Mia Sheridan – Midnight Lily


Holden Scott is the prince of professional football. At least he was before he lost it all . . . or more to the point, before he threw it all away. Now he’s out of a job, out of the public’s good graces, and perhaps just a little out of his mind. So when a friend offers up his remote lodge in the wilds of Colorado, giving Holden some time away to get his life back on track, he can hardly say no. The last thing he expects is to see a beautiful girl in the woods—one wearing a white, lace dress who appears in the moonlight, and leaves no footprints behind. Is she a dream? A ghost? A product of his muddled imagination? Or something entirely different?

Midnight Lily is the haunting love story of two lost souls reaching for each other in the dark. A tale of healing, acceptance, and the worlds we create to protect our own hearts. It is a story of being lost, of being found, and of being in the place between.

THIS IS A STAND-ALONE SIGN OF LOVE NOVEL, INSPIRED BY VIRGO. Non-Paranormal, New Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

Véleményem a Könyvről

Mia Sheridan ismét új jelentést adott a „leesett az állam” kifejezésnek. :)) Őszintén mondhatom, hogy régóta lepett meg ennyire könyv, de Mia Sheridan olyan volt, mint egy profi illuzionista, aki csak mosolyogva figyeli a gyanútlan közönséget, akiknek van egy elképzelésük arról, hogy mit látnak éppen, de csak ő tudja, hogy milyen hatalmasat tévednek. :))

Ez az egyik legnehezebb értékelés, amit valaha írtam, mert egyszerűen szinte lehetetlen leírni spoilerek nélkül, hogy pontosan miről is szólt a történet, ezért ez alkalommal egy picit rövidebb is leszek. De annyit elmondhatok, hogy egy gyönyörű szerelemről olvashattam, amely leküzd minden nehézséget, amely keresztülvezet a sötétségen, amely tökéletessé tesz minden tökéletlenséget, amely újra és újra segít megtalálni a másik feledet, akkor is ha ő egy picit el is vesződik a sötét rengetegben.

Folyamatosan ismétlem magam, mikor elmondom, hogy kivételesen tehetséges ez az írónő, hogy minden egyes alkalommal valami újat tud letenni az asztalra, hogy minden könyve más és más, hogy nagyon szép nyelvezettel megírt köteteket ad ki a kezéből, és hogy egyszerűen nem tud olyan könyvet írni, amitől nem vagyok odáig meg vissza.

A Midnight Lily valami egészen más módon volt más , mint az írónő eddigi kötetei. Ez a történet is a legelső oldalaktól magával ragadott, de olyan fordulatokat is tartogatott, amely tényleg elállította a szavamat. Kevés olyan könyv van, aminél vissza kell lapoznom és újra elolvasnom részeket, és még utána is úgy érezve magam, hogy nem értem, hogy most mi történt, de ez egy ilyen történet volt. Talán csak túl kevés kávét ittam ma reggel, vagy esetleg a szövegértésemmel van a baj, de konkrétan az utolsó oldalak után úgy éreztem magam, mint azok a rajzfilmfigurák, akinek kérdőjelek ugrálnak ki a fejükből. 🙂 Aztán szép lassan elkezdtek összeállni a részletek a fejemben, de őszintén mondom, hogy még most sem értek mindent teljes mértékben. Azonban ez után a brilliánsan felépített kötet után, ismét meg kell állapítanom, hogy Mia Sheridan egyszerűen zseniális.

Gyönyörű, magával ragadó, meglepő és egyedülálló történet volt, nagyon szép rejtett üzenettel, amelyet azt hiszem, hogy soha nem fogok elfelejteni.

A Sign of Love sorozatról

A sorozat minden részét egy-egy csillagjegy inspirálta. Mia Sheridan tervezi, hogy mind a 12 csillagjegy könyvét megírja. A Leo az oroszlán, a Stinger a skorpió, az Archer’s Voice a nyilas, a Becoming Calder a vízöntő, a Kyland a bika, a Grayson’s Vow a mérleg, a Midnight Lily pedig a szűz jegyében íródott. A kötetetek önállóan olvashatók és nem függenek össze. Mindegyik különböző szereplőkről szól, ez alól kivétel a Leo és a Leo’s Chance valamint a Becoming Calder és a Finding Eden.


