Erre a ködös, szomorkás reggelre, gondoltam hozok nektek egy igazán lélekmelengető, különleges történetet. ♥
For this foggy, melancholic morning, I thought I bring you a real soul-warming, unique story. ♥
Two names that didn’t belong to us. Two shoes that did.
Intense and introspective, seventeen-year-old Hawthorne Macy knows all about being abandoned. She’s felt the stark pain of being left behind by the people who are supposed to love her the most; her parents. Raised by her caring uncle on an old plantation, Hawthorne lives her life on the fringes of her small Southern town.
Until she meets his shoe.
Senior year, last period English class, and a pair of silent tennis shoes resting next to hers in the back of the room throws Hawthorne into a world she’d learned to stay outside of.
His name is Max Vincent, but in her mind, he’s Heathcliff. The handsome eighteen-year-old boy behind the shoes will pull Hawthorne into a passionate and unforgettable adventure of self-discovery during a time when love seems impossible.
Shoes can tell a lot about a person. The journey they take you on can tell a lot about how they’ll hold up.
Esett az eső, amikor elkezdtem olvasni ezt a történetet, és akkor is esett, amikor befejeztem. El is mosolyodtam azon, hogy ez milyen alkalomhoz illő, de igazán nem is gondoltam, hogy mennyire.
Outside, it rained.
Ez egy visszatérő mondat a köteteben. A könyv elején a hatéves kislánynak potyogtak a könnyei az esővel, a könyv végén az enyémek potyogtak.
Régen olvastam már olyan könyvet, ami ennyire különleges lett volna.
Olyat, amely olyannyira magához láncolt, hogy minden gondolatomat birtokolta.
Olyat, amelynek minden második oldalán bejelöltem egy idézetet.
Olyat, amely csupán egy egyszerű történet, mégis örök nyomot hagyott a szívemben.
Olyat, amelynek minden oldala hordozott valami olyan mélységet és gondolatot, amely újra és újra elgondolkoztatott az életről, gyászról, szerelemről.
Ez egy történet egy kisvárosról, két teniszcipőről, és a hozzájuk tartozó furcsa lányról, akinek örök sebet ejtett a szívén a múlt, és a fiúról, akinek bár nem voltak szárnyai, mégis repülni szeretett volna.
Hawthorne egy különleges lány, aki mindig is különlegesen látta a világot. A kisvárosban ahol él, kicsit kívülálló, hiszen egyedül lakik a kissé elvarázsolt bácsikájával egy öreg házban, miután a szülei hat éves korában örökre elhagyták a várost. Hawthorne a megszelídíthetetlen kócos hajával, a csendességével és a bácsikájától lopott ruháival, soha nem is törekedett arra, hogy barátokat szerezzen magának. Egészen addig, amíg az angol órán, a legutolsó padsorban egy teniszcipő meg nem találta az övét. Majd az a teniszcipő haza is kísérte őt, hogy aztán minden nap visszatérjen a birokra segíteni a lánynak és a nagybácsijának a ház körül.
Max Vincent (avagy Heathcliff, ahogy Hawthorne elnevezte a fiút), szintén végzős gimnazista, ám az ő álma az, hogy az érettségi után elhagyja a várost, nem törődve a városlakók ítélkező pillantásaival. Heathcliff és Hawthorne olyan időben találnak egymásra, amikor mindkettőjüknek szükségük van egy másik cipőre a sajátjuk mellé. Azonban csupán kölcsönkért az idő, amit együtt tölthetnek, hiszen Heathcliff indulni készül, és azok a bizonyos teniszcipők talán örökre elhagyják a várost…
Rengeteg idézetet jelöltem be, rengeteg könnyet hullattam, és ez egy olyan történet volt, ami teljessé tette a szívemet. Talán lesz, aki azt mondja majd, hogy furcsa volt ez a könyv, talán lesz, aki azt mondja, hogy egyszerű volt, de az biztos, hogy az én lelkemben örök helyet kap majd ez különlegesen gyönyörű történet.
My Review in English
It was raining when I started to read this story and it was raining when I finished it. I smiled a little to myself about how fitting this book was for the weather, but I didn’t know at that point how much.
Outside, it rained.
This sentence has returned in the story over and over again. In the beginning of the story a six years old little girl’s tears fell with the rain, the end of the book my tears did.
It was a long time ago that I read a book as unique as this one.
