Jay McLean – Coast (Kick Push 2) – Release Blitz + ARC REVIEW




COAST (Kick Push 2) – by Jay McLean

Series: The Road #3, Kick Push #2

Release Date: June 7, 2016


One life-changing summer.
One boy.
The boy.
The boy who offered me safe touches and heart-stopping smiles – smiles he shared with his son.
We filled our days with porch-step kisses,
filled our ears with laughter,
filled our hearts with love.
Deep, soul-aching, desperate love.
But love is misleading.
It’s an invisible, fleeting moment.
Somewhere between false adoration and pure hatred comes an emotion, a vulnerable need, a single desire.
It lives within the ones who miss it, who crave it,
who know better than to expect it.
Love is relentless.
Even when that love turns to hate, turns to loathing,
turns to pain.
Love should heal you.
But it can also break you.
Believe me, I know…
Because I’m Becca Owens – a broken girl…
…And he’s Josh Warden – the boy who broke me.


*ARC kindly provided by Author in exchange for an honest review*

**Figyelem az értékelés spoilereket tartalmazhat a Kick Push-ra nézve!**

Ugyan úgy gondolom, hogy a Kick Push önálló köteteként is olvasható, egyetlen szál mégis nyitott marad a történet végén. Sokáig úgy gondoltam, hogy ez egy olyasfajta befejezés, amelyet mindenki tovább képzelhet, hogy ez egy lehetőséget arra, hogy mindenki olyan Happy End-et képzeljen el a karaktereknek, amelyet csak szeretne. Azonban mikor megtudtam, hogy lesz még egy befejező kötetet, alig vártam, hogy végre a kezembe foghassam, és megtudhassam, hogyan is zárul Josh, Becca és Tommy utazása. Jay McLean ez alkalommal sem okozott csalódást, hiszen ismét egy gyönyörűen megírt, érzelmekkel teli kötetet adott ki a kezéből. <3

A történet pontosan ott veszi fel a fonalat, ahol az előző kötet abbamaradt. A gördeszkás versenyen. Azonban ez tényleg csak a kezdet, hiszen maga a történet több évet ölel fel. Ahogy a Kick Push végén megtudhattuk, Josh gördeszkás karrierje elkezdett gyönyörűen felfelé ívelni, míg Becca tőle távol, megtette az első lépést a gyógyulás útján. Bár Josh Warden örökre a book boyfriend listám előkelő helyét fogja elfoglalni, mégis úgy gondolom, hogy ebben a kötetben Becca volt az, aki igazán gyönyörű karakterfejlődésen tudott keresztülmenni. Csodálatos volt mind az a küzdelem, az az érzelem és fájdalom, amelyet Becca szemén keresztül a lapokra vetett az írónő. Azok a dolgok, amelyeken a lány keresztülment, örök sebet hagytak a lelkén. Olyan sebeket, amelyen nagyon nehéz, vagy éppen lehetetlen túllépni, ő mégis megtesz minden teletelhetőt, hogy hátra hagyja a múltját és továbblépjen.

Ahogy említettem lassú folyású a történet, és több évet ölel fel, ami őszintén szólva, néha frusztráló volt, hiszen ahogy mindenki más, én is egyből a happy endet szerettem volna látni. Azonban úgy gondolom, hogy így volt igazán realisztikus a történet, és így tudott igazán szép ívet leírni a karakterek fejlődése, hiszen egy lelki gyógyulás nem megy egyik percről a másikra. Tommy még mindig egy imádnivaló figura, de kicsit sajnáltan, hogy ebben a kötetben kevesebb szerepet kapott, bár valahol megértettem, az írónő ezirányú döntését, hiszen ez a kötet inkább Becca és Josh kapcsolatáról-, és főként Becca-ról szólt. Hogy őszinte legyek a sok fájdalmat az írónő egyszer-kétszer egy kicsit túl sok cukorral próbálta kompenzálni (picit olyasmi módon, mint a Where the Road Takes Me esetében), de még igazán ez sem zavart. 🙂 (Bár talán ez volt az oka annak, hogy erősen gondolkodtam a 4.5 csillagon.)

