April is Autism Awareness month, which is an internationally recognized day that encourages Member States of the United Nations to take measures to raise awareness about people with autism throughout the world.
Last year on the occasion of Autism Awareness Month I chose 3+1 romance books which touches the topic of autism. The first one was Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson which is a sweet novella that has found a place in my heart forever. The other novels were How We Deal With Gravity by Ginger Scott that I also loved so much, Reclaiming the Sand by A. Meredith Walters which I think is one of the most outstanding books about this topic and I wrote a little about Amy Harmon’s beautiful and unique six-star novel, The Song of David, which also touches the subject of autism.
★LIFT 2017 is here!★
LIFT is the charitable initiative rallying the romance community in April, Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month. All proceeds go to Kulture City and their programs for ASD families!
The Lift 4 Autism Auction is a bookworm’s dream! Featuring hard-to-get, much-sought items from romance favorites like Nicola Yoon, Kristen Ashley, Taylor Jenkins Reid, Corinne Michaels, T.M. Frazier, Marie Force and more than 200 others in celebration of Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month.
Authors Ginger Scott and Kennedy Ryan founded LIFT 4 Autism a few years ago as a charitable initiative rallying the romance community around autism. All proceeds go to this year’s charitable partner Kulture City, who is doing amazing things for the autism community. Learn more at kulturecity.org.
Specifically, LIFT 2017 will benefit Kulture City’s lifeBOKS program, which provides families with free kits to curtail wandering, a common and potentially life threatening challenge. Proceeds will also benefit Kulture City’s tablet program, which provides iPads to improve communication for non and limited verbal children on the spectrum to families who cannot afford them.
Learn more about the mission of Kulture City and the dangers of wandering in today’s USA Today HEA feature here.
Watch the lifeBOKS video: https://www.facebook.com/AutismOnTheMighty/videos/1591316364511099/
★Online Auction: It’s LIVE!! The LIFT 4 Autism Auction is open for bidding!
charityauction.bid/lift4autism (must register to bid)
★Get your LIFT-Wear (t-shirts, totes, mugs, etc..)
★ Make a tax-deductible donation to LIFT!
Don’t want a shirt? Don’t want to bid?
You can make a tax-deductible donation here: www.kulturecity.org/lovewithoutwords/lift-4-autism/…
★ 1-Click EVER IN THE AFTER, the LIFT Anthology, for 99¢!
Amazon: http://buff.ly/2kM0D2j
Nook: http://buff.ly/2kM83SX
iBooks: http://buff.ly/2kLTS0j
Kobo: http://buff.ly/2kM2J2f
*All proceeds go to Kulture City!
★Check out Kulture City’s programs:
Connect with LIFT!
*Subscribe to the LIFT mailing list at lift4autism.com.
*Join the LIFT Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/1705524696326889/
*Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/lift4autism/
*Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/LIFT4Autism
For Matthew Rohan, every day is a struggle. Each task others complete without thinking is a challenge for him. Recently orphaned, he has to finish the last few months of high school and take care of his disabled sister on his own.
When Mayra comes into his life, his comfortable routines implode. Matthew can’t handle change, but Mayra is unrelenting in her quest to understand him, to show him acceptance and maybe even love. When she breaks through his shell, Matthew’s world will never be the same again.
An awkward boy with Asperger’s Syndrome, a persistent girl who pulls him out of his isolated existence, and a lottery ticket that will change their lives forever.
Mindenki számára vannak nyertes napok, és vannak olyanok, amikor úgy érezzük, hogy aznap elvesztettük a csatát. Ez a könyv erről szól. Matthew küzdelméről azokért a napokért, amelyeknek a végén azt mondhatja, hogy „igen, ma nyertem.”
