Aly Martinez – The Fall Up – Book Tour + ARC Review + Excerpt + Giveaway

the fall up book tour

Maybe there’s only one direction to go when two people fall

in love at rock bottom—up.


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I wanted to jump.

He made me fall.

As a celebrity, I lived in the public eye, but somewhere along the way, I’d lost myself in the spotlight.

Until he found me.

Sam Rivers was a gorgeous, tattooed stranger who saved my life with nothing more than a simple conversation.

But we were both standing on that bridge for a reason the night we met. The secrets of our pasts brought us together—and then tore us apart.

Could we find a reason to hold on as life constantly pulled us down?

Or maybe there’s only one direction to go when two people fall in love at rock bottom—up.


ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review

Nagyon jó volt! Az írónő egy igencsak komoly témáról, könnyed, humoros stílusban tudott egy igazán magával ragadó könyvet megalkotni, „insta-szerelemmel”, nagyon jól eltalált karakterekkel, és jó sok forró jelentettel fűszerezve.

A történet az esős éjszakán kezdődik, San Francisco egyik hídján. Sam Rivers minden este kijár oda, a múlt egy darabkájára emlékezni. Több egymást követő éjszakán is lát egy lányt a hídon. Ezen az éjszakán úgy tűnik a lány leugrani készül, így úgy dönt, megszólítja titokzatos lányt. Elkezdenek beszélgetni és végül egy humoros szóváltást követően ő is és a lány is lemásznak a hídról.  Mindketten felbukkannak a következő napon is, majd az azt követőn is, bár már teljesen más szándék hajtja őket, mint az első napon. Mindketten éreznek valamifajta kötődést a másik iránt, még akkor is, ha ők csak két idegen a hídon, nevek nélkül. A lány rendkívüli módon titokzatos. Parókában és napszemüvegben van, így Sam egyből arra gondol, hogy a lány az erőszakos barátja elől menekül, nem is sejti, hogy a személy aki előtte áll nem más, mint a pophercegnő Levee Willams.

Levee mindent elért az életében, amiről valaha álmodott. Egy híres dalszerző és énekes, számos díjjal és elismeréssel, mégis nagyon elveszettnek és kimerültnek érzi magát. Úgy érzi, hogy mindenkin segítenie kell, hogy mindenütt helyt kell állnia, és hogy nem bírja tovább. Maga sem biztos benne, hogy előbb-utóbb leugrott volna-e a hídról, de abban biztos, hogy változást akar. És ezt a változást nem más hozza el, mint Sam Rivers, a tetovált, jóképű, bútortervező, aki gyakorlatilag megmenti őt a szabadeséstől.

Minden karaktert nagyon megkedveltem és az írónőnek nagyon jó humora van. Sam igazi álompasi és a tetovált felszín alatt egy igazi megmentő és védelmező férfi. Levee és Sam között egyből megvan a kémia és igazán jó páros voltak.  Levee legjobb barátja Henry szintén nagyon-nagyon kiemelkedő karakter.  Rengeteget nevettem rajta és igazi üde színfoltja volt a történetnek. (Ha minden igaz, valószínűleg kapni fog egy külön könyvet. :))

Ami miatt szívem szerint mégis levontam volna a fél csillagot, az pont ez a könnyedség, amivel ezt a nehéz témát kezeli az írónő. A sok mosolyogtató és heves jelenet között, én nem éreztem azt a mélységet, amit igényelne ez a téma. Kapargatta a felszínt, de nem igazán tudott mélyen megérinteni ez a könyv, bár lehet, hogy nem is ez volt célja. A másik dolog, ami hihetetlenné teszi az egész történetet az maga az a szál, hogy Levee egy híresség, Sam pedig csak egy hétköznapi férfi. Valahogy nekem túl egyszerűen működött ez a felállás, amely azt hiszem a való életben rengeteg nehézségbe ütközne. Félre ne értsetek, egyáltalán nem hiányzott a dráma, de így számomra nagyon tündérmese-szerű volt ez a történet. 🙂

Senki ne várja ettől a könyvtől, hogy megváltja a világot, de egy olyan kikapcsolódást tud nyúltani a kis tündérmesébe illő romantikával, amely teljesen magával ragad, megnevettet, és ami mellől nem állsz fel, amíg ki nem olvasod. A borítója annyira gyönyörűséges, hogy az még hozzáteszi korábban levont fél csillagot. 🙂


My Review in English

This book was really unique because it touched a really serious subject matter but the author dealt with this subject with good sense of humor, “insta-love”, pretty hot scenes and lovable characters.