Jay McLean ismét egy szépen megírt kötetet adott ki a kezéből, amelyben legnagyobb kedvenceim a naplóbejegyzések voltak, amelyek szinte szépirodalmi gyönyörűséggel lettek megírva, és igazán különleges részei voltak a könyvnek. Ezzel a történettel tényleg csodálatos érzelmi utazásra kalauzolt el az írónő. Annyi érzelem és fájdalom volt a lapok között, hogy sokszor komolyan összeszorul a szívem. Ahogy Jay McLean minden kötetét, ezt a történetet is őszintén ajánlom, hiszen ez egyik azoknak a sorozatoknak, amelyek örök nyomot tudtak hagyni a szívemben. <3



My Review in English

**This review may contain spoilers if you haven’t read Kick Push!**

Although I think Kick Push can be read as a standalone, one thread stayed open at the end of the book. When I finished Kick Push I thought that this is the kind of ending when everyone can imagine what happened at the end, and can create their own ‘Happy End’ for the characters. But after I saw that there will be a sequel I couldn’t wait to hold it in my hand and to find out how the journey of Becca, Josh and Tommy is ending. Jay McLean didn’t disappoint me, because this book was a beautifully written, emotional, stunning story and I loved it so-so much! <3

The story picks up exactly where Kick Push ended, at the skateboard competition. But this really is only the beginning because the story covers several years. At the end of Kick Push we could learn about how the skateboard carrier of Josh started to rise, while Becca living far from him made her first steps on the road of healing.

Although Josh Warden will always have a place in my top book boyfriend list, in this book Becca was the person whose character development could absolutely blow me away. It was really amazing how much fight, how much emotion and pain was poured on to the pages. Those things that Becca had to live through in the past, left permanent scars on her soul and we could follow through how she learns to left behind the past and moving forward. It was beautiful. 

This is a slow-building story which covers a couple of years. To tell the truth it was sometimes frustrating, because like everyone else, I wanted to see immediately the ‘happy end’ part. But I think this is how the story could be realistic, and this is the way how the author could give a beautiful arc for the story and for the characters. Tommy is still a cuteness, but I was a little sad that he got much less role in this story, although I can understand that this book was more about the relationship of Josh and Becca and maybe mostly about Becca. Sometimes during the reading I felt that the author tries to compensate the pain with a little too much fluffiness (just like in Where the Road Takes Me), but I still loved it! 🙂 (Although this was the reason why I almost gave 4,5 stars for this book)

Jay McLean created a beautiful story again, but my favourite thing of the book definitely was the journal. These parts were so beautifully written and unique that I loved every single one of them. This book was really a beautiful emotional rollercoaster and it clenched my heart so many times. Like every books written by Jay McLean I highly recommend this story, because this is one of those series which will stay with me forever. <3


My Favorite Quotes From the Book

“(…) then I’ll keep trying. Over and over. Until you realize that you could have come to me shattered, broken, in an infinite of pieces, and I would’ve made you whole. I would have loved you. Every damaged piece of you. In all ways and for always.”

“His touch is like fire. Sweet, torturous flames setting off too many emotions. I struggle, and I fight, and I fight some more, to not move away, to not fear his touch. 
But I fail. 
Because I’m Becca Owens—a broken girl.
And he’s Josh Warden—the boy who broke me. “

“I looked down at the girl, a girl I knew I had lost, a girl whose emerald eyes were blocked by her camera, and I felt the same thing I felt the moment I fell in love with skating. The moment I fell in love with her. She made me feel weightless, feel free, feel airborne. So I kicked, and I pushed, and for the past year, that’s all I’ve been doing because it didn’t feel the same and I knew in my heart that without her, I’d never be able to coast.” 

“Good night, Emerald Eyes.” 
Becca: Sweet dreams, Skater Boy.

Josh: Look. I’m just going to be honest here. I’ve been out in the driveway nailing trick after trick for over an hour trying to get your attention. I’ve even treated your grams’s porch steps as if they were the gnarliest threestair I’ve ever ripped. I know you’re heading off early tomorrow, so I’m working against the clock, but are you planning on coming out and kissing me any time soon? Or should I just stab myself in the chest, rip out my heart, and leave it out in the open?
With a smile, I set the phone on the nightstand and shower, using the time to come up with a response. When I get out, more messages are waiting.
Josh: Stupid autocorrect.
Josh: What I meant to say was *hi.*
Josh: So hi.”

“My safe place isn’t a place. 
It’s bright brown eyes and shaggy dark hair atop identical smiles. It’s the sound of laughter, of the spinning of four wheels on concrete. It’s touches of ease, of comfort.
My safe place is the knowledge that when I fall, they will help me fly. Help me soar. Help me coast. “

the part of the land adjoining or near the sea.
If I am the land,and Josh is the sea,Tommy is the shore that completes us.”

“You…” he says, and stares some more.
“What?” I mouth.
“…do insane things to my heart, Becca Owens.”

“I’m on the verge of falling apart, of shattering in his arms, of becoming nothing more than a thousand pieces he’ll have to work to make whole again.”

5 – Shattering- Stars

5 stars


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#1 Kick Push

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About the Author

Jay is an avid reader, writer, and most of all, procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, or devouring some tacky reality TV show. She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her smile, make her hurt, and make her feel. For publishing rights (Foreign & Domestic) Film, or television, please contact her agent, Erica Spellman-Silverman, at Trident Media Group.

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