna. Jay egy brutális cliffhangerrel hagyott minket parlagon a Combative végén, így már alig vártam, hogy végre rátehessem a mancsom a második részre. Azt gondoltam, hogy ’na végre most választ kapok egy csomó kérdésre’, (hogy Ki Madison? Ki Sarah? Mi történt az előző kötet vége után? ) Aztán: BAM! Akkora arculcsapást kaptam! Merthogy ez a könyv még egy nagyobb rakás kérdőjelet hagyott maga után, mint az előző kötet, és úgy érzem magam, mintha Jay még mélyebbre taszított volna a sötétségben!
Jay McLean az egyik kedvenc írónőim egyike, és őszintén örülök neki, hogy ezzel a trilógiával ki mert merészkedni a komfortzónájából, hogy valami egészen új dolgot hozzon el nekünk. Az írási stílusa hibátlan volt, -mint mindig-, de ugyanakkor ez a sorozat rendkívül fordulatos, izgalmas és lebilincselő is.
A szereplőket imádtam! Nate, Baily és Tiny ♥ mindannyian eszméletlenül kidolgozott és komplex karakterek. Már korábban is említettem, hogy Jay McLean egyszerűen profi a tökéletes könyves álom pasik megalkotásában. És most? Ki az a Ky? Stipi-stopi Nate DeLuca! Nate, te “ragazzo bel rotto”, teljesen elraboltad a szívemet…
Eszméletlen volt ez a könyv, főleg a Combative-el együtt nézve. Merthogy valahol nyilvánvalóan össze kell, hogy érjenek a szálak. Igaz? Igaz?! 😀 De egyelőre még nem látom, hogyan fognak a kirakós darabkák a helyükre kerülni a végén. Ezzel a könyvvel Jay McLean valami igazán újat tudott alkotni. Gyakorlatilag ez most olyan, mint egy szerelmi háromszög, de két különböző idősíkon, és őszintén mondhatom, hogy nem tudom, hogy a végén melyik srác mellett teszem le majd a voksom.
Ez egy kivételes és izgalmas történet volt, két összetört lélekről, akik nagyon zűrzavaros csillagzat alatt találkoznak, és akik a szerelmüket félelem, fájdalom, vér és sötétség rejtekében találják meg, és senki sem lehet biztos abban, hogy meg tudják majd találni a fényre vezető utat.

My Review in English
So this book was the best example for the „just more chapter lie”- effect, because I truly couldn’t put this book down! I had to stay up really damn late at nights because it was THAT good, so I was barely able to stay my eyes open at work. So, thanks Jay! 😀
This is my second book in a row when I have to write a review without giving anything away so I won’t say too much. But I have to tell you guys, that this was totally mind-blowing! I loved it so much, but seriously what the heck!? I loved Combative too, but Redemptive was like I read a completely different story. Jay left us with a huge cliffhanger at the end of the first book, so I couldn’t wait to read the second part of the series. I thought I will find out all the questions that bothered me since I put down Combative (Who is Madison? Who is Sarah? What happened after the ending?) And then: BOOM! I was so wrong! This book left behind an even bigger pile of question marks and it left me in a deeper dark than the first book.
Jay McLean is one of my favorite authors and I’m so glad that she dared to step out of her comfort zone to bring something absolutely new and different to us. Her writing style was flawless like always, but this book was also suspenseful and thrilling, with so many twists and turns.
I really loved the characters! Nate, Bailey and Tiny ♥ were both so amazingly complex and developed! I already mentioned before that Jay Mclean is a master of creating the perfect book boyfriends. And now? Who is Ky? I want Nate DeLuca! Nate, oh Nate you “ragazzo bel rotto”. You absolutely stole my heart! (Sorry girls, I called dibs! ;))
This book is amazing, especially combined with Combative. Because these two books are obviously connected in some ways (Right? Right?! 😀 ), but I still can’t tell you how the puzzle pieces will fit together at the end. And with this book Jay McLean could create something really different! It is like a love triangle just on a differen timelines, because after this book I really can’t tell you with whom will my loyalty lie at the end.
This was an amazing page-turner story about two broken souls, who meet under really complicated circumstances. They find their love between fear, blood, darkness and hiding, and nobody can be sure that they will be able to find the way out to the light.

My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“We kissed long and slow as if we had all the time in the world and nothing and no one could take that away from us. Because in our minds, the lies we lived created the perfect balance between chaos and calm. And while the chaos could kill us, the calm had us aching for one more second, one more moment of self-destruction.”
“It didn’t take long for the flames to ignite, for the fire to engulf, wrapping us both in an inferno of lust and need and desperation so strong, the tiny cement box we called my room could barely contain it.”
“The circumstances in which we came to be weren’t derived from fate, or from a blind date, or a coffee shop moment where we caught each other’s gaze from across the room. No. Our fate included drugs. Included guns. Included death.”
“I feel your pain. I live your fear.”
“He was the epitome of the perfect calm, right before the most dangerous storm.”
“And the second he was able to reach me, he grasped my arms and pulled me to him, his lips consuming my lips, his touch possessing my touch, and his heart… his heart completely owning my heart.”
“Ti amo, mio ragazzo bel rotto.”
I love you, my beautifully broken boy.“
“Bailey had become my drug.
My addiction.
My escape.
My salvation.
My curious fascination turned obsessive infatuation.”
“It’s said that your life flashes before your eyes when you die. It must only happen to those whose lives were worthy. Clearly, mine was not.”
“Maybe she knew.
Somehow, she must have felt it.
Her life was over.
And I, no doubt, would be the one to end it.”
“It’s that the problem with “simple” was LOVE. And within the walls of this room, with the bonds that kept us together, neither simple nor love could exist.”

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Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult Romance, and most of all, procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, playing house and binge watching Netflix. She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.
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