The story starts on a rainy night on a bridge in San Francisco. Sam Rivers has a habit of visiting this bridge every night to remember for a little piece of his past. Night after night he sees a girl who also stands on the bridge. One night she seems that she wants to jump down so Sam starts to talk to her.  After a funny banter between them they both come down from the bridge.  The next night they both show up and also the night after that, but with a whole different intent like before. They both feel some kind of connection, although they are just two strangers on a bridge without names. The girl is very mysterious. She wears shades and wig, so Sam thinks that she tries to hide from her abusive boyfriend and he doesn’t even suspect that the girl in front of her is Levee Williams, the pop princess.

Levee succeeded everything in her life. She is a successful songwriter and singer, she won a lot of awards but she feels herself really lost and exhausted. She feels that she has to be everywhere, she has to be perfect all the time, she has to help everyone. She doesn’t know if she would ever jump, but she really wants some kind of change in her life. And that exact change comes with a tattooed, hot, furniture designer, Sam Rivers who finally saves her from the free fall.

I loved every character of the book and the author has a really great sense of humor. Sam is really dreamy and under the tattooed surface he is a true savior and protector. The chemistry between Levee and Sam was really steamy and they were a really great couple. Levee’s best friend, Henry was also a really great character and he was a refreshing dash of color of the story. (If it is true, he will get an own book! Yay! :))

Originally I gave this book only 4,5 stars, mostly because of the ease which the author handled this subject. Beside the lots of funny and steamy moments I didn’t feel any deepness in this story and it couldn’t touch me like it should have been with this this serious subject matter. The other thing what made this story totally unbelievable for me (beside the insta-love) was the fact that Levee is a celebrity and Sam is an average guy.  In this book they dealt with this on a really easy way while in the real life it would cause tons of problems. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t miss the drama at all, just this way it was like some kind of fairytale. 🙂

This book doesn’t save the word, but it was really entertaining and engaging and this is that kind of book which hooks you until the last pages. The cover is so beautiful that I had to give it that lost half star. 🙂


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“There isn’t a woman in the world who doesn’t have demons of some sort. No matter who I end up with, it’s always going to be a struggle. Levee, I’d like to struggle with you.”

“In that moment, the perpetual free fall was no match for the way he made me feel. I was still falling at unstoppable speeds- only, in his arms, as his body claimed me without a single word spoken, I was suddenly falling… up.”

“It was raining. Isn’t that the way all great love stories start? And also usually end?”

“Grabbing my hand, she entwined our fingers.
“Don’t let go. No matter what, okay?”
Staring into whiskey-brown eyes that represented the rest of my life, I knew there was only one answer… “Never.”

“I fell in love with you when I was at rock bottom. But I’ll never be able to look back on those dark days with anything but a smile. I wanted to jump, Sam, but I never once expected the fall to go up.”

“(…) you made me feel special. The relief I felt in your arms made the craziness manageable. You were never a distraction to me, Sam. You were always my reprieve.”

“Designer shoes, I said, ‘I love you.’ I have for a while. Probably from the moment you used your body to shield the wind so I could light my cigarette. Maybe even before that. It was love at first stalk, Levee.”

“Sam’s house definitely wasn’t the bachelor pad I’d expected. It was unnaturally clean. I had a full-time maid and his place made mine look like a stable.
What single guy keeps a house this neat?
I gasped. “Oh my God, you’re married!”
“Shh! You’ll wake up my wife,” he replied, touching his lips to my temple. “Don’t worry. She’s okay with you being here. You were on the top of my celebrity sexception list.”

“Every single day felt like a terrifying free fall with no particular direction. I was stuck in the middle with no way up-or down.”

“Sam: I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m an asshole. It’s just hard when your woman has Gibson taste and a thrift store man. I made these for you last week. I’ll start on your guitars tonight.
Sam: P.S. I’m really sorry about the princess thing.
Sam: P.P.S. I’m a dick.
Sam: P.P.P.S. Here’s a picture of my cock to make up for it.
Attached was a photo of a chicken.
Sam: P.P.P.P.S. I named him Curtis.
Sam: P.P.P.P.P.S. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

5 – Suddenly falling… up – Stars

5 stars



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Excerpt One

“Thank fuck!” Sam said, swinging the door open before Devon even had the car in park.

“Oh, this isn’t my place. We’re just dropping Devon off. I’m about twenty minutes across town?”  I tossed him a sugary smile then boldly shifted my hand into his lap, purposely brushing the bulge under his denim.

Grabbing my wrist, he narrowed his eyes and called out, “Devon, I’m gonna need to borrow a bedroom.”

I burst out laughing as Devon cursed loudly.