A book that engaged me so much that it owned all of my thoughts.
A book in which I marked a beautiful quote one every second page.
A book what is just a simple story, but it still could leave a permanent mark on my heart.
A book that held so much deepness and meaning that made me think about life, loss, love over and over again.
This is a story about a little town, two tennis shoes and their owners: a strange girl whose past left a deep scar on her soul, and a boy, who had no wings but he still wanted to fly.
Hawthorne is a really special girl, who always saw the world differently. She is somehow a little outcast in the small town where she lives, probably because she is living with her quite odd uncle since her parents left the town for good when she was only 6 years old. With her always tameless messy hair, with her silence, and her clothes that she steals from her uncle, Hawthorne never even tried to make friends. Until a pair of tennis shoes find hers… Then those tennis shoes walk her home and return every day to help her and her uncle around the plantation .
Max Vincent (aka Heathcliff as Hawthorne called him), is also a senior at high school, but his dream is that he will leave town after graduation, without caring about the townspeople’s judgmental glances. Heathcliff and Hawthorne meet in a time when they both need another pair of shoes beside theirs. But their time together is borrowed, because leaving has always been Heathcliff’s plan, and maybe his shoes will never return again…
Maybe some of you will say that this story is strange, maybe same of you will say that it is simple, I say it was really unique and beautiful. I marked tons of quotes, I cried tons of tears and it made my heart full. This story left a permanent mark on my heart.
“If you want to know the truth, this is a love story, but it isn’t the kind of love story you think it is.
Because this story isn’t easy, it’s hard. This love story is full of fear. Life is downright scary, and if you survive it, no matter how easy you have it, then you’re brave. You don’t live life, you tackle it, jump on top of it, and pound the shit out of the earth all while it rains around you.
Life happens while it’s raining.
Life happens when you’re falling.
Life happens when you exhale.
Life just … happens.
For my sake.”
My Favorite Quotes From the Book
“Sometimes love isn’t forever. Sometimes it’s just moments in your life that teach you. If it’s the forever after kind of love, it’ll find you again. If it isn’t, don’t let a broken heart break you. Let it make you love harder. Love is a mistake worth making.”
“Love could just be a moment, an mazing moment that could teach a person to breathe.”
“It’s odd how life works, how when we tell our story, its told in large, dramatic pieces. There are no small moments because there doesn’t seem enough time for the small moments. We don’t use our last breaths telling people about the food we ate or the clothes we wore, we talk about what it was like to love, to lose, and to succeed. We talk about the highs and sometimes we talk about the lows. We don’t talk about the between moments.
I fell in love during the between.”
“We walk through moments in our lives, each one marked by something. For me, it was rain.”
“There’s this thing love stories always forget to mention. That love isn’t a constant thing. Sometimes it changes, other times it fades completely. Sometimes you have to fall in love twice to truly understand it.
People change over the years. Every so often, you have to relearn the person you’re with. Heathcliff wasn’t with me, but he was in my heart.”
“Mirrors are often terrible things. They don’t just make you look at yourself, they make you look at your life.”
“His embrace was a safety net, full of things I’d never thought I’d experience, emotions and feelings and sensations that tore me apart and put me back together again.”
“Maybe love could just be a moment, the kind that teaches rather than robs.”
6- Tennis shoes- Stars
About the Author
R.K. Ryals is the author of emotional and gripping young adult and new adult paranormal romance, contemporary romance, and fantasy. With a strong passion for charity and literacy, she works as a full time writer encouraging people to “share the love of reading one book at a time.” An avid animal lover and self-proclaimed coffee-holic, R.K. Ryals was born in Jackson, Mississippi and makes her home in the Southern U.S. with her husband, her three daughters, a rescue dog named Oscar the Grouch, A Shitzsu named Tinkerbell, an OCD cat, and a coffee pot she honestly couldn’t live without. Should she ever become the owner of a fire-breathing dragon (tame of course), her life would be complete.
Contact her on twitter at @RKRyals, on Facebook at or online at
Angol :(, tehát nem fogom olvasni.
Légysilégyszilégyszi áruld el mi lett a vége?
Ha esetleg mégis kiadják, addig úgy is elfelejtem. 😉
Üziben elárulom. 😉 Egyébként tényleg nagyon-nagyon különleges könyv. Remélem ezt is elhozza majd nekünk valamelyik kiadó. 🙂