Nem tudom, hogy ti hogy vagytok vele, de én ha meghallom az ’Avett Brothers’ nevet, egyből mosolyra húzódik a szám, és Colleen Hoover egyik regénye kúszik be a gondolataimba. Nem igazán ismertem ezt az együttest Colleen könyvei előtt, egy dal kivételével, amely az I and Love and You című szám. Most elárulok egy titkot, a 11. „Zene a könyvben” posztomnak, amikor is Colleen Hoover-re esett a heti választásom, a Point of Retreat epikus jelenét akartam választani, amely alatt ez a dal szól. De aztán túl spoileresnek ítéltem meg az idézetet, így végül a Maybe Someday egyik dalát választottam. (Azért mindenképpen olvassátok el a Point of Retreat -et, és derítsétek ki, hogy melyik jelenetről van szó. :)) Azonban idő közben egy másik nagyon-nagy kedvencem újraolvasásánál is felfedeztem ezt a dalt, így ezt a sors akarataként ítélem meg. 😉
Ez a könyv nem más, mint a Like Gravity Julie Johnson-tól. Imádom ezt a könyvet, és mindenkinek teljes szívemből ajánlom, ahogy az írónő többi könyvét is. Julie Johnson nagyon fiatal és nagyon-nagyon jófej írónő (néha olyanokat nevetek csak a Facebook posztjain is), ráadásul hihetetlenül jó könyveket ír! A történetei egytől egyig humorosak és izgalmasak, a kedvenc összetételemmel: super book boyfriendekkel és belevaló női karakterekkel. 🙂 Nagyon jó stílusban ír, sok humorral, viszont néha egészen megható jelenetekkel és nagyon szép metaforákkal.
A Like Gravity a Say the Word mellett az egyik kedvenc regényem az írónőtől, és bízom benne, hogy hamarosan a magyar jogokra is lecsap majd valaki. 🙂
I don’t know about you guys, but if I hear the name of ’Avett Brothers’, a smile instantly appears on my face, and a novel by Colleen Hoover swims into my thoughts. I didn’t know this band before Colleen’s books except one song, I and Love and You. Now I will tell you a secret, when I made the 11th “Music in the Book” post and when I chose Colleen Hoover for that week, I chose the epic scene of Point of Retreat with this exact song playing under. But I decided that it contains too much spoilers, so at the end I changed my mind and I put a song from Maybe Someday into the post.(But you totally should read Point of Retreat to find out what scene I’m talking about! ;)) Meanwhile I re-read another favorite book of mine, and I discovered this song in that book too, so I think it must be fate. 🙂
This book is Like Gravity by Julie Johnson (again, but what is good, is good. :D) I really love this book and I highly recommend it like the other books of Julie Johnson. She is a really young author and she is really funny and cool with an amazing talent! Her stories are always humorous and gripping with my favorite mix: super book boyfriends and badass heroines. 🙂 She has really great writing style with good sense of humor but sometimes she brings really beautiful and touching scenes and metaphors in her stories.
Like Gravity beside Say the Word is one of my favorite books of all time and I truly hope that someone will able to buy the Hungarian rights of her books soon. 🙂
„I forced myself to think of the good things that had happened tonight instead: the look on Finn’s face when we sang together on stage, my realization that I loved him, the way he’d cleaned me up and cared for me when we got back to his apartment.
Once I’d gotten the shaking under control, I opened my eyes and looked around the room for Finn. He wasn’t hard to find.
Dressed only in a pair of faded, unbuttoned blue jeans, he was sitting on a chair facing a window on the other side of the room with his guitar balanced on his lap. I’m not sure he was even aware that he’d woken me, his playing was so soft. I vaguely recognized the tune he was strumming, but I couldn’t put a name to it until he began singing quietly.
The melody was haunting, the words unforgettable.
Brooklyn, Brooklyn, take me in….
As he reached the chorus, the lyrics pleading for me to take him in and give him shelter, I finally remembered the name of the song and my eyes filled with tears.
He was playing I and Love and You by the Avett Brothers. And it was perfect.
When his voice trailed off with the final words, the I love you hanging in the air like a specter, it was utterly silent in the room except for the sound of our quiet breathing. I felt like an intruder – like I’d witnessed something he might not have wanted me to see.”