“Fine. This is my place. No smoking inside though,” I snipped as I climbed from the SUV.

“You better have some seriously exciting extracurricular activities to keep me distracted, then.”

“I have Ping-Pong!”

“Not exactly what I was thinking.” He mischievously cocked his head. “But I guess paddles and balls are as good a start as any.” Dipping down, he hoisted me over his shoulder. “Point me to the Ping-Pong table, my lady.”

I didn’t. I laughed hysterically as he carried me inside. Then I directed him to my bedroom instead.

I heard Devon locking up the house as Sam deposited me on the bed.

“Jesus. This view.”  He pushed the curtains back. “Why the hell would you ever go up to the bridge when you have this here?”

“I don’t know,” I answered, pulling my earrings off and placing them on my nightstand.

Oh, but I knew. It might not have been what had originally sent me up that bridge, but it was why my feet carried me back every night. And that very reason was currently standing in front of me with entirely too much clothing on.

“You want a beer?” I asked, sliding my shoes off.

“Nah, I’m good.” He faced me, and I could tell something was off with his demeanor. He didn’t inch any closer. Instead, his lips were tight and his eyes uncomfortably flashed around the room.

It suddenly didn’t feel like Sam standing in front of me at all.

He felt like a stranger who had just come face-to-face with Levee Williams.

Damn it.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Are you about to freak out?” I whispered, nervously moistening my lips.

He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’m not really sure yet. But I’m gonna need you to stop licking your lips long enough for me to figure it out.” His mouth cracked into a wide grin, and my shoulders relaxed.

Now that was a flash of my Sam.

“Want to tell me what’s going on?” I asked.

“It’s just… I think this is the first time I’ve realized that you’re some big-time celebrity. I might be in over my head here, Designer Shoes.”

“I just make music, Sam.” I returned his smile and very slowly prowled in his direction. “Imagine how I feel though. You’re Samuel Nathan Rivers. A tough, tattooed furniture designer who makes six figures a year but is too afraid to tell his mommy he votes democratic.” I giggled as he frowned humorously. Stopping in front of him, I dragged a fingernail down his chest then teased the waistband of his jeans. “Have you considered that maybe I’m the one who’s in over her head here?” I leaned forward to nip at his lips, but he spun us around.

“Excellent point. I’m going to need you to try really hard to keep it together, Levee. You haven’t even seen my six-pack and huge cock, yet.” He smirked and attempted to return my nip, but I stepped out of his reach.

“You brought beer and chicken?” I feigned excitement.

That one corny joke was all it took to bring my Sam back completely.

With a sexy smile and a coy shrug, he seductively backed me toward the bed. “What can I say? I like to be prepared.”

“Clearly,” I breathed.

He moved in close so his lips were only a centimeter away, but for as much as I wanted him, it was agonizing. “Clearly,” he repeated, his smoky yet sweet breath breezing across my mouth.

His strong arm looped around my waist, tugging me against his chest, while I stared into his hooded eyes, eagerly waiting for him to make a move.

Any move.

Every move.

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Excerpt Two

“You’re overdoing it, Lev. I know this job isn’t exactly nine-to-five, but it’s not twenty-four-seven, either. You have to stop being Levee Williams all the time and just be you.”

“I know,” I responded.

I didn’t though. I felt like a robot parading around in a lost woman’s body.




Toss in the occasional song.


What little time I did manage to carve out for myself was spent at various children’s hospitals across the country.




Watch a child die.


With every day that passed, the smile became less and less genuine, the pose more and more forced, and the turn took me further and further away from who I really was.

My career was soaring while, personally, I was plummeting. Every single day felt like a terrifying free fall in no particular direction. I was stuck in the middle with no way up—or down.

“You remember that girl, right?” Henry asked, tucking a hair behind my ear.

I nodded.

I did remember her. She was fun and carefree. She loved going out and dancing at nightclubs until the very last song played. She slept until noon if she could. Then, fueled by coffee alone, she’d spend the day with a guitar strapped around her neck and a notepad at her side. She had a huge heart, but she knew her limitations.

Oh, I remembered that girl. I just couldn’t figure out how to get back to her.

Sensual woman kissing her handsome husband

About the Author

Aly Martinez

aly martinezBorn and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Aly Martinez is a stay-at-home mom to four crazy kids under the age of five, including a set of twins. Currently living in South Carolina, she passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a glass of wine at her side.

After some encouragement from her friends, Aly decided to add “Author” to her ever-growing list of job titles. Five books later, she shows no signs of slowing. So grab a glass of Chardonnay, or a bottle if you’re hanging out with Aly, and join her aboard the crazy train she calls life.

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