A 18 éves Matthew Rohan egy picit különbözik a többi diáktól, aki a végzős évfolyamba jár. Számára minden kicsit komplikáltabb és nehezebb. Matthew-t, még gyerekkorában Asperger-szindrómával diagnosztizálták, és mióta a szülei nemrégiben elhunytak, egyedül él a házukban, ráadásul van egy autizmus súlyosabb változatával küzdő nővére is, akinek intézeti ellátásáról szintén ő gondoskodik. Matthew nagyon sokszor küzd pánikrohamokkal, és nagyon nehezen kezeli a változásokat, vagy ha valami nem illeszkedik a megszokott rendszerébe, így amikor Környezettan órán a megszokott helye helyett máshova kell ülnie, és a szokásos partnere helyett Mayra Trevino-val kell közös projectet készítenie, nem igazán örül a dolognak. De élete nagy változások elé néz, amikor a népszerű, melegszívű és gyönyörű Mayra az első pillanattól kezdve elfogadja őt, és kedvesen és nyitottan viszonyul hozzá. Innentől kezdve a fiú megszokott rutinjai és az élete szépen lassan elkezd átalakulni, és Mayra segítségével Matthew elkezdi feszegetni a határait.
Nagyon szép volt ez a történet, és igazán érdekes volt mindezt csupán Matthew szemszögéből olvasni. Az autizmus fokozatai széles spektrumon helyezkednek el, így nem tudom pontosan, hogy vajon hiteles lehet-e ez a könyv, és hogy Matthew reakciói mindig a valóságnak megfelelőek lehettek-e, de mindentől függetlenül is őszintének éreztem, és minden sorát imádtam! Sokszor szinte szívszorító volt Matthew küzdelmeit olvasni, de ugyanakkor büszkeséget éreztem és legszívesebben megöleltem volna, amikor megnyert egy-egy önmagával vívott csatát. Mayra-t is imádtam, és azt kívánom, hogy bár a valóságban is több olyan ember létezte, mint ő.
Nem volt annyira nyers, mint A. Meredith Walters Reclaiming the Sand című könyve, ez inkább egy aranyos, ugyanakkor nagyon szép történet volt küzdelmekről, elfogadásról, türelemről, és egy kivételes szerelemről. Mindenkinek őszintén ajánlom!
My Review in English
Everyone has winning days, and there are times when we feel that we have lost the battle that day. This book is about this. Matthew’s fight for those days, when in the end he can say “yes, I won today”.
The 18-years-old Matthew Rohan is a bit different from the other students of the senior class of his high school. For him everything is a little more complicated and harder. Matthew was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome when he was only a little boy, and since his parents passed away not long ago, he lives alone in their house. Furthermore, he has a sister with an even more severe autism, and he also takes care of her medical bills in the institution where she stays.
Matthew often struggles with panic attacks and he has a hard time dealing with changes or if something is not fit into his usual system, so when in Ecology class he has to sit to another seat instead of his regular seat, and he has to work in a project with Mayra Trevino instead of his usual partner he is not happy at all. But his life starts to change from the very first moment when the popular warmhearted and beautiful Mayra accepts him with kind, open heart. From this point his usual routine and his life starts to change slowly and with Mayra’s help Matthew starts pushing his limits.
It was a beautiful story and it was really fascinating to read this just from Matthew’s point of view. There’s a spectrum of autism which includes wide range of symptoms and because of this I really don’t know if this book and Matthew’s reaction to situations was authentic and real, but it still felt honest and I loved every single word in this book! It was heart-aching to read about Matthew’s struggles but at the same time I was so proud of him and I wanted to hug him every time when he won a battle with himself. I also loved Mayra so much and I wish there were more people like her in reality.
It wasn’t as raw as Reclaiming the Sand by A. Meredith Walters, it was rather a sweet but very beautiful story about struggles, acceptance, patience and an exceptional love. I honestly recommend it to everyone!
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“My dad had always said life was full of ups and downs. “Son, you win some days; you lose others. That’s just how it works.”
“As long as I could find a way to show her how much she meant to me, I didn’t have to worry about finding the right words. Win. So much win!”
“Mayra makes new things… a little easier.”
“You’re my hero,” she said quietly as she looked into my eyes. I had to look away—the intensity of her eyes and everything boiling around inside of me was too much.
“You’re my heroine.” I nestled once more against her throat.”
“This was new. This was different. I always panicked at new and different. However, I was also surrounded by the most incredible scent. It was all warmth and comfort and security and serenity—and just her.”
“Without a doubt, this day belonged in the lose column, but I couldn’t help but feel like a winner in Mayra’s arms.”
“I’d never let anyone hurt her. No one. Ever.”
5 -“Best win ever.” – Stars
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