My Review in English

Mia Sheridan just gave a new meaning to the term “jaw-dropping”. 🙂 To tell the truth it has been a long time since a book could surprise me as much as this one, but Mia Sheridan was just like an illusionist who smiles and watches the audience who have some kind of idea about what they’re seeing, and only she knows how enormously wrong they are. :))

It’s really hard to write a review about this book without giving away any spoilers, so my review will be a little shorter this time. But I can tell you as much that this story is about a beautiful love that can tide over all the difficulties, that can lead through the darkness, that can make all the imperfections perfect, that can help you find your other half over and over again, even when you lost it for a while in the dark.

I just continuously repeat myself when I say that Mia Sheridan is an outstandingly talented author. She can always put something new on the table, every single book of her is different and she writes with a beautiful writing-style. She just can’t write a book that will not put my emotions all over the place.

Midnight Lily was different, but in another aspect as her former books. This book also gripped me from the beginning, but it had some astonishing, huge plot twists, too. It’s really rare that I have to go back to re-reading parts of a book, and it is even rarer that after the re-read I still don’t understand what I just read. But this was that book. Maybe I just didn’t had drink enough coffee today, or I just can’t interpret a simple text, but after reading the last pages I just felt myself as a cartoon character with a lot of question mark pop out of its head. 🙂 Later I could slowly put together the pieces but to tell the truth I still don’t understand completely everything about this book.  After reading this brilliantly built book, I confirmed again that Mia Sheridan is simply genius.

It was a mesmerizing, engaging story, which was really surprising and unique with a beautiful underling message. This is a story I will never forget.

About Sign of Love series

Every part of the series was inspired by one of the signs of the zodiac. Mia Sheridan plans to write a book about all of the 12 astrological sign’s. Leo was inspired by the Leo’s-, Stinger the Scorpio’s-, Archer’s Voice the Sagittarius’s-, Becoming Calder the Aquarius’s-, Kyland the Taurus’s-, Grayson’s Vow the Libra’s-, and Midnight Lily the Virgo’s legend. All parts of the series are stand-alone stories (except Leo and Leo’s Chance and Becoming Calder and Finding Eden) with no cross over characters or story lines.

My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“Happily ever after doesn’t mean a lifetime of perfection. I don’t think anyone believes that happily ever after means there are no unhappy days, even unhappy years. It means loving forever, despite all the many reasons it’s easier not to.”

“How is that not fate? We found each other once, through that huge expanse of forest—two people reaching for each other in the dark. Take my hand, Lily. Grasp on to me now. Please.

“I shook my head, smiling. „I’m not an artist.”
„Maybe you just haven’t found your art yet.” She pulled her head back and gave her clay an assessing look and then went back to work. “Think about what it means to be a writer, for example— you have to create an entire world in your head and then fashion characters so believable you know their every thought, their every dream, every intention, every potential, every motivation. You have to live in their head enough to understand them, to tell their story. You have to make them so believable that sane humans actually fall in love with that character. Or mourn their losses, or feel anger on their behalf, feel authentic emotion for them. I think a writer needs to be at least partially crazy to manage something like that.”

“There’s always someone society chooses not to see. There’s always someone who is invisible through no fault of their own.”

„She walks in beauty, like the night,” he read, „of cloudless climes and starry skies, and all that’s best of dark and bright.” He looked up and caught my eye. „Lord Byron.” He paused. „I never knew that this one’s about you,”

„If locations hold pain, maybe love and kindness set it free.”

„Lily,” he said, pulling me to him again, „I love you, too. We will never be perfect or without flaws, the lives we’ve been given are not like that. But, Lily, in my heart, you are perfect for me. Perfectly mine. And I’m yours.”

5- “Where would you fly?”-Stars



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  Playlist for the Book

About the Author

Mia Sheridan is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. Her passion is weaving true love stories about people destined to be together. Mia lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband. They have four children here on earth and one in heaven.
Mia can be found online at www.miasheridan.com or www.facebook.com/miasheridanauthor.

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