Zene a könyvben – Music in the Book #12

Ezen a héten egy olyan részletet hoztam, ami szorosan kapcsolódik ahhoz a könyvhöz, amit jelenleg olvasok. Maga a dal, az „All About That Bass” nagyon népszerű mostanság, az a tipikus „csapból is ez folyik” sláger, az idézet pedig nagyon vicces. 🙂

Ezt a dalt Linda Kage 25251169nagysikerű Forbidden Men sorozatának 6. részében, a Wort It-ben (értékelésemet itt olvashatjátok) találtam, amely különálló kötetként is olvasható. Ebben a részben a rockzenész Asher Hart írt egy dalt egy lányról, akit látott az egyik karaoke esten, Incubus-os pólóban, és aki elrabolta a szívét. A következő héten ezen felbuzdulva az összes rajongó lány megjelenik az említett pólóban, és ugyanúgy előadja az „All About That Bass”, így próbálva meggyőzni Ashert, hogy igenis ő a titokzatos lány. 🙂

Jelenleg a november 28-án 27389653megjelenő 7. Forbidden Men kötet, a The Girl’s Got Secrets recenziós példányát olvasom, aminek a főszereplője nem más, mint Asher Hart és a titokzatos karaoke-s lány. :)) Előjáróban annyit, hogy igencsak könnyedre és szórakozatóra sikerült a sorozat 7. kötete, és Asher Hart az én szívemet is elrabolta.  <3


This week I brought an excerpt from a book which is closely linked to my current reading. The song “All About That Bass” is a huge hit nowadays, the typical “they play this on the radio until you get sick of it” type of song, and the quote is really funny. 🙂

I found this song in the sixth part of Linda 25251169Kage’s highly successful Forbidden Men series. You can read my review of Worth It here, which can be read as a standalone. In this book the rock musician Asher Hart wrote a song about a girl who sang „All About That Bass” on a karaoke night at the club. She wore an Incubus T-shirt, and she immediately stole his heart. The next week a lot of girls show up on the karaoke night in Incubus T-shirts and every girl sing „All About That Bass” and try to convince Asher that they are the mysterious girl. 😀

I currently reading the ARC 27389653copy of the seventh part of the Forbidden Men series, the Girl’s Got Secrets which was kindly provided by the author. It will be released on November 28th and it is about Asher Hart and the mysterious karaoke girl. 🙂 I will bring my review on the release day, but I can tell you that this book is so much lighter and funnier than the other parts of the series and Asher Hart stole mine heart, too. <3


“The only distraction that kept me from going insane with how there she was—(…)—was the small issue Asher had. About as soon as the doors opened, women began to pour in.
Even Ten noticed, pausing by me and muttering, “Is it just me, or are there a ton of chicks here tonight? It’s not Thursday.”
No, it wasn’t Thursday, and yes, there were definitely a ton of women. They gathered around thebar area too, not waiting for a waitress to come to them, but bringing their orders straight to us.
“And they all seem to be Incubus fans,” I noticed.
“What?” Ten whipped his head toward the crowd, where about twenty different women were just milling around, sipping from their assorted drinks, and…were they all staring at Asher?
Ten broke out belly laughing. “Oh, my fucking God. You’ve got to be kidding me. Holy shit, this is too good to be true.”
“What?” I asked, slightly startled I was even curious enough to care what he was talking about. He set a hand on my shoulder and leaned confidentially closer. “Last night, Hart sang some song about this chick he saw singing karaoke a couple months back. Girl had a boyfriend, but she left him with a raging hard-on, and he’s been obsessed with finding her again ever since. Anyway, in the song, he had some lyric about her wearing an Incubus T-shirt and singing—” On cue, a new karaoke song began, playing a popular hit. I glanced toward the stage, to find three ladies preparing to sing. And they were all sporting different versions of Incubus on their shirts.
“Let me guess. It was All About that Bass?”
Ten groaned. “Aww, hell no. Please don’t tell me all these fucking women are going to sing that one song all fucking night long? Stab me now.”
I glanced toward Asher, who was frowning in confusion at the stage, just as one tone-deaf woman started to butcher the opening line.
“No, no, NO!” Ten wailed, covering his ears. “I’m going to slaughter Hart for this.”
I tipped my head toward Asher. “I don’t think he gets it yet.”
“Hart!” Ten bellowed, storming Asher’s way. “You son of a bitch. Look what you’ve done.”
He whipped his head toward all the women at the bar, and as if sensing they finally had his attention, they began to wave and call, “Asher! Over here! Look! Are you sure it wasn’t me in this Tshirt?”
Jerking backward until he bumped into the back counter, he merely gaped at them before he began to shake his head, denying what was going on. For the rest of the night, he refused to leave the safety behind the bar. Women were still occasionally able to reach across and grab at him, sometimes even catching bits of his clothes and tugging him closer. But overall, he managed to nervously laugh with them and gently pry their hands away.
“Better get used to it now, Hart,” Ten advised at one point. “If you’re going to be some big fucking rock star someday, this is going to be the norm for you.”

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